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Winston opened his eyes reluctantly when he felt occasional dipping in the mattress and realized that Tristan was not in his arms. He saw his overexcited soulmate jumping on the bed like a child, trying to reach the tall ceiling.

"What are you doing?" Winston asked in a groggy voice, making Tristan stop his jumping and sit on Winston's back, since the demon had been laying on his stomach.

"It's time to get up!" Tristan exclaimed, gently slapping Winston's cheek with his foot. "Come on, I'm bored and want to be entertained."

Winston groaned and shoved his face into the pillow. "Go entertain yourself. Burn a vineyard or something."

Tristan huffed and laid down on Winston's back, running his fingers through his hair and down his neck. "But I don't want to do it alone," he whined, biting Winston's neck.


"I thought biting was hot."

"It is, but not when you try to take a chunk out of my neck like a fucking cannibal."

Tristan giggled. "How is it cannibalism? You're a demon and I'm a human," he said, biting Winston again. "I'll stop eating your skin if you get up."

"You're so weird."

"Sounds like someone wants to lose their skin privileges," Tristan said, nipping Winston once more.

Winston chuckled and flipped onto his back so he was laying on top of his soulmate. He heard Tristan yelp but otherwise ignored him, letting his soulmate squirm and threaten to steal his skin and intestines.

"You're going to crush me," Tristan whined when Winston had been laying on him for nearly ten minutes. "How would you feel if I died because you crushed me? You'd have no one left to bully you!"

Winston didn't move, but his body shook as he laughed deeply. "I think the others could make up for it," he said, reaching his hand up above him to touch Tristan's hair. "But we both know that this won't hurt you."

"Yeah, but I actually have to pee and I know neither of us are into pissing on each other, so you need to move before you get a golden shower all over your back."

That convinced Winston to move, and he rolled off Tristan, laughing as the human sprinted to the bathroom. Since he knew there would be no sleeping with Tristan being around, Winston got out of bed and rummaged through the drawers in order to find clothing that would fit him.

"Wait!" Tristan yelled, running out of the bathroom.

Winston jumped as Tristan yelled. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanna watch you get dressed," Tristan said, his voice seductive as he licked his lips.

"You're hornier than Lexi," Winston commented, stripping his pajama pants and underwear off so he could change.

Tristan smirked and pulled off his own pants, palming himself through his undergarments. "You're so hot," he said, his voice deeper and dripping with lust.

"I'm getting dressed, T."

"You look hot when you get dressed," Tristan repeated, pulling his cock out of his briefs and stroking it. "Also, I'm really turned on right now. I think Italy makes me horny."

Winston scoffed. "I think you're just horny, T."

"Maybe," Tristan said, his voice strained. "What're you gonna do about it?"

"Continue to get dressed because I'm not horny right now," Winston said, smirking as Tristan huffed. "Sorry, T."

Tristan pouted but didn't try to convince Winston otherwise. He may have been a brat, but he was a respectful brat.

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