Blood status : pure blood
year : 5th
house : slytherin
Ever since you were child , your family would always let you spend summers and holidays at malfoy manor . Your " family " only consists of your father and older sister but before your mother passed she made Narcissa your godmother . They became friends as first years at hogwarts and the friendship just stuck . So when your mother passed , naturally Narcissa took you under her wing . Lucius tried his best not to accept you into their home but he couldn't deny the fact that you were a very gifted witch . Basically living with the malfoy's caused you to develop a lifelong relationship with Draco . You were inseparable .It was the day before school started back up at Hogwarts . You and Draco went with Lucius to Diagon alley gathering supplies . " I'll make a bet with you draco . whoever can get to the sweets shop faster get to turn the other into whatever animal they please " you smirk at him . " i'll turn you into a toad L/N " he laughed and you both took off running down the cobblestone road towards the sweets shop leaving Lucius behind . You and Draco reach the shop at the same time . " i'll get you next time malfoy " you say slightly panting . " I'll hold you too it " . You both start laughing but suddenly stop when Lucius approach's scolding you both . " No son of mine will ever embarrass himself like that ever again and as for you miss L/N i will be letting your father know you've disgraced your family today . " He spat at you both .
You and Draco just looked at the ground silently . Even though Lucius wasn't your father he still treated you as if he were . Hardly ever would he involve your actual father for any punishments or keep him updated on what's going . As kids Lucius would never let you and Draco play like normal children so ever chance she had Narcissa would allow it . It was small things like that made you feel as though they were your family .
" I'm sorry Lucius , i should have never encouraged Draco to act out of character . " You apologized in a low tone before walking inside the shop . Every year when you would come to diagon alley , sugarplum's sweet shop was always your last stop . After getting everything you needed and stopping at the sweet shop , you returned to malfoy manor with them to start packing your trunks for your journey to Hogwarts the next day .
The next morning Narcissa came into your bedroom to wake you up . " Goodmorning darling " she said as she opened the curtains . " Cissy it is entirely to early for this nonsense " you croaked from under the covers . " Yes well , get a move on , we're leaving for Hogwarts in an hour . " Then she walked out leaving you alone with your thoughts . You could remember your very first day at Hogwarts like it was yesterday . Your father and sister took you to kings cross to send you off it was the most amazing day your life . The excitement was unbearable . Now when you think about going back to Hogwarts it feels like a chore .
You get dressed in the appropriate attire , brush your hair and teeth then head down the stairs to meet everyone else . " Morning Lucius , and Draco " you smiled at them . Only Draco returned the favor , Lucius just slightly nodded . " let's be off then " Narcissa said ushering you out the door . As you got to the train you followed Draco to your usual car but after Draco takes his seat there's no room left . " don't think i'm going to stand the entire time . Someone move . Now . " you demanded but no one moved . You looked to Draco for assistance but he was engaged in a conversation already . Pansy was sitting directly across from Draco so you place a hex on her causing her to start throwing up slugs . She runs out the train car with everyone laughing at her as you take her seat .
" Nice going L/N , next time make them come out of her nose . " Draco says laughing . " It was my pleasure as i'm sure this is my rightful seat . " You snickered . It wasn't out of the usual for you and Draco to be getting in trouble together during the school year . You would each get at least 1 howler a week from Lucius or Narcissa . Occasionally your own father would send one but that was only if it was absolutely something horrible . Though as you've grown older Hogwarts felt less and less magical to you . Of course you loved coming to learn and play quidditch but it seemed as though it didn't feel like a home .
— after the first week at Hogwarts —
Your first week at Hogwarts was absolutely horrible . It seemed as if everything that could possibly go wrong did . At your first quidditch practice you had a broom malfunction and fell causing a concussion . In potions you put to much of an ingredient so it blew up in your face . Then to top it all off Draco had almost completely shut you out for no reason at all . Never before had he ignored you in classes or in the common room . It was a saturday and you didn't have any classes so you had planned to just stay in your dorm the whole day . A soft knock started at the door so you got up to open it and seen Draco standing there . " Can i come in ?? " He asked in a sort of low tone . You let him in and sat back on your bed .
" What do you want Draco ?? " You spat him . It truly hurt your feelings that he was trying to shut you out . " I need you . I know i'm sorry for trying to shut you out it's just , our whole lives there never was anybody else . Never have i tried to have other friends who was as close as we are . I just wanted to see if i could do it . If i could live without you . " He laid on the foot on the bed with his legs hanging off . You laid down with your head on his chest so that you made the shape of a T . " Draco , people don't see us for who we are . Your the slytherin prince and i'm just a tagalong . It doesn't matter to anybody that we might actually be our own people . It's not Malfoy and L/N . it's always Malfoy and that girl . " you sighed and he picked up your hand playing with your fingers . " I wish it didn't have to be that way though . I wish people could see who we really are . Your an extremely talented witch , your beautiful , and your heart is pure as gold . Even if you are a prick . " He let out a low laugh and intertwined your fingers with his .
" I think it's safe to say that we're deeply misunderstood malfoy . " That's all you said before sitting in a comfortable silence .

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *