You stood there in Draco's embrace as he said I love you . Of course you still loved him , you always loved Draco . You would always love Draco . " Draco I-I can't do this with you . Not now and honestly maybe not ever again . " You pull away from the hug as tears continue to fall down your hot flushed face .
" Just , leave please ? I don't have the time for this . " You barely force a smile and go back into your dorm , shutting the door behind you and sliding down the back , fulling sobbing . Blaise sat on the bed not wanting to come near you , afraid he would upset you even more . You could hear as Draco's footsteps faded into the oblivion .
" I did this Blaise , I pushed him away . It's all my fault . " You cry out and Blaise comes over and picks you up from the floor taking you to the bed . He holds you in his arms and runs his fingers through your hair . " Shhh Y/N , it's not your fault . You didn't force him to cheat . It's all gonna be alright . " He says softly . His voice was soothing , and your sobs turn into silent tears .
" If Draco truly loved you like he says he does , he never would have never cheated . This isn't your fault , this will never be your fault . " Blaise kisses the top of your head and your tears completely stop flowing . You sit there frozen in his arms . Soon your eyes start to feel heavy and you fall asleep .
Several hours later , you wake up and rub your eyes open . You look over and see Blaise's bare back towards you . You sigh and stare up at the ceiling . Blaise turns over to face you . " Do you feel any better ? " He says groggy and you turn towards him . " I can't answer that question because I don't feel anything at all actually . " You force a small smile and Blaise looks at you with a small amount of pity .
" I'm sorry , that things are this way between you too and I honestly wish I could fix it but Y/N , you know that i can't do that , only you and Draco can . " He wipes the new tears from your cheeks and gets up from the bed getting dressed and leaves . You lay there alone with nothing but thoughts crowding your mind .
Of course you should talk to Draco , It would wrong to leave things in disarray but facing him seemed like the hardest thing in the world . You get up and get dressed into your robes and go to potions . Your assigned seat was ironically next to Draco but you decided to sit behind him with Blaise instead . Of course Pansy came and took your spot , giving you a smirk as she sat down .
You start to say something but Blaise grabs your wrist and simply shakes his head no . You sigh and turn your attention back to the front of the class as professor Snape drones on and on about nonsense . " I'm sorry .. Please talk to me . " Draco turns around and whispers quietly to you . You roll your eyes at him and begin taking notes in your book .
Once the class is dismissed you gather your things and try to push through the people to the door , not wanting to be in Draco's presence any longer . " Slow down , take a breath .. " Blaise says while placing a hand on your shoulder when you get outside of the classroom . " I was drowning in there Blaise . Did you see me ? I was absolutely drowning . " Your voice breaks and hot tears start to slowly trickle down your face .
" I don't think I can do this much longer . I think I need to go home Blaise ... " Your breathing picks up and you feel as though everything is closing in on you . Blaise picks you up and quickly takes you back to your dorm , laying you on the bed . " Please calm down Y/N , for me . Just your okay now and Draco isn't here . " Blaise holds you as you hyperventilate , trying his best to calm you down .
You close your eyes and start to remember all the good things that happened in your relationship with Draco , how truly happy he made you . Blaise wipes your face with a cold cloth , making you open your eyes . You finally get your breathing under control and Blaise sits there with you , running his fingers through your hair . " Are you okay now ? I don't need to call Madame Pomfrey ? " You shake your head and he hands you a glass of water .
You slowly sip on the water , as Blaise continues running his hands through your hair . He was the only source of comfort you had anymore . Seeing Draco with Pansy in class was to much for you to handle . You know how much it would kill you but you still have to talk to Draco . You missed him , and you still loved him . Of course things would never return back to normal but maybe , by chance you could at least have your peace .
" Blaise , please forgive me but I have to go and talk to Draco . I can't do this anymore , I can't fight against him anymore ... " You get up from the bed , pulling your hair back and leave your dorm . You head towards Draco's dorm with your mind racing . What would you say ? What would Draco say ? when your pulled from your thoughts your standing in front of his dorm about to knock . You wipe the tear stains from your cheeks and softly knock .
" It's open .. " Draco says from the other side . He sounded horse , like he himself had been crying as well . You softly turn the door knob and walk in . Draco looks up from his desk at you . His eyes and cheeks were red and puffy . It was obvious what he had been doing , even his potions book was soaked with tears . " I - uhm , I came to talk to you ... " Your voice trails off as you sit down on the end of his bed . " Y/N , if you came to argue with me please just leave now . Arguing is the very last thing I want to do with you right now . " Draco's voice broke and you looked towards the floor .
" Draco , I didn't come to argue . I came to simply talk . I want you to know how I feel , how horrible this is for me . " You look back at him , with tears now falling once again . " Okay that's fine but I have to know , why did you give up on me Y/N ? " He burys his face into his hands and waits to hear what you have to say . You clear your throat and wipe your eyes , trying to control the tears .
" Draco , I didn't give up on you . I had enough and I promise you there is a difference . I held on to you for the longest I possibly could , then you cheated . After I put your happiness before my own , you cheated . You did this to us Draco ! I stood by your side all this time and what did you do ? Go sleep with miss Parkinson . You have no idea the hurt I felt that night when I tried to get into bed with you and there was another female in my spot . So no I didn't give up on you . You thought I wasn't paying you enough attention so you went found that attention with someone else's daughter ... " By the time your done talking you had started crying again , you can feel yourself shaking .
Draco gets up from his desk and comes over to the bed , wrapping you in a hug . He lays his head on the top of yours and you feel as his tears fall into your hair . You sit there silently , letting him hold you . This is what you missed , you missed Draco . His breath was minty , his cologne was being taken over by the smell of fire whiskey . " I- Y/N , I swear i'm sorry . You have to give me another chance , I promise I won't cheat this time . Honestly i'm not sure why I did the first time . You can fix me Y/N , please fix me ... " Draco completely breaks down right there in front of you .
" I shouldn't take you back and I know that but I can't help it . Draco I love you , and you aren't broken . Your perfect . " You say softly into his ear and he looks at you , with soft eyes and kisses you . You kiss him back and both of your salty tears hit your lips . You pull apart and giggle a lot , wiping both your face and his . " It doesn't matter that you've cheated anymore , even though it probably should but I love you too much . It hurt me beyond repair but there's no one else I would rather love . Even in your darkest hour i'll still love you .. " Draco smiles and rests his forehead against yours .
" I love you too . " He says softly , and your heart almost flutters . Hearing him say those three little words changed everything for you . It felt as if all your problems drifted into the oblivion in that moment .

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *