year : your choice
house : your choice~~~
You wouldn't be with Draco if it weren't for Blaise . Blaise Zabini was your absolute best friend , if he wasn't with you then Draco was . It was always you three together . You loved Draco , even when he would get jealous of Blaise , or act cold towards you , you still loved him .It was the middle of the night and you couldn't hardly sleep .You tried absolutely everything to fall asleep but nothing was working . You get out of bed with nothing but a shirt you stole from Draco on and creep through the common room and down to the Slytherin dorms .
Just as your about to turn the nob to Draco's door , someone comes up behind you . " Well , coming to see your lover boy this late ? " Blaise laughs in a low tone . You turn around to face him and you grab a pillow to try and cover your bottom half . " Blaise , don't do that ! It's not funny . " You playfully slap his arm . " You should have seen your face , it was cute to see you all scared . " He smiles and kisses your cheek , causing you to blush .
" I'll leave you alone now . Go see your man or whatever you too do . " Blaise laughs and plants a soft kiss on your forehead before walking away . You smile to yourself , and open the door to Draco's door slowly and quietly as possible . The room was pitch black making it hard for you to see . You go over to the bed and pull back the covers to get into bed but feel another person in your spot . You stand there frozen not sure what to do .
" Draco , give the blanket back it's cold . " She whines and you hold the blanket tighter in your grip . Draco rolls over to face her , leaving his eyes closed . " Pansy , I don't have the blanket . " He groans and pulls the blanket from your grip and Pansy cuddles into his chest . You run out of the room , with tears streaming down your face . You rush back to your dorm , not caring if anyone seen you at this point .
You shut the door to your dorm and collapsed , sliding down the back of the door . Your vision was blurred from the ocean of tears coming down your face . You were confused , angry , sad and every other emotion you could think of . Why would Draco do this to you if he loved you ? You don't go around hurting people you love , that's not how it works .
You can hear Draco sit on the other side of the door , and lightly giggle the nob . " I promise I won't sit over here and try to apologize or make you think that it was something besides what you saw . I would definitely be lying so yes you did see Pansy in my bed and yes I did sleep with her but I still love you . I promise I still love you . " His words start to fade near the end of the sentence and you sit there silently , not knowing what to say .
Of course you loved Draco still , why wouldn't you ? Everything you did was for Draco . " I'll give you time to process everything . I love you darling . " He says before getting up and leaving . You could hear the sadness behind his voice . If he loved you so much then why would he go and hurt you ? It was stupid , but not completely unlike Draco . He was naturally a flirt .
You wipe your face and get up from the floor and make your way to the bed . You lay there lost in your thoughts staring at the plain ceiling . You hear a gentle knock at the door but try to ignore it . " Y/N , I heard all the commotion , is everything alright ? " Blaise says slowly while opening the door . You sit up in the bed , bringing your knees to your chest and simple shake your head no .
Blaise steps inside your door and spells the door shut , so no one else can come in and sits next to you on the bed . " Are you alright ? I mean you don't have to tell me right now what happened but - " he cuts himself off and simply pulls you into a tight and comforting hug , causing you to cry more . " You'll be okay , just I promise you'll be okay . " Blaise says softly into your ear . You sit there feeling hopeless and lost .
Finally after a while of Blaise holding you , you pull away from the hug and wipe your face . " Thank you Blaise . " You say softly , and he gives you a warm smile . " It was horrible , I was simply trying to get into bed with my boyfriend but instead there Pansy was . In my spot . On my side of his bed . " You started to feel angry , at Pansy , at Draco .
" Draco told me I had absolutely nothing to worry about . That they were simply Friends . Just friends , but that didn't look like friends to me . " Tears start to slowly roll down your cheeks and Blaise takes your hand in his and kisses it softly . " You don't need Draco . Your perfectly fine without him . " Blaise wipes the new tears from your face . " If it makes you feel any better , He told me that Pansy isn't that great in bed . " You give Blaise a stern look and start to laugh .
Someone softly knocks on the door , making you fall silent . You clear your throat and get up and crack the door to see Draco on the other side holding flowers . " What do you want Draco ? " You say , trying to shut the door but he sticks his foot in the way . " I need you to listen to me . Please Y/N , I don't think you understand . Your the only person who matters in the world to me . " His voice had a slight crack , making you feel bad . You step out of the room , closing the door behind you .
" Draco , I really don't want to hear what you have to say . I loved you with every ounce of my body and you killed that . She was in my spot . " You look into his eyes and you both had blood shot red eyes from all the crying . " I know this is all my fault . I really do but Pansy just looked so tempting and I was alone . You haven't really been showing me any attention lately . Your more worried about Blaise ... " His voice trails off and you can't help but feel angry . How could he say that to your face ?
" Draco , Blaise is my best friend ! There's no way in this world I could pursue a relationship with him ! You said you and Pansy were just friends Draco ! You lied to me . You made me fall in love with you . You made me happy and look what YOU did , not me . This was completely your fall and I genuinely hope you feel horrible . " You can feel hot tears start to flow down your face once again and Draco stares at you with a broken look .
" Y/N , you've been my only friend . No one else truly likes me but somehow , someway you managed to find that light inside me . Being with you makes me feel euphoric , like i'm king of the world but without you , it's like i'm drowning and no one can save me . I love you . It doesn't matter that I slept with Pansy because it was meaningless but every single second I spend in your presence matters more then a life time . " Draco grabs you and pulls you into a comforting hug . You just stood there in his embrace and continued crying . The smell of fire whiskey nearly over powered his cologne . It didn't matter how badly Draco had hurt you , his embrace would always be your home .

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *