conflict pt. 2

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You sat in the bed with Draco , trying your best to calm him down . " You have to help me Y/N , please don't let anything happen to me . " You cup his face and kiss him passionately . You can feel as he lets himself melt on to your lips and into your touch .

You pull away and stroke his cheek with your thumb . " Everything will be alright Draco . Trust me . " He nods and wraps his arms around you . " Thank you . " Draco kisses your forehead and you cuddle closer into him . " I would have been lost a long time ago without you . I wish people knew you for you and not through your father . Your nothing like him . " He uses his fingers to trace small circles on your thighs . You look at him and smile . Draco truly made you happy . No matter everything else that was going on in the world , Draco was your peace .

" Tomorrow is the day Draco . The second wizarding war . You must stay near me at all costs . " He nods and you kiss him softly . Just as your about to fall asleep , Draco kisses your forehead and whispers into your ear , " I love you darling . " You keep your eyes closed and smile to yourself .

You wait until Draco falls asleep and you carefully get out of the bed . You grab you wand and go down the stairs to see if your father was still there . You can hear him in his study and go down the hall towards the room . You carefully knock and let yourself inside . " What is it Y/N ? " He snaps at you , making you take a step back towards the door . " Father , I know you hate Draco but please don't hurt him . " You say in a low tone . You glares at you across the room . " The fate of Draco Malfoy lies in your hands my daughter . If you think it's best he dies , then he dies . Please leave now . " He points to the door and you leave quietly .

As soon as you shut the door you let out a sigh of relief . If what he said was true then Draco would be able to leave without a scratch on his body . You go back up stairs and get back into bed with Draco , trying your best to not wake him . He turns over and wraps you his arms again . You smile and fall asleep in his arms .

~~ Flashback ~~
No one actually knew Draco Malfoy . They had no idea how soft and sweet he actually was . He put up this shield of armor so that he wouldn't get his feelings hurt but underneath it all , he had the purest of souls .

" What are you thinking about love ? " Draco says pulling you from your thoughts . You were laying with him in the quidditch pitch , looking at the stars . " Nothing , just how beautiful the stars look tonight . " You giggle and he kisses your cheek . " Not as beautiful as you darling . " You blush and Draco pulls you into his lap , wrapping his arms around you . His embrace is warm , and gives you butterflies . Being in Draco's arms made you feel like you were on top of the world . It was the first time Draco ever held you like this , held you as though you were his one and only .

~~ Present time ~~

You already been awake a while before Draco wakes up . It was almost as if you were to nervous to sleep . Draco turns over to face you with his eyes still closed but you knew he was awake . " Good morning my love . " You kiss his cheek and he smiles , opening his eyes . " I would say good morning back but it looks like you've been awake a while , what's the matter ? " Draco sits up next to you , taking your hand in his . " Nothing Draco , can we just get ready to go ? My father won't be pleased if we're late . " You sigh and get up going to your wardrobe . You pull out a black mini , bodycon dress . You match it with a necklace Draco gifted you and black wide brimmed hat .

You let your hair flow freely . " You look beautiful my love . " Draco comes and kisses your cheek . You give him a small smile and finish buttoning his blazer for him . You look at both of you in the mirror . " I always thought we would look this good the day we got married , not the day of our funeral . " Draco turns your body to face him and he kisses you passionately . It feels as though everything else in the world melts away , its's only you and Draco . After a moment you pull away and smile . " Now , are we ready to go ? " You ask and Draco nods .

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