1 and a half years after the wizarding war
You were in a happy relationship . Everything was well with you and Draco . He got a job within the ministry and you stayed home . Right after you were married you traveled around for a few months before settling down at the manor with Narcissa . Draco wanted to start a family right away but you made him wait . You were scared of not being able to carry any children .
You woke up to Draco pulling you into his chest and whispering into your ear " Good morning love " . He kissed your cheek and got up to take a shower . You smiled and laid there a few minutes before getting up . You lean over the sink while brushing your teeth and watching Draco in the shower behind you .
" You can join me if you'd like . I mean we have been trying to have a baby . " He sticks his head out the shower looking you over . " Actually Draco I can't . I have something to do . " You kiss his cheek after brushing your teeth and leave shutting the door behind you . You sigh to yourself because it hurt your feelings you couldn't actually tell Draco where you were going . You knew how badly he wanted children but you were having trouble getting pregnant and it had been nearly 6 months of trying . Finally you decided to see a special muggle doctor to see if anything was wrong .
You get dressed and look yourself over the in the mirror before apparating to kings crossing . A part of you knew that Draco should know and the other wanted things to be kept a secret . After taking the train to London , you take a small piece of paper from your pocket checking the address . Sighing to yourself again you take taxi to the hospital .
Once you arrive at the building you tip the taxi and get out . " Y/N Malfoy . " You say softly to the lady at the receptionists desk . She's smiles at you softly while checking you in . " Alright dear , just take the elevator to the 3rd floor . " You smile at her before walking away and taking the elevator to the 3rd floor like she said . When you step off the elevator it's a room full of women who are pregnant or have babies already . Not long after you sit in the waiting room and nurse calls your name and you follow her to an exam room .
" Alright Mrs.Malfoy , can you tell me the reason for your visit today ? " The nurse looks at you in a very comforting way . " I just came to receive test results . They were sent over by a smaller clinic not far from here . " She just nods while taking the rest of your vitals . You sit there silently waiting for the doctor to come in . Your body was overwhelmed with nervousness and fear . Never in your life had you thought this would happen to you .
" Mrs.Malfoy how are you today ? I'm doctor James but I allow my patients to call me by first name which is Bethany . " She smiles at you warmly taking a seat on the stool . You smile back waiting to hear what she has to say . " I'm not gonna sugar coat your situation . You only have about 10 eggs left . The chances of you getting pregnant are very slim but we can harvest some of them so that one day if you decide you want a surrogate that will be an option . " She places her hand on your knee in a reassuring way .
You sit there not saying anything . Shocked , scared , and sad . You can feel as hot tears start to slowly fall down your face . " I'll leave you be but come back if you want to harvest your eggs dear . " She smiles at your one last time before leaving the room . All it felt like you could do was sit there and cry . You felt so helpless . Telling Draco was going to be horrible . He wanted his own children so badly . A bunch of little pure-blood children running around your house . You smiled to yourself thinking about the future you might have been able to have and now it would never happen .
After 20 minutes of sitting in the exam room crying and thinking about telling Draco you finally work up the nerve to leave . When you arrive back home your greeted by Draco in the living room . " Darling your finally back . " He gets up and hugs you . Without even realizing it you start to cry again . Draco pulls you out of the hug and cups your face in his hands . " What's the matter love ? Talk to me . " You try to calm yourself down so you can tell him and he starts to rub small circles on your back helping you .

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *