year : 6th
house : gryffindor~~~
You loved Draco . There was no one else . There would never be anyone else . Except he broke you . At the end of 5th year he decided it was best for you to breakup . You tried to move on but you couldn't . You even tried to stay friends with him . Nothing worked . The only friend you had left was Hermione and she was barely a friend . You missed Draco but he was different now and you weren't sure if you liked it .You woke up in your dorm and got up sighing lazily putting on your robes . You pull your hair into a ponytail . You sigh looking at yourself in the mirror . You didn't feel like yourself since Draco left you . You get your wand off the night stand sticking into the pocket of your robes . You go into the great hall and your eyes immediately find Draco . He's sitting there using his arm to hold up his head . His face is long . He has a light missing from him .
He looks up meeting your eyes and you quickly look at the ground and find a seat across from Hermione and Ron . " You two still aren't talking ? " Hermione asks snapping you out of your thoughts . " Huh ? Oh uhh yeah . I doubt we'll ever speak again . " You weakly smile at her . You look at the food on the table and get up leaving . You go to your dorm and get a blanket then go to the astronomy tower . You and Draco would usually spend your days there or by black lake .
You sit near the edge dangling your legs off the side and wrapping yourself in the blanket . After 10 minutes of sitting alone you hear someone behind you . You turn around and see Draco . " Oh , uhm I'm sorry Y/N . I'll go . " He says softly and turns to leave . " It's fine Draco . Sit down . " You pat the spot next to you . He sits down leaving little to almost not space between the both of you .
" You still come here ? " He says staring into the distance . " All the time . Usually to be alone , read , or simply feel whole again . " You stare down at the ground as tears start to silently fall down your face . Draco stays silent . You look up at him and he still won't make eye contact . You get up to leave but he grabs your hand . " Please don't go , I don't care if we don't talk . I need you Y/N . I need to feel your presence . " Draco finally looks you in the eye and sit back down . He wipes the tears from your cheeks . " Please don't cry . I can't handle that . Not now . "
He pushes loose hairs from your face . " Stop Draco . You haven't spoken to me in months . You've barely even looked at me . I've had to ask Pansy if you were doing okay . Don't pretend like your the only one who's hurt . It was your idea . You wanted to leave . You wanted better things for yourself . " You look him dead in the eye crying even more . You could see the hurt behind his eyes . " I-I'm sorry Y/N , I just i'm not the same person . I can't be who you want me to be anymore . " He looks away at the ground .
You get up trying to walk away again . " Wait , I have something to show you ! " Draco yells just as your about to walk down the steps . You turn around facing him . He stands up walking closer to you and stops so your about 5 feet apart before rolling up his sleeve . " You see ? I'm not who you think I am . He chose me . I have obligations to fulfill or He'll kill me . Don't you understand ? " You run your fingers along his forearm and look up at Draco and his eyes fill with tears . You pull him into a hug not knowing what else to do . " I swear I love you Y/N , I just - I just , I need help I don't know what to do . I feel like i'm stuck and I left you because I didn't want you hurt . " Draco cries into your shoulder .
You rub his back in a comforting way . " It's okay Draco , please calm down . You can hardly breath darling . " You whisper into his ear and hold him tighter . His weight collapses on you making you fall to the floor . You start laughing as you hit the floor with him on top of you . Draco pulls away laughing too . " See , moments like this are what makes up for all the bad moments . I've never truly needed anyone til I found you and I knew I could never live without you . " He gives you a comforting smile .
" I love you Draco . " You kiss him passionately and it's as if it was the first time you ever kissed him . You missed the taste of his soft lips . " I love you too darling and I promise i'll do better . " He pulls away from the kiss and leans his forehead against yours smiling .

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *