blood : half - blood
year : irrelevant~~~
It was the Christmas holiday and instead of staying at Malfoy manor Draco decided to stay with you . You lived with your mother who was a witch but your father was a muggle and your siblings lived with him in the muggle world after they divorced . Even though your siblings had the ability to do magic they suppressed it and only lived like muggles .
You were startled awake by a banging at your bedroom door . Pushing Draco off of you , you got up and opened it to see your mother in a panic . " What on Earth is wrong with you this early ? " you just stared at her . " Your sister is going to America so me and your brother will join them but someone has to babysit her children . " Your mothers eyes were filled with a begging look .
" Absolutely not mother . I don't even like children , besides what about Draco ? I can't just send him away . " You slightly yelled at her trying to be careful not to wake Draco up . " It's only for a couple of days sweetheart , we'll be back on Christmas Eve . " You knew how much your mother loved her family and you couldn't help but say yes . " Fine but i'm not doing things like muggles and if they ask any questions about magic I'm not hesitating to answer . " You shut the door in her face and laid back down .
" That was quite rude love . You shouldn't be so disrespectful . " Draco turned over facing you with a smile . " Well I did learn from you . " You smile and kiss his cheek . " I hate children . Especially when they don't listen to what I say . I mean i'm not a very scary person but I would like to think I have authority somewhere . " Draco just looked at you for a minute before laughing uncontrollably . "You look like a child and children probably think you are one so therefore no , you don't any authority love . " He kissed your cheek before getting up and taking a shower .
You got out of the bed and put on a sweatshirt and a pair of Draco's boxers before going down stairs to join your mom for breakfast . " When are you leaving ? " You poured yourself a cup of coffee and sat on the kitchen counter watching your mother cook . " After I cook you and Draco some breakfast . Neither of you know how to cook so I hired some house elves to do things while i'm gone . " She turned you and handed you a plate . You took the plate and got off the counter to sit on the table and hear Draco come in behind you . " Good morning Miss L/N . " He smiled at your mother and sat down next to your eating .
Just as you were finishing your coffee your sister and her 2 children run through the door screaming your name . You a force a smile and turn to hug them both . " My favorite and my only niece and nephew . " They hug you back tightly before letting go and just looking at Draco with a blank stare . " Who's this aunt Y/N ? He looks scary . " The little girl hides behind you . " Kaylee and King this is Draco . I promise he's not scary at all , he's aunties boyfriend . " You push them towards him as Draco bends down smiling at them . It warmed your heart to see how genuine his smile was . " Y/N , Draco may I speak with you both for a moment before we leave ? " Your sister chimes in . You and Draco follow her into the living room .
" Neither of you will use magic around them . They are starting to show that they have some magical abilities but I do not need you pumping their little heads Y/N . Do you understand me ?? " Your sister just glared at you waiting for an answer . " I will do as I please S/N , whether you like it or not . I could careless if the little creatures know what we are . It's you who want to force a muggle life on them . They've never have a life that way . " You pulled Draco by the arm walking away filled with anger .
" Darling calm down . It's not that serious . " Draco cupped your face in his hands . His touch eased you a little . " It is that serious Draco . She wants her children to be muggles so bad it's hurting them . She should know that children who have any magical abilities can't go to school among other kids or have any type of normal life . " Before you could finish talking he softly kissed you . You started smiling through the kiss before he pulled away . " Are you alright now ? Because I think we have some temporary parenting to do . " You follow Draco back into the kitchen and hug your mother goodbye . " I promise i'll be back on christmas eve dear . " She yells as she goes out the door leaving you and Draco with the kids .
" Auntie look what I can do ! " King yells and starts making the cabinet doors fly open making you and Draco laugh . " Mama told me I wasn't allowed to do that because it's not normal . " the little boy says sadly sitting in your lap . " It is normal king . I can do it and so can Draco . " You kiss his head softly and Draco smiles at you both . " Can I call him uncle Draco , will he be here long enough for that ? Or will he just stay for a little while ? " You look over at Draco and back at king before saying anything . " I think he'll be here a long time . " You whisper in his ear causing you both to giggle . Draco looks at you confused but smiling .
" What did you say darling ? " He insists . " Well if I told you uncle Draco then it wouldn't be a secret anymore now would it ? I think me and king are fine being the only ones who know . " You smile at Draco then get up carrying King in your arms and turn to see Draco picking Kaylee up too . " Auntie , I like having a uncle . He's really cute . " Kaylee giggles and lays her head on Draco's shoulder . " You can take him . I rather to think of him as a insufferable git . " She beams at Draco and he kisses her cheek making you giggle .
You and Draco play with a kids for a while , teaching them small spells and get the house elves to fix dinner for you all . " Auntie , at home we always watch a movie before bed . Can we please do that here ?? " The kids beg at you and Draco . " I guess so but we only have a muggle tv in the living room . You'll have to sleep there . " You and Draco carry the kids to the living room and set them on the couch . While Draco and king pick a movie to start you and kaylee start making the couch nice and comfy .
You sit in Draco's lap with his arms wrapped around you and his head in your neck . " I think we would make pretty decent parents love . " He says quietly so he doesn't bother the kids . " Draco as much as I love you and wish we could have that . we would make the most toxic children ever . could you imagine it would be like voldemort , Lucius , and bellatrix had a child . " You laugh quietly making him laugh too .
" This is why I love you Y/N . I could never ask for a better life . " He softly kisses you . " Goodnight Auntie Y/N and Uncle Draco . " Both the children say in unison . You smile at Draco kissing him again before falling asleep .
i hope y'all like this 🥺🥺

Draco Malfoy imagines
Fanfictioni recently got back into my harry potter phase and decided i'd give this a chance :) enjoy . I'll also take requests . * All characters and hogwarts school belong to JK Rowling *