9. Out.

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Chapter 9: Out.

"Alright bitches, listen up. We have a game coming up on Saturday. This is the last game of the season. We have to make a statement. So, I need you on point, on beat and on time. Remember those things, the three O's. They are the laws we live by. " Camila says, filing her nails as she chews a piece of gum.

"Well, girls let's get to work." Estoban says as he turns on the stereo and guides us as we do our stretches.

Midway through my needle stretch, Camila walks up to me. A look of disdain on her face.

"Is there a problem?" I ask her.

"Just because my cousin helped secure your spot on the team doesn't mean you'll be getting any free handouts." She says, eyeing me down.

What is she talking about?

I don't even know her cous-


"Zachary is your cousin?" I ask her.

"Yes and I wonder why he's wasting his time with a girl like you when they're prettier girls in New York." She says, shaking her head as she stares at me.

"I didn't ask him to do that, so there's no reason for you to come up to me and talk to me like that." I tell her.

"I am the captain of this squad and I can talk to you however I please." She tells me, folding her arms.

"First of all, I'm doing you a favor by even being here. You were one girl short and I auditioned and joined the squad. If you think Zachary had anything to do with me being here the you're dead wrong. You know what Camila, I think you should share some of your ego with the rest of the team. They really lack pep." I say, rolling up my yoga mat. I walk away with the mat in my hand looking for another spot to do my stretches.

The day goes by fast and I am snuggled up in my bed, eating ice cream out of a bowl. Riley is out as usual. It's just me and my bowl of creamy goodness.

Someone knocks on my door and I groan.

"Who is it?" I yell.

"It's Grayson." He says from the other side of the door.

Getting out of bed, I place the bowl of ice cream on my nightstand and I rush to the mirror to fix my hair.

Why was I so worried about looking presentable for Grayson?

He's just a friend after all.

"That you kissed." My subconscious reminds me.

I open the door and I see Grayson standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey. I was just eating some ice cream, I could give you some if you want." I tell him, wiping my mouth clean with the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

"No, I'm fine." He says, smiling at me as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"What's...going on?" I ask him, curious to know why he's all giddy today.

"I'm here to take you out." He tells me and I laugh.

"You can't be serious. You're free to come in though." I tell him, going back to my bed.

"Come on, Valarie. You've barely made any friends since you got here." He tells me and I gasp.

"I have." I lie.

"Apart from Riley and Tobias, who else have you met?" He asks me, folding his arms.

"You." I say, grabbing the bowl of ice cream from the nightstand.

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