Where it all started

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It all started on the roof. This was around the time at Teiko, when Aomine-kun decided to skip practice, and had just decided that the only person who could beat him is him. You were on the roof talking to Aomine-kun about his thoughts on Momoi and Kuroko's relationship.

"Dai-tan..." It was a nickname that you had given to Aomine-kun. You were close to all of the GoM members including the manager, and gave each of them a nickname. "So you don't ship Kuro-tan and Satsuki-tan or against their relationship..?"

"What relationship? It's only Satsuki's fantasies!" he said, with a chuckling way.

"That's cruel! A girl's love is genuine." you said, scolding Aomine-kun.

"Like your love for Tetsu?" he asks, bluntly.

"S-Shut up!" you said with your cheeks slightly blushing.

"I heard you're going to confess to Tetsu after today's game."

"EH?! Where did you hear that from?" you ask him, nervously. You made it sound like you had no idea what he was talking about.

"Kise told Midorima and he told me." he answered.

"Damn it Ryouta-kun. The next time I see you, you're dead!" you whispered. You turn away from Aomine-kun when you said that. You then turn around again to ask him a question. "Does.. Sei-tan or Satsuki-tan knows about this?"

"I don't think Satsuki or Akashi knows. What's the point if Akashi knows anyway?" he asks. You didn't say anything. You didn't know why but Kise had told you one time, it would be bad if Akashi knew that you had a crush on Kuroko-kun so you decided not to let Akashi know. You thought that he might be scary about it or something. "Oh well. So are you?" he asks, looking at you.

"I guess.. I don't know, actually... I just-.."

"Don't want to hurt Satsuki's feelings?" Aomine-kun finishes. You nod, sadly. "Either way one of you are going to get hurt." you looked at him and got a little mad.

"Don't you think I know that?!" you said, kicking at the blue hair boy who was laying down.



That day you decided to talk to Kuroko-kun and confess to him after today's game. This was the day when Kuroko-kun just decided not to play the game. You were wondering where he was and decided to look for him. You spotted him standing near the door, watching the game.

"Kuro-tan?" You walked closer to him. "How come you aren't playing?"

"I-.." he started to say. He looks sad a bit. You wonder what could be wrong. "I decided to quit Teiko's basketball team."

"Kuro-tan..?" you said, shocked. "B-But why? I really love watching you play basketball. Without you its no fun. Did something happened?"

He didn't answer you. His head was down and you felt like you were about to cry. You were panicking, even though the season is over, you were scared to think, Kuroko might be quitting basketball. "Kuro-tan, I love you..!" Kuroko looks at you, shocked to hear you said that.

"(Y/N)-chan?" You flinched. That voice was really familiar. You slowly turn around to see Momoi looking at you, even more shocked then Kuroko-kun.

Chapter 1|

You gasp. You were sweating a lot and felt really hot. It was all just a dream. It was a nightmare more like it. This only happened recently so its still haunting you a bit. When you got up, you could see some kids sleeping on your bed. It wasn't a big surprise though. You lived in an orphanage home. Everyone there was nice, and everybody love you. You were the most popular yet kind girl they had in the orphanage. You decided to ease your mind and took a quick shower. When you finished, you went to the windows to open the curtains. Today, was the first day that you start high school. You felt good about it and wonder if you will make any new friends today but you also felt a little unsure because of that dream.

Seirin. That was the school you were attending. It was the first day and clubs were already hoping to recruit you. It was the time that you wished you had Kuroko's powers and had a low presence. Since it was so busy, you kept on bumping into many people. You eventually bump into a guy who was handing out basketball flyers.

"Oh. Sorry." he said to you. Out of all the people this guy said sorry. He had brown hair and had a dog shaped-like face.

"No. I'm sorry as well." you said. "Is that the application form for the basketball team?" He nodded.

"You want to be a manager? There is room for one." he said. You were interested since you didn't get to be a manager at Teiko. You were more of the co-manager or assistant since Momoi took that job.

"Sure." you said. Maybe you might bump into the GoM members with this. You filled out the form and gave it to a brown hair girl who was sitting and calling out to people who might want to join. "Here you go." you said, handing her the form.

"Thank you." she said. She looked at the registration form. "Oh. So you were an assistant manager at Teiko? That famous school?"

"Yep!" you respond, cheerfully.

"This makes things interesting." the brown hair girl said. "Well I'll see you later at the first meeting."

You smile, saying goodbye, and then walk to your class. 'Forget the dream. Today is going to be a great day!' you thought. You didn't notice it. But after you left that registration form with her, the sky blue hair boy did too.

A/N: This is going to be a LONG STORY.

Anyway to those who are new to this story, I hope you will continue reading this.

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