Chapter 1

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(Just a preface : I do not own any of these characters (other than Gabriella Campbell). The characters and the world belong to J.K. Rowling. This story does take place in the Harry Potter universe, and shares the characters, but it will not follow all of the event's exactly. And there may be uses of some muggle items in the wizarding world. It's meant to be a unique story that doesn't copy the originals or re-tell it from another perspective. Hope all of this makes sense! Enjoy the story!)


Hi. I'm Gabriella. But everyone will tell you my name is Bri. I'm a 6th Year Slytherin at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. It's a fine school. I didn't exactly have a lot of friends back at my muggle school but even so i didn't want to leave it. Even though i'm a pureblood, my parent's pretty much raised me as a muggle. So i went to school with them and my parents didn't tell me about my true heritage until leaving for Hogwarts was only a week away. I've always been close with my parent's but when i was younger i thought that this was just a plan to send me away. I cried for days. I was young and i was dumb. But wasn't everyone at that age?

I went shopping for all of my school supplies with my parent's and that was the only thing i enjoyed about leaving for Hogwarts. I got an owl and she kind of became my best friend. I named her Farasha. I got all the other things that i needed, and that list was extensive. But then we went home and i dreaded the moving days that told me leaving was coming fast.

"Are you ready to go sweetheart?" My mom had asked me that morning. I was yelling all morning about not going. But i knew i didn't have a choice. So i forced myself downstairs and made sure my trunk was packed with my mom.

"I really don't want to go, Mom." I said a few more times while in the care going to the train station. I lost it when she told me to run into the wall. No matter how cool it sounded to be a witch, i liked my life. My mom was my best friend and i hated the idea of not living with her. But i got on the train anyway. And i sat down, by myself, and i started at her and my dad as they waved goodbye at me from the ground. I cried while i watched them melt away into the scenery as the train chugged forward.

"Can i sit here?" A little girl asked me. She had the craziest mess of brown curls i'd seen in my whole life. I definitely thought it was a wizard thing for your hair to look like that. I said sure and she sat down in the seat across from mine.

"I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger." She exclaimed, sticking out her hand.

"Gabriella Campbell. But if you want you can call me Gabi." I said, shaking her hand. I looked out the window to avoid the awkward conversations that always follow meeting new people. We made small talk, she asked me about my life and i told her all about how i'm a pureblood but was raised muggle. She told me she was muggleborn and i'm not sure why she seemed nervous about telling me that.

"Has anyone seen a toad?!" I heard from the hallway. I caught a glimpse of a short, brown-haired boy running down the train corridor.

"I'm going to help him. Maybe i'll see you later." Hermione said while walking out of the little room. I stated to say goodbye but she was gone. And she didn't come back for the rest of the ride. Maybe she found somewhere else to sit or maybe they couldn't find that boy's frog. But after getting to the school we had the sorting ceremony. I didn't know much about the school but this was something that my parents had filled me in on a great deal. My parent's told me all about the houses and how they were when they were in school. My dad was a Ravenclaw and my mom was a Hufflepuff. My parents swore i would be one of those. I watched as that Hermione girl was sorted into the Gryffindor House. More and more people were categorized as i wait for my turn.

But when it was my turn, my world changed. I walked up and sat under the hat. I thought maybe i did something wrong because the hat, along with the rest of the room, was silent for far longer than it was for anyone else.

"You wish to be a Ravenclaw. I see that. But i think you are better suited for...SLYTHERIN!" The hat called out. The Slytherin table clapped a little bit but no one else did. I looked at Hermione and she looked away when i looked her way. Of all the houses, my parents told me i wouldn't be in this one. Is this a decision that i can change? Is there a form i can fill out to change houses? I assumed there wasn't because that hat seemed pretty smart but i wasn't going into Slytherin without checking all of my options first.

I tried to switch houses, to no avail. I was stuck in Slytherin. I remember telling myself "maybe it won't be so bad" over and over again. And it wasn't for the first couple of days. But then classes started and i realized how mean people really could be. There were a few boys in my classes that lived to torment the girls. And the girls were no better. The boys were always fine but it was terrible that both the boy and the girls tormented the other girls. There was one girl, i don't remember her name, but she was always picked on. I wish that i had stood up for her but i was so desperate to fit in, even a little bit, so i didn't.

So don't get me wrong. I love Hogwarts and i would never trade going here for anything. But this damn school is not picky about who they let in. The people in this school suck most of the time. I have a few friends but being in Slytherin, not that many people are interested in being friends. There's the misconception that we only care about ourselves and that we'll do anything to get what we want and i guess that's true to an extent. But i wouldn't kill someone or anything. I don't think anyone i know would do that, no matter how provoked they were. Until i met him.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now