Chapter 17

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The next few days were weird. Draco constantly seemed like he wanted to talk to me, which i understood, but he didn't. We stayed away from each other which was fine with me. I had no idea what to say to him.

"Gabi!" I heard from down the hallway. I almost didn't turn around. I stopped going by "Gabi" when Charlotte died. That was always what she called me but people always hates saying my whole name so i started going by "Bri". I turned around and saw Hermione coming towards me. She didn't know about the name chance cause she stopped talking to me so it made sense. But still, hearing the name hurt a little bit.

"Hey, Hermione." I replied dully.

"Hi. I was just wondering if you wanted yo hang out?" She asked. No. No i didn't. But what came out of my mouth didn't match.

"Uh sure. Why not?"

"Great! Where do you want to go? We can go to one of the common rooms or maybe the library?!" She said. Of course she would recommend the library. I remember how she was back when we used to talk.

We walked to the library and found a table. Hanging out kind of turned into a quizzing session, which i didn't mind in the slightest. It kept me from having to make conversation with the girl i barely knew anymore. She certainly looked like she'd grown into herself and seemed more sure of herself. She used to just be this dorky little know-it-all but she seemed like a real woman now. I was glad that she seemed more comfortable in her own skin. She certainly grew into her looks as well. Her hair seemed to be better taken care of and less frizzy, and her teeth seemed to fit in her mouth now.

"So how do you help someone who's heard the scream of a mandrake?" She asked me.

"Uhhhhh...i don't know." I replied truthfully. She handed me her book and pointed to the section for me to read. She was really smart. She got almost every single question right while i was givin the book more times than i could count.

"Hey, I'm tired. I think i'm gonna head back to my dorm." I told her while gathering my books into my bag.

"Oh ok. Want me to walk with you?" She asked politely.

"If you want i can drop you off at your common room? Gryffindor is on the way to Slytherin." I told her, not that she didn't know that.

"Ok, sure."

We walked for a few moments in silence until i couldn't take it anymore and just blurted out:

"Hermione, why did you stop talking to me?" She abruptly stopped walking and i turned back to look at her.

"I-uh-" She stuttered. Her cheeks became a pale pink color as she watched her feet intently.

"I'm not mad or anything. I mean i was but i'm over it. I'm really just curious. I thought we were friends and then one day i went up to you in the hall and you walked right by me like i didn't exist. I just never understood why." I told her honestly. I wasn't mad i just needed that closure. It was something i'd never known the answer to and i needed to know what i did to make her hate me so much and so quickly.

"It wasn't my choice." She said quietly. It almost startled me how small she looked, clutching her books to her chest with her head hung just slightly with her hair covering her cheeks. I didn't respond, i stood waiting for her to go on.

"Some of my friends told me that if i stayed friends with you, they wouldn't let me be their friend anymore. I was young and i thought that it was better to have lots of friends that i semi-knew rather than a few really close ones. So i stopped talking to you. And you have no idea how hard it was for me to see you look at me with your sad eyes in the hallway-"

"I have no idea how hard it was?! You were my only friend in the whole damn school and all of a sudden you acted like i never existed. Don't tell me i don't know how hard it was." I said coldly. I regretted saying it when i saw her eyes glass over. She was holding in tears but so was i. I wanted so badly to feel bad for her but i just couldn't find it within me to feel for her. Not yet.

"I'm so sorry, Gabi. I was wrong and i know that but i'm trying now. I don't expect us to be besties right away or anything but i'd really appreciate it if you'd at least let me try to be your friend." She choked out.




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