Chapter 12

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"What?" He asked.

"Wanna go for a walk? I'm going for a walk and if you want to come, then you're welcome to." I replied. I wasn't sure if he was going to follow me or not but he did. I put on my Slytherin robe that was by the end of my bed and walked to the door. I poked my head out to make sure that no one was outside the room, and walked out when no one was there. Draco followed me closing the door behind us.

"We shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be up." Draco attempted.

"Since when do you follow the rules, Malfoy?" I retorted. He smirked at that but still looked cautious. I wasn't sure if he was cautious because of the possibility of getting caught, or because i was still not feeling perfect. Walking, though slightly difficult at times, felt amazing. It was great not being confined to that bed and that room. I was wandering down the hall, completely unaware of weather or not Draco was still following me. I completely lost track of time and of where i was. Until i finally looked around and see that Draco is leaning up against a door way nearby.

"Where are we?" I asked. I didn't recognize the hallway or the rooms that we were near. He glanced around for a moment.

"I think were on the third floor." He told me.

"But i don't remember going up any stairs..." I said, looking at my surroundings yet again.

"We did. Twice." He said with a smile. He looked good with a smile on his face. It's a shame he doesn't do it more often. I have a feeling of deja vous when i think that because i swear i've thought it before.

"You should smile more." I'm not sure why i said it out loud and clearly he wasn't sure why either. I could tell in his eyes that he wanted to ask why but he refrained. I would've asked why but i'm glad he didn't because i would've told him the truth. That he has a nice smile and it's sad that he doesn't smile more. He looked at the ground while we stood there in silence. 

"We should be getting back. It's been almost an hour." He said. An hour?! We've been out that long?!

"Damn, an hour?!" I responded. He let out a small laugh that sounded more like a sigh. 

"Yeah, now let's go before you fall asleep out here and i have to carry you to the hospital wing again." He said. He turned around to go and i felt my cheeks heat up. We walked for a few minutes but my head started to ache. I paused and stopped walking to steady myself. I put my back up against the wall and tilted my head back. It was dark but i could tell Draco stopped walking because i couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.

"Are you ok?" I heard him say.

"Yeah i'm fine. My head just hurts, i need a minute." I replied. I slid down the wall and sat down, putting my head between my legs. Madam Pomfrey told me that getting headaches might happen to me for a while and that it was totally normal for people that had been hit with the spell that Pansy hit me with.

"Are you sure you're ok? You don't look that good." He said.

"Gee thanks. Wait you can't even see me!" I said.

"But you sitting on the floor can't be good. Seriously what's up?" He asked sounding much more serious. 

"Madam Pomfrey said that i'd get headaches. No big deal." I said but my voice wavered. I wasn't crying but my head was killing me. I felt Draco sit down next to me. He was closer than he needed to be and i wondered why he couldn't sit farther away from me. But i didn't say that. Because i didn't mind as much as i wished i did. It was actually nice. 

I jumped a little bit when he put his hand on my face. His touch was gentle, and his hands were cold. I felt my face flush and hoped he couldn't tell, not that he could because it was very dark.

"I think you might have a fever." He said, moving his hand to my forehead. So that's what he's doing. I felt a small twinge of disappointment but i don't know what else i was expecting from Draco Malfoy. He removed his hand from my face and my face felt very hot with the absence of his cool touch. I touched my forehead with my fingers and although it still felt cold from his hand, it was definitely a fever. I instantly started to stand up and he did the same. Maybe i wobbled a little bit standing up, i wasn't sure, but he grabbed my arm as we stood up, steadying me.

"Are you sure you're ok Bri?" He asked, hand still on my arm.

"Yeah." I answered. I definitely didn't convince him, i didn't even convince myself. But he didn't say anything. He stayed quite close to me for the rest of the walk and was almost holding on to me as we went down the stairs. If his hand was any closer to me he would have been holding on to me. I wasn't sure i wanted him to touch me though. I think i might have fallen down the stairs if his hands were on me. I could feel his eyes on my face as we walked, even in the dark. 

But then he stopped me. He grabbed my arm lightly with his hand, which was still freezing cold. He pulled me towards him and all of the sudden we were very close.




I had no fucking idea what i was doing. I had no control over my body as i reached out and caught her arm. I subconsciously pulled her toward me and without even thinking, i kissed her. It was everything i thought it might be and more. She tasted like mint and something else that i couldn't put my finger on. And to my complete and utter surprise, she kissed me back. I've kissed other girls before, sure, but it was never like this. It felt like something clicked in my head and i just had to kiss her. I wonder what was going on in her head, because this must have been a much bigger surprise for her than it was for me. After a moment, she pulled away. I was slightly terrified, and slightly happy with that fact that i couldn't see her face and couldn't tell what she was thinking. I could hear her pulling in deep breaths, and i was doing the same.

"You can't just kiss me. You have a girlfriend." She said, so matter of factly. What the hell? How could she ever think that?

" I don't." I said, confused.

"Draco you can't just kiss me. Not while you're with Pansy. You know exactly what happened last time she thought i was trying to get with you." Bri said.

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted. I could see her tilt her head but i couldn't read her facial expression. Does she mean to say that what happened with Pasny was because of me?

"Do you really not know?" She asked.

"No. I don't. So spit it out, Bri." I said with an angry tone. I didn't really mean for it to come out as rude as it did but my voice seems to do that quite a lot.

"She came to find me in the bathroom that day and told me to stay away from you or she'd do worse." Bri said so easily. So this was my fault. Gabriella almost my fault. I felt anger surge through me. I wanted to kill Pansy for what she'd done, but now finding out that she thought that had some moronic claim on my because i kissed her one time?! I could kill her!

"Pansy's not my girlfriend." I said through my gritted teeth. 

"Ha! Well i think you might want to tell her that." Bri scoffed. She started to walk away but i took her hand and brought her close to me again. I could feel her breath on my face, even though i've got a few inches on her. It was weird how small she was, and she wasn't even that short. It was like, after what i watched her go threw just a few days ago, she seemed so frail, so breakable. It's not until you see someone get hurt that it really dawns on you that people are fragile. They can break as easily as glass and they can die as easily as a flower.

"We've never dated and i've never called her my girlfriend. She kissed me once, and i didn't exactly push her away but she is not my girlfriend and she never will be." I said. And i meant it. I never had any intention of ever taking Pansy Parkinson on a date or anything more than that. Ever.

"Well clearly she hasn't grasped that yet. And either way, you can't kiss me again because if Pansy thinks we're dating or even talking really, she will kill me." Bri said. People say things like that, it's a figure of speech, but her voice told me that it was a threat she was truly worried about. And rightfully so. I mean, Pansy did almost kill her. And i couldn't be the one to put her in danger.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now