Chapter 14

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I spent another day in the hospital wing alone. Draco left soon after we kissed and he didn't come back to the hospital wing again while i was there. I got out the next day, rather late at night. It was after curfew, but i had a note from Madam Pomfrey that said i was walking back to my dormitory. I walked slowly, still processing everything that had happened over the past week or so. With almost dying, Pansy threatening me to stay away from Draco, who i kissed twice in the past few days and certainly wanted to kiss again.

I made my way back to the Slytherin common room and entered the room through the portrait doorway. I closed the door behind me and looked into the empty common room. It's a very peaceful room when it's not fully of rowdy teenagers and children.

I placed my bag down on the ground by the sofa and sat on the end of the sofa closest to the fire. I grabbed the random book that was on the coffee table and began to read. I'd never heard of the book before but i didn't feel like going up to my dormitory to get one of my books. I sat and read for an hour or so before someone came down the stairs.

Theodore Nott.

He was in his pajamas and came and sat on one of the chairs opposite of the sofa i was sitting on.

"Hi." He said in a sleepy voice.

"What do you want, Theo?" I asked. Theo was never nice to me but he was never as bad as everyone else. He was just kind of a bystander.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What does it look like i'm doing?" I said, clearly reading.

"Can't you sleep?" He tried again.

"Nope. Can't you?" I replied. I continued to read but i wasn't really focused on what the book was saying anymore. The book was pulled out of my hand and i started to make a fuss when i remembered that everyone around us was sleeping.

"C'mon Bri, let me talk to you." He said, closing the book.

"Fine. What?" I answered, finally meeting his eyes.

"What's going on between you and Malfoy?" He asked. I glanced up to look at his face and he looked genuinely curious.

"Nothing." i replied. Short and sweet. And it's not a complete lie. There wasn't really anything happening and if there was, there wasn't a label so what should i have said?

"Sure. Nothing is why he wouldn't leave the hospital wing until you woke up? Nothing is why he punched Zabini for looking at you? Nothing is why he threatened Pansy because she hurt you? You wanna change your answer?"

I looked up at Theo, completely stunned by his words. I mean i knew all of those things happened but hearing them all together like that and hearing him say it like that just kind of hit me in the face.

"I like him. Is that what you want to hear?" I asked, standing up to head back to my dormitory.

"He likes you too." Theo said quietly. I stood on the stair for a moment without turning around but continued up the stairs when i heard Theo leave the common room.

I'd be stupid to say i had no idea Malfoy likes me but at the same time it just doesn't seem practical. He hates everyone and i'm not exactly the girl that the guys like. I've never had a boyfriend, i've never been asked on a date or anything like that. I've kissed a few guys but nothing more than that.

I climb into bed, mulling over all of the information in my mind. Do i like him? Do i think he actually likes me? Could i ever date him? Could i ever actually see myself with him? I fell asleep thinking of all of these questions. Ones that had no answer.


The next few days were pretty lonely. I sat alone at breakfast and i only spoke to people in class when i had to. I was ok with it though, i've always been good at being on my own. I was on my way to study in the library when i was stopped in the hallway. Someone grabbed my arm and i whirled around, ready to yell or hit whoever it was. But i turned to see Harry Potter, flanked by Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

"Um...Hello?" I said. Harry let go of my arm and stood with his friends. Hermione came up to me and threw her arms around me.

"I've missed you, Gabi!" She said. I hugged her back lightly and stood there confused when she withdrew.

"Um, we haven't talked since 3rd year, Mione." I replied. I didn't want to be rude but it was quite odd of her to say something like that after we stopped talking years ago.

"I know. And i've felt just dreadful about it since. But i want to be friends again." She said. I looked at her, and my face must have given away my confusion because she continued :

"I miss talking to you. I remember what a good friend you always were and I just miss you. it was terrible of me to not want to talk to you because of your house but i would like to try and be a good friend again!" I was cautious. Why now? Why are Ron and Harry with her when she decided this?

"Um...Ok. I guess. Sure." I replied. I wasn't sure how much i meant it but i could be her friend, cautiously, at least.

I finished my classes for the day and went back to the dungeons. I sat in the Slytherin common room for a few hours, people coming and going the whole time. Until people stopped coming through the common room and i realized that it was dinner time and everyone was in the great hall. I wasn't hungry so i decided to stay put. The book from last night was still on the coffee table so i picked it up and continued where i left off last night. But i was only reading for a few moments when i was interrupted.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Draco standing in the doorway of the common room. I gave him a silent head nod greeting and looked back down at the book. He came further into the room, closing the door, and sat at the other end of the sofa i was sitting on. I struggled not look up as i felt his eyes burning into me. I knew that if i looked at him, something would happen. I would feel something or i would say something and i wasn't ready for that.

"What are you reading?" He asked in a quiet voice, as if he didn't want to disturb the bookworm. I lifted the book so he could read the cover then put it back in my lap. I continued looking down, wanting to at least look like i was reading, even if i was only paying attention to his breathing. It seems to happen like this everytime, but before i knew it, his lips were on mine. I kissed him back as if it was second nature to do so and stood up so he was no longer hovering over me. I pushed him down on the sofa, not breaking our kiss, and climbed on top of him.

He intensified our kiss and i followed suite. His tongue asked for entrance into my mouth and i let it. He bit my lip slightly, making me moan quietly. I was now on top of him, basically straddling him. I don't know how long we stayed like this before i started fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. I broke the kiss for a moment to see what my hands were doing because i was having trouble with the button. His hands tangled in my hair, pulling me back down into the kiss. One of his hands found my waist and the other stayed on my thigh, slowly getting higher under my skirt.

Is this really how i want to lose my virginity? I don't think it is what i imagined but i couldn't find the willpower to stop. I couldn't take my lips from his and i couldn't remove his hands from my body. It was like i needed his touch or i would...i don't even know. That was until i heard someone laugh from outside the common room and the door started to open. I jumped off of Draco as he sat up, fixing his shirt. I looked at him briefly before grabbing my bag and dashing up to my dormitory.

What the hell just happened?

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