Chapter 8

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"If i didn't know any better, i'd say you were trying to leave me back there, Bri." Draco said when he's caught up to me. I was still walking at a pace that was fast for me but it seemed like a totally normal pace for him.

"Well do you?" I asked.

"Do i what?" he asked, looking at me questioningly.

"Know better." I said. He looked at me with that same smirk tugging at his lips and grabbed my arm. I stopped moving but didn't look at him. He pulled me aside, aside from what i didn't know, we were the only ones in the hall. He pushed me up against the wall and looked down at me. My frame was small in comparison to his. He was tall and muscular and i was small and frail. I wished to feel anything but what i did in that moment. Intrigued. I would have rathered feel scared or uncomfortable but instead i didn't want him to move. I could feel his weight against my body and i could feel his breath on my skin.

"I can hear your heartbeat. It's fast. Do i make you nervous?" He asked in a whisper. His voice was really-

No! What am i thinking. This boy has been tormenting me for the past 5 years. I cannot like him. I can't even find him attractive. Although subconsciously i know i'm way past that one. Once again, i open my mouth to respond but couldn't find the words. He was so close to me that if eh just moved his chin, his lips would be on mine. I stop myself from imagining how that would feel.

I gathered myself after a moment of standing under Malfoy's control and moved out from him. He seemed taken aback by my sudden movement and didn't try to stop me as i walked down the hallway at full speed. I got back to my common room but was only there for a moment when it opened behind me. Malfoy walked in as i sprinted to the stairs that led to the girls dormitories. I got up to my bed and layed down. I heard someone laugh and that's when it hit me. Pansy! Draco has a girlfriend. I can't feel anything towards him anyway but it's worse that he belongs to someone else. I may not always be the kindest but i sure as hell wouldn't steal another girls boyfriend. That's not my style. I caught my breath and layed down more comfortably.

I felt something next to me and i opened my eyes. I turned to see Draco sitting on the end of my bed. I sat up quickly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, pulling my sheet over my body. He didn't say anything while his eyes drifted to my lips. I must admit, mine drifted down a little bit as well. He had that same smirk on his face that he always has when he's teasing me. And then, before i could even comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine. To my complete and utter surprise, i kissed him back. It was electric. I've never been kissed like this in my life. He pushed me back so i was laying on the bed as he kissed me harder. He smelled faintly of apple and mint and he was completely intoxicating.

It was fireworks. They were going off everywhere in my head and in my body. It was overwhelming. I wanted to think about why i was feeling this but i pushed the thoughts out of my head. I was here, in my room, kissing Draco Malfoy. That was until i was i was hit with something. I open my eyes to find that i'm alone in my bed. I look to my left and there is a pillow.

"Enough with your moaning, Campbell, i'm trying to sleep." Pansy muttered.

"Sorry." I muttered back. I'd been dreaming. I'd been dreaming about Draco Malfoy. And i liked it. Gross. It never occurred to me that i could ever like Malfoy. I'd spent so much time disliking him that i never even considered anything else. But then again, i never really imagined making out with him either but here we are. And he's taken. Pansy is his girlfriend and i'm in no mood to make an enemy out of Pansy Parkinson.

The next morning when i woke from my fitful sleep, i begrudgingly got up and put my robes on. I avoided eye contact with Malfoy for all of Potions even though it felt like his eyes were on me the whole time. After the bell rang, i bolted from the classroom. He tried to follow me out but we both got swept up in the crowded hallway. I had my other classes but i found it hard to focus. I couldn't keep Draco out of my mind. But he couldn't feel the same way. There's no way. He's dating Pansy and he was probably just trying to get a rise out of me and embarrassed me. I kept my head down for the rest of the day, just trying to get through the day without having to talk to anyone. I pulled out a book and read for the rest of the afternoon. I skipped dinner and finished my book.

I got into bed around 11 but by 12 i still couldn't fall asleep. I decided to get up and go for a walk so i pulled on my robe and my shoes. I walked downstairs to see the empty common room and marveled at how it looks when empty. The fire illuminates the room and as dark as it looks, it looks cozy. I will always love this room.

I walked around for 15 minutes or so before i was pulled down a hallway. It was dark and i couldn't see who had grabbed me. I reached for my wand but remembered that i didn't grab it when i was leaving my dormitory. I started to speak but a hand covered my mouth. I struggled as much as possible and i smacked them in the arm and then was pulled into an open classroom. The door shut and a light went on. I turn to see Draco Malfoy standing in front of me.

"Merlin's beard, don't you shut up." He said rubbing his arm.

"Not when i'm being shoved into a room by someone i can't see!" I yelled. He whispered something while rubbing his arm and i felt a a small surge of pride. I looked around to see that we were in Professor Snape's classroom.

"So why exactly did you shove me into Snape's room?" I asked, eyeing him. He looks tired. It's not that late and he looks like he's been walking for a while and with his red nose and cheeks, i assume he's been outside.

"Because Filch was coming down the hallway you were about to walk down." He said casually.

"Oh. Well then thanks." i said as he gave me a nod, as if to say i told you so.

He turned to listen out the door, i'm guessing to see if Filch was there, and turned back, telling me that it seemed to be clear.

"Are you going back to the dormitories?" He asked.

"No, i think i'm gonna walk around a little longer." I replied, starting to walk off.

"Can i walk with you?" He asked. I looked at him for a moment, trying to figure out the alterior motive he could have for asking that but i couldn't find one.


Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now