Chapter 15

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I bolted up to my dormitory right after Bri did. Before anyone could get upstairs, i jumped in a cold shower.

It was late enough to justify going to bed, but not late enough for me to actually fall asleep so i layed in bed thinking about what just happened. I'm not one to dwell on situations but i didn't know what came over me. It was like one second i was ready to leave and the next there was a voice in my head telling me that i needed to kiss her. I've never felt like this toward anyone. I've wanted to kiss other girls, sure, but usually after that i don't feel like talking to them. But i'd almost rather have a conversation wit Bri than anything else. Not that i didn't want to kiss her, obviously i did. But what was different about her?




I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. It was Friday so i had to get through this day before it was the weekend and i had some time to myself. I skipped dinner last night so i was plenty hungry this morning. I got to the great hall early and was one of 5 people at the huge Slytherin table. I ate quickly, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, before anyone else got there.

I spent the day trying to avoid Draco after what happened. My head was such a mess that i don't know what i'd say if he asked me about it. So instead i decided to avoid him. And it worked pretty much all day. It was a little harder for the classes we shared but i forced myself to make no eye contact and only spoke when needed for the assignment. I could tell he had something to say but every time he started speaking i would redirect his attention somewhere else.

Class was over for the weekend and i bolted back to the Slytherin dungeon. I changed into normal closes, a pair of ripped mom jeans and a cropped sweater, and headed to the astronomy tower. On my way there, i swiped a bottle of firewhiskey from the kitchen and made my way to the  astronomy tower. I sat with my feet dangling out of the doorway-like hole in the wall. It was quite freeing to feel the wind and just watch the trees dance. I thought about everything. Charlotte, Hermione, Draco, my mom and dad. It was overwhelming.

I took a few sips of the drink i'd brought but it burned my throat so i put it down. That didn't last long. As soon as the burning subsided i picked the bottle back up and took another gulp. I just wanted to forget that Charlotte was gone, and that my one real friend here ditched me only to beg for me back, and that the guy i like it confusing the hell out of me. And my parents. So far away yet i swear i could hear them telling me how everything would be ok. Just like after Charlotte died.

"Everything will be ok, dear. Just give it time." My mom would say while hugging me.

I almost felt as if i was back in that embrace but i was pulled from that memory when i heard someone coming up the stairs. I fumbled for my wand but almost dropped it out of the hole in the wall where i was sitting. I leaned forward to grab it and i did but i almost slipped off with it. Someone grabbed my shoulder, keeping me in the tower.

I started to stand to thank this mystery person, but i was quite drunk after my multiple shots of firewhiskey and was wobbling when i tried to stand. The mystery stranger grabbed my hand and pulled me toward them to keep me steady. It was then that i realized the apple and mint scent and white-blonde hair. And obviously that could only mean the one and only Draco Malfoy.

"Are you drunk?" He asked.

"WHAT??? NOOOOOO!" I replied with a little hiccup.

"Yes you are. Come on, sit down." He said, lowering my body to the grund. I started to turn so my feet would dangle off the edge again but he stopped me and sat down next to me, closer than i expected. He kept an arm lightly around my waist, probably to make sure i didn't fall. I peered over the trees the tower over looked and marveled at their beauty. I started at the trees while Draco stared at me.

"Are we gonna talk about last night?" I asked, my speech a little but slurred.

"We could but i doubt you'll remember it in the morning." He laughed. I laughed in return.

"What would you like to talk about?" He asked, eyes still searching for mine. I looked up, our faces very close, and sighed.

"I like you. But you're bad. But you're a very good kisser. But i'm not supposed to like you. And your girlfriend has it out for me. But when you're around me it's like POOF! butterflies." I said. I used far to many hand gestures for my own good. I hiccuped again. I could feel myself leaning into his embrace, even though i told myself not to. His arm around my waist tightened ever so slightly as i got closer to him. He was smiling lightly to himself for a moment before he responded.

"Well i like you too. And i like being around you. And Pansy is a bitch and i'll make sure she never touches you again. But as for me being bad for you...that's spot on. And i'm only having this conversation with you because i hope you won't remember it when you wake up tomorrow." He said. I risked a glance up at him and found that he was already looking at me.

"But what i can't for the life of me figure out is why you would possible like a guy like me?" He asked, looking out at the beautiful view.

"You are the only one that knows about Charlotte but doesn't look at me like i'm going to break. And maybe i am, but you don't treat me like broken glass that's just been put back together. My parents act like the second her name comes up, i'm going to fall apart. But i don't get to fall apart. Charlotte fell apart and i wasn't there to pick her back up so now i have to stay on this bloody planet." I said angrily. I started to stand and he immediately did the same. He looked at me with a mixture of confusion and sadness.

"If she was still here it would have been me. I came up to this very spot on April 27nd of fourth year ready to get the hell out of this fucking world. But someone started coming up the stairs. So i left. And i didn't get another chance to come back here before we left for the year and found out about Charlotte." I finished. I was drowning in tears but when Draco came to wrap his arms around me, i backed up. I felt like i didn't deserve comfort. I hit him once or twice as he forces his arms around my figure. I fought as much as i could, which wasn't much, with tears blocking my vision. I gave up and melted into him.

I let him hug me for so long, not even knowing that at some point i put my arms around his waist and was hugging him as well. We stood there for a long time and he just hugged me while i let myself go. I could feel the tears falling over my cheeks while i stood there. Despite Draco's presence, i felt overwhelmingly alone.


He wasn't sure why he didn't say anything, but if he had, he would've told her that he went to the astronomy tower every single night of fourth year.

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