Chapter 16

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I woke up in my bed with a splitting headache. I sat up slowly, trying to be careful of my head and it's pounding. And bit's and pieces of last night came back to me.

"Are you drunk?"

"What! Nooo!"

"Are we going to talk about last night?"

"You're a good kisser."

"I like you."

"April 27th..."

Oh my fucking Merlin.


Later that day


I was walking down the hallway after my last class when i saw Draco. I walked up to him, fast, and grabbed his arm, pulling him into an empty classroom. He saw my face and smirked at me. I didn't return the smirk as i turned to face him.

"You need to forget everything i said to you last night." I said quickly. He flinched at my words more than i'd expected him to.

"How much of that do you remember?" He asked cautiously.

"More than I probably should. But you can just forget everything that i said to you." I said quietly. I don't know what was more embarrassing : that i told him i almost killed myself or that i told him he was a good kisser. Just thinking about it made my cheeks red as i stared at the floor.

"Which part exactly?" He asked, slowly walking towards me with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

"All of it." I answered while backing up. He continued to walk towards me and i continued to retreat. That was until my body hit a table. I couldn't move back any more so i was stuck while he came closer and closer to my body. He didn't stop walking until his body was against mine, his lips only inches from mine.

"Now why would i want to forget that?" He replied, same smile still tugging at his lips. I couldn't wait anymore. And clearly neither could he because within seconds my lips were hungrily on his. I took his tie in my hand, pulling him closer, as he lifted me up and put me on the table so we were around the same height. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands found the hem of my skirt. His hand rested under my skirt on my thigh.

"Are you sure?" He asked, barely breaking the kiss. I told him yes and i resumed our kiss. My hands wandered a little bit too. From his face to his hair. As he removed his lips from mine, trailing kisses down my neck to my chest,  my hands moved to the buttons of his shirt. His did the same with mine, moving a little bit slower. I undid his tie and then the first button. He unbuttoned the first few buttons, pulling the shirt down so it was practically around me waist. He didn't move to unclasp my bra but he pulled the strap to the side a little bit and resumed kissing my collarbone. I knew where this was going but i didn't stop him, even if this isn't exactly how i pictured losing my virginity.

I decided a long time ago that losing my virginity would be special and with someone i loved, but i was so caught up in the moment that i couldn't find the willpower to stop. I didn't want to stop.

Everytime he touched me, it was electric. It was like his touch woke me up. I can't even explain how it made me feel to have his hands on me. I've never felt like that before. But i couldn't tell if it was because i like him or if it was just lust.

I don't know how long it went on for before he was starting to unzip my skirt.

And i let him.

(I know you want the smut but i'm not writing that so please don't be mad at me.)

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now