Chapter 3

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The train pulled into Hogwarts and my mind was blown. It doesn't matter how many times i've seen this school, i will always be blown away by it. It's so different incompairison to muggle buildings in the best way. It's absolutely beautiful.

"Everyone head to the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony." Professor McGonagall said to us as we filed up the stairs. We got to the Great Hall and i found my seat at the Slytherin table. I'm always excited to see the new Slytherin additions of a new year but i was already not looking forward to it because of where i was seated. I was one of the first ones to sit down which means i have no control over who sits near me. And this moment proved my point. Blaise Zabini was sitting right next to me. I've hated him since 2nd year. He's been hitting on me for years and i've hated him since. He needs to learn when to give up.

But of course, right across the table from Zabini, sat Malfoy. He was talking to the girl to his right and with Zabini a little bit.

"So Bri, how was your summer?" Zabini asked me. I hate being rude because it plays into the Slytherin stereotype, but when it comes to Zabini i can't help it.

"Don't talk to me Zabini." I said, not even glancing up to acknowledge his presence.

"Damn. Something must have happened over the summer. She was a bitch on the train too." Malfoy said from his seat across the table.

"Call me a bitch again Malfoy, i dare you." I said, glaring at him. He and Zabini both laughed but he didn't speak to me again. Instead, he turned and continued talking to the girl. I think her name is Pansy but i haven't ever actually talked to her. And god she was all over Malfoy. Could she be any more obvious? The Sorting Ceremony was staring and we all sat and listened. It had become tradition that Slytherins clap when someone comes to out house but not for any other house. They don't clap when we get one either. It doesn't bother us, we're the best clappers anyway. We've always been the loudest. We got a few new Slytherin's but there were quite a few Ravenclaws this year.

After the ceremony and the feast, we all headed up to out common rooms. I got up to mine and my trunk was already there, of course. I started to unpack my stuff when Pansy came up. She moved around me to get to her bed. She was smiling a lot, which seemed unnatural.

"Hi. I'm not sure we've really met before, but i'm Bri." I said.

"Pansy." She said. She didn't seem nice at all but better to have acquaintances than enemies.

"You look really happy. Are you glad to be back at Hogwarts?" I asked her, attempting to be friendly. She looked at me like i was stupid.

"Sure you could say that. But no im happy because of my boyfriend." She answered.

"That's cool. Does he go here?" I asked. I don't know why i kept asking questions, i don't really want to know her. But i needed to make some friends this year. I don't want to go this whole year with no actual friends, again.

"Yeah, he does. It's Draco Malfoy." She said confidently. Wow, so Malfoy got himself a girlfriend. I have no idea how he managed to do that. He's a complete douche. I feel bad for any girl that has to go through the turmoil of dating Draco Malfoy.

"Well good luck with that." I said under my breath. She clearly didn't hear me, which was probably for the best considering she would probably kill me for insulting her or Malfoy.

I decided to go to bed early because classes start tomorrow. The next morning i got up and got dressed and started to go down to the feast. As i walked into the common room i could see people moving around Malfoy and Pansy as they sucked each others faces. It was completely disgusting. I walked out of their as soon as i could. They clearly won't be at breakfast, they're basically already eating.

I headed down for breakfast and ate as fast as i could because i was already late. I got to my first class a minute before the bell and took a seat.

"Oh, good of you to join us today, Mr. Malfoy. Take a seat over there please." Professor Slughorn said. I rolled my eyes, feeling bad for whoever was stuck with him all year. That was until the seat next to me was pulled out and sat in. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath. I opened my eyes to see Malfoy sitting next to me. I glared at him for a second before looking back down at my book. Slughorn started talking but i wasn't really listening. I was busy reading the book i had in front of me. Until something hit me. I looked down to see a crumpled up piece of paper. I looked up to see Malfoy smirking at me.

"What the hell Malfoy!" I yelled in the loudest whisper i could manage. I didn't really feel like being in trouble on the first day of classes.

"Open it." He whispered back. I did and it read :

Pay attention or you'll get in trouble ~ DM

I ignored the note and tossed it on the floor besides my chair. I can tell that he rolled his eyes. I sat through the rest of the class, paying attention much to Malfoy's delight and my anger. When the bell rang i darted out of class. I had a class with Zabini next which was just as annoying as it sounds. We weren't sitting next to each other so that was good. But he was only one table away from mine so he was annoying all class but it's fine. I've taught myself how to deal with stupid Slytherin boys. As long as they don''t know their bothering you, they'll leave you alone after a little while. That worked for me for a while, until Zabini decided not to ever leave me alone.

After classes were over for the day and i had eaten dinner, i went up to my common room. I was sitting by the fire, in one of the chairs, and doing my work. I was writing an into essay when someone came into the common room. I didn't even look up to see who it was when they sat down.

"Well hello there." They said. I knew that voice. Blaise Zabini.

"What?" I spat.

"Feisty. I like that. When are you just gonna say yes and let me take you out, Campbell?" He asked. He looked at my with a fake puppy dog face. I've never really thought about going out with him. He's just always asked and i've always said no. He's never been an overly nice person but he's not a awful as Malfoy.

"You really want to take me out?" I asked and he nodded, vigorously. "Then give me a reason to say yes. You've asked me out every single year and you've never given me a real reason to say yes."

"I know how to treat a girl. I'm kind when i want to be. I can protect you, not that you really need protecting. And i love my dog." he answered, matter-of-factly. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face when he said that last part. I didn't expect him to actually give me reasons. He hates doing work that isn't necessary. But he did. And i'll give him that.

"Fine. One date. You figure it out and i'll show up. You better not mess this up Zabini, you won't get another chance." I said. He stared at my wide eyed and got up rather quickly.

"i'm leaving before you change your mind. You won't regret this, Campbell." He said, but i already was. He darted up to his dormitory and i looked back down and continued to work on my essay, with a small smile pulling at my lips for the rest of the night.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now