Chapter 11

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I wake up in the hospital wing of the Hogwarts Castle. I opened by eyes, just slightly, not knowing where i was or if i was ok. But i was. And i opened my eyes to find Madam Pomfrey putting new flowers in the vase by my bed. She looked at me and immediately started talking at me. I couldn't tell what she was saying though. She started touching my stomach and chest and when i tried to push her hand away, she looked at me and i think she could tell that i wasn't comprehending what she was saying.

"Dear, you were really hurt. You're lucky that Malfoy boy found you when he did." She said. Draco was there? I guess i kind of remember him being there but he couldn't have healed me. He doesn't know how to heal the Sectumsempra cure. No one in my year knows that spell yet. The everything starts to come back to me. Being in the bathroom gossiping with Myrtle, then Pasny. It's all there, even if it's a little foggy.

"How long have i been here?" I asked. A small cough followed my question and she busied herself getting me a cup of water.

"You've been out for about 4 days, dear." She said. 4 days?! I've missed so much class. 

"The boy should be back soon. Don't blame him for not being here when you woke, i had to force him to go down to breakfast and eat something. He hasn't left your side since he brought you here." Was she talking about Draco? There's no other boy's even remotely in my life so it must be. He didn't leave my side. I didn't have the energy to think about it so i closed my eyes again but just was i was starting to sleep, i heard the door open.

"How is she?" Someone asked, frantically.

"She's doing well. She was awake earlier, but she seems to be sleeping now. You can go sit in your chair, dear." Madam Pomfrey said back to the voice. Someone sat next to the bed and i debated for a moment weather i should open my eyes to see who it was or continue into my sleep. I decided to see who it was, although i already had an idea considering what Madam Pomfrey told me earlier about my visitors.

I opened my eyes to see a very worn ou Draco Malfoy. His eyes were red and his hair was a mess. He looked incredibly tired. I felt awful, he looked terrible. He wasn't looking at me, so he couldn't see that i was watching him. I turned my head away from him and let a tear slip out of my eye without him seeing it. I wasn't sure why he was here and i wasn't sure why that made me feel so safe. While thinking about it, most of the time my feelings about him end with i don't know. He's so confusing and i never know what he's thinking. I allowed the tear to dry and then i turned my head back to him. He was watching me with eyes so big i thought they might be frozen open.

"Hi." I croaked. My voice wasn't sturdy but i tried to speak anyway.

He immediately perked up and looked into my eyes. I hope i looked better than i felt but i doubt it.

"How do you feel?" He asked me. How did i feel? 

"Like i was pushed in front of the Hogwarts Express. How do you feel?" I responded. He let out a small laugh but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Why are you here, Draco?" I asked. He looks thoughtful for a moment before opening his mouth to speak but closing it a few times before he actually spoke.

"I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up. Guess that didn't work out." He said, again with a half smile. 

"No, i mean why did you stay here?" I don't want to sound like a stupid girl and ask why he cared, because the girl that asks that is annoying. But i really did want to know.

"Cause i thought you deserved to have someone be here for you." He said. And he seemed to mean it. Not that i understood any better, but i didn't feel like asking. I didn't think i would get anywhere with it so i dropped it.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, refusing to meet my eyes. Did they not know it was Pansy? Wasn't she in the bathroom when Draco got there? Or did she leave while i was bleeding out on the ground.

"You don't know? Your girlfriend did this." I said with disgust in my voice. I went through the whole event in my head and i remembered the terror i felt when i felt the stabbing pain in my stomach. I glanced up to Draco and he had a terrible look plastered on his face. He looked grim, and he looked pissed. Clearly he didn't know that Pansy was the assailant.

"Was it Pansy that did this to you?" He asked quietly. He looked me in the eye for the first time in minutes and his glare was like death. If looks could kill, i'd be dead. I didn't feel the need to confirm because he clearly knew my answer. Before i knew it Draco was standing and walking out of the hospital wing. I started to call after him but my voice was hoarse so it didn't carry far enough for him to hear me from down the hall.

Madam Pomfrey must have heard my attempt at yelling because she came rushing in and started asking me what i needed. I told her that Draco left and i was scared of what he might do. She immediately left the room and i was left alone with my thought's once again. Again, my mind replayed what happened and the pain that i felt. I drifted off into an uncalm sleep.


"Gabriella wake up!!" I heard someone shout. I was being shaken and i forced my eyes open. Draco had his hands on my shoulders and his face was far closer to mine than i cared to notice. His hands lingered on my shoulder for a few moments longer than they maybe should have. His hand moved from my shoulder to my hand and was holding my hand. I tried not no notice but it was definitely difficult not to feel his cold hand gripping mine.

"What- where-?" i started to say but he stopped me.

"I think you were having a nightmare or a flashback or something. But you kept yelling for your friend...the one that died, i think, Charlotte." He said. The dream was starting to come back to me. I think it was something about when i got home from school and found out that she was dead and i didn't get to go to her funeral. I could feel him watching me but i made no move to look at him.

"What was happening?" He asked.

"I remember when i was laying on the floor in the bathroom," he grimaced at my words, "i heard Charlotte's voice. She was yelling at me. Telling me i wasn't allowed to die because i hadn't lived enough for the both of us yet. I wanted to stay with her but she wouldn't let me. So i came back. I think i was remembering that." I said slowly. I swallowed a few times and layed there, in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. Draco's eyes were still on me, his hand was still in mine.

"Why are still here? You wanted to be here when i woke up and i'm awake so why are you here?" I asked, cautiously. I tried not to sound ungrateful, because it was nice to have someone here, making it seem like i wasn't as lonely as i really was.

"Well someone told Madam Pomfrey where i was going," he answered, giving me the side eye, "and she came and got me and told me to stay here until i calmed down. So i stayed. It was too late to go back to the dormitories anyway, i would have gotten in trouble for walking the halls this late." His answer made sense but part of me couldn't help wondering if there might be more to his story. But i didn't ask.

"What time is it?" I asked him. He looked at the watch on his wrist for a moment before telling me it was 3:48 in the morning. I groaned, knowing i probably wouldn't go back to sleep because i was so awake. I got up and walked to the sink to get a cup of water. I scooted my butt up onto the sink and sat there for a minute, drinking my water. Draco looked at me quizitively but stayed in his seat, not saying anything.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now