Chapter 2

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(That was kind of an intro but this is now the 6th year at Hogwarts)


I got on the train this morning, saying goodbye to my mom and dad. I always hate to leave them but they always insist. I get to the Slytherin compartment of the train and find a seat. There's another girl in the small room and i sit down diagonal from her. I can feel her glancing at me but i don't recognize her.

"Hi. I'm Caroline." She said to me in a small voice. She couldn't be more than her 3rd year.

"I-" I started when i heard a voice come into out compartment.

"Hello ladies." He said. I looked up to see Draco Malfoy standing there with his arm up on the door, glancing between me and the other girl.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I asked, without making eye contact with him. Malfoy has been a dick for years and everyone knows it. He gets so much pleasure out of tormenting the children of Slytherin and it's awful. He's terrible to everyone and i have no idea why people seem to like him. I used to be scared of him so i thought maybe that was why people put up with him and didn't say anything to him but no that we're older and i'm not a shy little girl anymore i honestly can't tell how he has friends.

"Ouch Bri. You hurt me." He said with a sly grin. I gave him an annoyed glance and huffed. I ran my fingers through my long black hair, getting it out of my face.

"Seriously Malfoy spit it out or get your ass out of here." I said, glancing at the book in my lap. You can never seem like you're interested in anything he has to say or he'll find some way to turn it around on you and make fun of you for something.

"Whatcha reading?" He said, still standing at his place in the door way.

"None of your business. Go away." I answered. I could see his hand go for my book out of the corner of my eye so i moved it away from him.

"Tell me what you want and then get out." I said coldly.

"Damn Bri, i was just looking for a place to sit." He said, starting to enter the room.

"Nope. Not here. Go away." I said, still reading my book.

"Im wounded." He said placing a hand over his chest as if he was in pain. I continued to read as he left and shut the door. As soon as he was gone i looked up from my book and at the other girl.

"Incase you missed all of that, My name is Gabriella. But you can call me Bri." I said extending my hand out for her to shake. She shook my hand and i couldn't tell if she look scared or impressed.

"Who was that?" She asked in a small voice.

"That's Draco Malfoy. He's basically the unofficial leader of Slytherin House. He's terrible but if you stay out of his way he shouldn't bother you too much." I answered.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked me. I'm not sure i heard that correctly. Malfoy. My boyfriend? Gross. I would kill him.

"Fuck no. What the hell! Why would you think that?" I responded. I can't even stomach the idea of dating Malfoy. He would be a terrible boyfriend anyway, even if he wasn't a douche.

"I don't know. You just told me not to get in his way but you seem comfortable standing up to him. And...i don't know...just the way he looks at you." She said, as if it were true.

"Trust me hun, you won't find anyone here that hates Malfoy more than i do." I knew i may be exaggerated because it's quite possible that people hate him more than i do but my point was clear. Caroline looked so timid. I had a hard time believing that she was a Slytherin. Though i'm not exactly one to judge. I was just like her my first and second year. Shy, quiet, sitting alone, asking questions that people hated to answer.

"Are you muggleborn?" I asked her without thinking. Being muggleborn is like a sin in Slytherin House but she reminded me so much of myself that i had to know. Even though i'm technically not muggleborn, i kind of felt like i was because of how little i knew about the wizarding world before becoming a part of it. As soon as it came out of my mouth, she looked terrified. I can tell from her demeanor that she thinks i'm gonna be mean about her status. I may not always be the nicest but i'm far from a bully.

"Um-" She said, she looked from side to side like she was waiting for someone to barge in and rescue her. She looks exactly how i looked when Malfoy first learned that i was raised muggle and started making fun of me for it. I remember that day. It was only my 2nd week at Hogwarts when he asked. I didn't know it was a bad thing so i started crying when he tested me for it. It was awful. But i have a much thicker skin now. And even better, i've learned how to ignore Malfoy's voice. It's like my ears shut off when he speaks unless i decide to listen to his incessant babbling.

"I'm a pureblood but my parents raised me as a muggle. I went to muggle school and lived in a normal house. I still do when i'm not at school. They never really explained why but they only told me what i was a week before i had to leave for school. It was awful." I kept talking until she looked comfortable. She looked less rigid and less terrified. She still looked like she was on edge but there isn't much that can be done for someone who const;y worried about everything. You can't just tell them to stop worrying, it doesn't work.

"I'm a half-blood. My dad is a wizard." She said. I nodded and went back to my book as she looked out the window. Very soon we would be arriving for my 6th year at Hogwarts. And i couldn't wait.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now