Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of something shattering down in the common room. I got up and grabbed a random robe out of my trunk to go downstairs and see what the commotion was all about. The rest of the girls in my dormitory did the same thing.

Upon getting down the stairs i saw a very bloody Zabini. He was standing a few feet away from another boy who was getting ready to swing again. I heard a small yell from beside me and i saw Pansy start running into the fight.

And then i realized that the other boy was Draco Malfoy. Malfoy turned around when he heard Pansy yell but rather than seeing her, he look directly to me. There was something more than anger in his eyes, but i didn't know exactly what it was. But one thing i could definitely name was fury. He turned back to Zabin and punched him right in the nose, again it looked like. It was horrifying watching the two of them go after each other.

Someone grabbed Pansy before she could grab Malfoy because she might have been hit. Honestly, if i were closer i would have let her right directly into the fight and hope she got in the way of one of Malfoy's punches.

"What is going on in here?" A voice spoke from the side of the room where the entrance it. Everything stops at once as we see our Head of House, Professor Snape. He was dresses in his usual black outfit and he was glaring at Malfoy and Zabini. They both stopped and Zabini looked petrified. I would be too if i'd been caught fighting by Snape. His voice has no inflections, making it 10x scarier for him to speak to you.

"Mister Malfoy, Mister Zabini, my office. Now." Snape said, glaring at the pair of them. They both grabbed their bags and started for the portrait. Zabini hit Malfoy's shoulder with his own and Malfoy turned like he was going to punch again when Snape was suddenly in between the two.

"Now." He said again. The 2 boys left and Snape told us all to get ready for our classes. We all went back up stairs and i got dressed for class. I wondered what that was all about briefly but i tried not to dwell on it. I wondered for one second if it would be about what happened last night but i doubted it. Malfoy and Zabini have been at each other's throats for years so this was bound to happen at some point, weather it had anything to do with me or not.

I was in Potions when Malfoy came into class late. He handed his note to Professor Slughorn and took his seat. I watched him as he sat down but he only glanced at me once.

"Gabriella Campbell, Professor Snape would like to see you in his office. Now." Slughorn said. I looked to Malfoy again but he didn't look up. I gathered my books and left the room. On my way to Snape's office, i was confused. Of course i knew it was about this morning, but i didn't know what they told Snape. Or if maybe the pair of them threw me under the bus for something. That would surprise me a bit. I knocked on the door and Snape told me to enter. I opened and closed the door after me.

"Sit." He said in his terrifyingly monotone voice. I did as he told me and sat down. Neither of us spoke for a moment and i just sat there.

"Why am I here, Professor?" I asked. He looked at me for another moment before answering.

"Are you aware of why you're here, Miss Campbell?" He asked.

"Is it about Malfoy and Zabibi?" I asked, cautiously.

"Yes. What about them?" Snape almost whispered.

"They had a fight this morning." I replied calmly. Snape looked at me inquisitively like he was waiting for the rest of my answer. I didn't know what the boys had told him and i wasn't about to give him any more information that he already had so i decided to keep my mouth shut and wait for him to talk.

"Do you know why they were fighting?" He asked, intently.

"No, Sir. I don't" I replied. It wasn't a total lie. I had a thought but i wasn't sure.

"Mister Malfoy said that Mister Zabini hurt you last night." Snape said slowly. I snap my eyes down to my hands, not wanting to look at my professor. I could tell he was still looking at me but i didn't know what else to say. And i had no idea why this mattered enough to Malfoy for him to hit Zabini.

"Is it true?" Professor Snape asked.

"Not exactly. Zabini tried to hurt me but he didn't get the chance." I said, barely louder than a whisper.

"And what *almost* happened with Mister Zabini." He asked.

"It seems like you already know. Do i have to go through it again?" I asked with anger towards Zabini growing in my chest.

"I need to hear it from you because right now i only have Mister Malfoy's side of the story." Snape replied.

"I don't really know what happened. One minute i was in the astronomy tower with Zabini and he was giving me a drink that made my head hurt, and the next i was be carried back to my common room by Draco Malfoy." I answered. That's what i could remember. I had a small memory of Malfoy carrying me back and wanting to tell him to put me down but i couldn't seem to get the words out. I looked up briefly to see what Snape was thinking.

"That's almost exactly what Mister Malfoy said. Very well, Mister Zabini will be punished. But unfortunately, Miss Campbell, Mister Malfoy and yourself will have to be punished as well." said the professor. I felt my blood boil. What, in this situation, could he possibly blame me for?

"But, Professor I--" I started but he held his hand up to stop me from speaking.

"Both you and Mister Malfoy were out after hours. Mister Zabini will be punished for that as well as...other things, but you and Mister Malfoy will have detention together this afternoon."

"Professor you can't--" I tried.

"I can and i do, Miss Campbell. Now get back to class. You will have detention with Professor Slughorn after your last class today." Snape said. I decided it wise not to say anything else so i grabbed my bag and left. As i was walking back to class i couldn't help wondering why Malfoy seemed to care. I know he hates me so what did he stand to gain from fighting with Zabini? I get back to potions and i make eye contact with Malfoy. I couldn't decipher what the look in his eyes was but he didn't look upset. I didn't know if he knew that i go detention as well but after i walked in and sat down he wouldn't look at me again.

After potions was done i went to my other classes before the day was over. And then i went back to Professor Slughorn's classroom and walking in to find Draco Malfoy sitting at out table.

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