Chapter 13

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We got back to the hospital wing in one piece. We didn't speak though. I couldn't think in sentences so i couldn't find anything to say to him. He kissed me. And i kissed him back. And i liked it. I liked kissing Draco Malfoy. That's just something i never, ever, not in a million years, thought i'd ever say. Ever. And yet here i am, with out kiss playing on a loop in my head. I tried so hard to memorize everything about it, because it probably would never happen again.

I thought about how he tasted like mint and smelled like apples and cologne. And how soft his lips were, which i didn't completely expect, not that i'd thought about his lips. And how one of his hands stayed on my arm, where he had pulled me toward him, and the other sat comfortably on my hip. It was crazy and it was wonderful. But it wouldn't happen again. Because no matter what i felt about Draco Malfoy, i had to put myself first, at least a little bit. And that meant putting my feelings aside and staying safe from Pansy fucking Parkinson.

We were back in the hospital wing and i sat on the bed with my back to the blonde boy behind me. I was so deep in thought that i didn't hear him bid me goodnight.




She didn't speak as we got back to the hospital wing and i took that as a sign. I said goodnight and left before she could respond. As i was walking down the corridor to get back to the slytherin dormitories. I kissed her. And i really wanted to do it again. But i wouldn't. If it meant her safety, then i wouldn't risk it.

I got back to the dormitory and found Pansy sitting on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and started toward the boys dormitory. But my path was blocked by Pansy.

"Get out of my way." I said through gritted teeth.

"You sure you don't wanna hang out with me?" She said, grabbing my tie. I grabbed her wrist and brought her face close to mine.

"If you ever touch Gabriella again, i will make it my life mission to make you pay." I said quietly. She looked completely stunned and i pushed her lightly out of the way and she staggered to the side. I walked through to the dormitories and got ready for bed.




I woke up at some point the next morning, long after breakfast. Madam Pomfrey must have let me sleep in because i was definitely tired after being out and about for an hour at 3 am. And all of the memories came flooding back. Draco and how he kissed me and how i told him he couldn't. I hoped i didn't hurt his feelings but i needed to think of myself for once in my damn life.

Madam Pomfrey came rushing in with a few other teachers and a student that i couldn't see.

"I'm fine. Just let me leave." The student said. I think i'd know that voice anywhere. Out of the corner of my eyes i saw the bright white, blonde hair and automatically knew it was Draco Malfoy. I tried not to look at him but i wanted to know why he was here.

He had a bloody nose and the area around his eye seemed a little bit purple. Madam Pomfrey was fussing around and getting him and ice pack. He wiped the blood coming from his nose and his eyes met mine for a brief moment. Madam Pomfrey left the room to retrieve something and suddenly it was just Draco and I. Yet again, i tried not to look at him, but failed very quickly.

"What happened to you?" I asked, genuinely concerned. He didn't look to beat up but it was obvious someone did this to him.

"Zabini." He said curtly. I was taken aback for a moment. Why would Zabini hit Draco? They're friends.

"What-Why?" I tried again. He shifted toward me, seemingly deciding whether or not to answer my question.

"Once for punching him a few weeks ago, and once for threatening Pansy last night." He said. he turned away from me. He clearly didn't want to talk about it but i had a different intention.

"Why would you threaten Pansy?!" I asked. I wasn't dumb, i knew the answer, but a large part of me wanted to hear him say it.

"Because i want to be able to kiss you again." He said, still not facing me. I was opening my mouth to respond, not that i knew what i was going to say, when Madam Pomfrey came back into the room. She took a look at Draco's nose, did a small spell to heal his nose, and ran out of the room again.

"I want to kiss you again, too." I replied back. His whole body stiffened. He turned his body so that his was facing mine and looked into my eyes. I've never been one to be comfortable with eye contact but his eyes make me melt. They're completely grey, a very rare eye color from what i understand. He puts on such a hard exterior but his eyes tell a completely different story. I wasn't sure what that story was yet, but i hoped i'd get the chance to find out some day. Feeling awkward all of a sudden, i looked away. I glanced between my hands and the wall. I was grateful for my long hair when it fell over my face, covering it from his view.

I heard him get up and before i knew what was happening, his lips were on mine. I kissed him with everything i had. It felt so right to be kissing him. I could taste his minty breath and i could feel his soft hair when my hands moved to his face. One of his hands was firmly on my waist while the other one explored my hair. I don't know how long it was until we both needed air. Still sitting on the my hospital bed, i was at the top of the bed and he was on the side. I watched him, breathlessly as he tried to catch his breath. I melted when his eyes met mine. His eyes had the same hunger that mine did.

He started to lean in to kiss me again when we heard footsteps outside of the wing. he quickly jumped off my bed and moved back to the one he was using and i turned my back to him. I moved my hand to my cheek and i could tell that my face was bright red. Madam Pomfrey came through the door and immediately went and started looking over Draco. After she finished with him, she came over to me.

"My dear, you're burning up!" She said with her hand on my cheek. I felt my face flush even more when i heard a soft chuckle come from Draco. Madam Pomfrey got a cool towel and put it over my forehead, that i pulled off the second she left the room. I still wasn't facing Draco and something told me that he wasn't facing me either. I wanted to talk to him but i didn't know what to say. Thank you? That was great? I'd like to kiss you again right the hell now? What do you say after kissing someone you're supposed to hate in the hospital wing of your school? So i remained quiet and kept my eyes on the wall.

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