Chapter 4

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It's been about a week since Zabini asked me out and i actually said yes. Ok, well i didn't say yes, i just said i'd show up if he did the rest. I don't need a boyfriend to be a priority, i'm a perfectly fine, independent girl, so if things with Zabini are just fun, that's fine with me. He gave me all of the details and i told him i'd be there. I got ready in a pair of black ripped jeans and a green crop top. I put my long, black hair up in a high ponytail and put on a little bit of mascara. I didn't want to look overdressed but i didn't want to look like i didn't care. I finished getting ready with my sneakers on and got ready to go downstairs.

I had very mixed feelings about tonight. I was kind of nervous but i didn't know why. It's just Zabini. It's not like i have to make a real impression on him, he already knows me. But i was ready and so i went down to the common room. I was looking in my bag to make sure i had everything when Malfoy came down from his dormitory.

"Where are you sneaking out to, Campbell?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm going out." I replied curtly. I checked everything in my bag and i had everything i could think of needing. I had lipgloss and mascara and my wand. I started to open the portrait that is the Slytherin common room door.

"You got a date or something?" He asked with a sly grin.

"As a matter of fact, i do." I said, closing the painting behind me.

I walked to the astronomy tower. That's where Zabini told me to meet him. I opened the door and walked up the stairs. As i reached the top of the stairs i saw candles. The room was completely illuminated by small candles all around the room. There was a small blanket spread out on the ground as well. I walked into the room and he smiled at me.

"Wanna sit?" He asked me. I nodded and i sat down on one edge of the blanket and he sat on the other.

"Want a drink?" He asked me confidently. I told him sure and he poured me a drink. I wasn't sure what it was but i decided to take it anyway. I drank the whole thing in 5 minutes and i was feeling kind of light headed. He gave me another one and i drank that as well. They tasted fine but i wasn't feeling well. Before long i could barely see but i didn't even have the energy to question what he had given me to drink. I felt him lay me down but after that everything started to blur. Until i heard another voice, one that i couldn't match to a person. Before i knew it, i was floating. I didn't know what to make of any of this.

"Wake up, Bri!" Someone said urgently. I couldn't make my eyes open though.

"Damn it, Bri. Wake up! Gabriella!" The voice said again. Wasn't i awake? I could feel myself shaking, or was i being shaken? I couldn't tell. I felt my eyes fly open and all i could see was Malfoy standing over me. It's really cold. I was in the Slytherin common room and i was looking up past Malfoy at the ceiling.

"God Bri, you're awake." He said, sitting down in the chair next to me looking completely drained. I'm really confused. I was just on a date with Zabini and now i'm with Malfoy? How did that happen? I sat up and Malfoy grabbed my hand and helped me sit up.

"What happened?" I asked, scratching the back of my head and trying to smooth my hair.

"I was hoping you could tell me that. I was going to the astronomy tower when i found you and Zabini." He said.

"Then why am i here with you?" I asked, inquisitively.

"Cause you were completely out of it. He was on top of you and you weren't talking." He said. He looked so mad. I can't tell if he's mad because i ruined his night or because of what Zabini did. I know Malfoy sucks and he hates me but maybe he has just a small bit of human decency. So Zabini tried to assault me? Is that what he's saying?

"I felt really light headed after drinking what he gave me." I said, more to myself than to Malfoy. I'm not sure i've ever seen Malfoy more angry than he looked right now. It's all starting to come back to me now. I drank whatever he gave me and then i started to feel weird.

"Did he drug me?" I ask in a small voice. I hate that Malfoy is seeing me vulnerable but i don't have it in me to care enough to leave. Just as Malfoy was opening his mouth to answer me, the portrait door opened and in walked Zabini. Malfoy started to get up but i was up first.

"How fucking dare you." I said with tears in my eyes. But as i looked at him, the tears disappeared, being replaced only by anger. I gathered the small amount of energy i had, because i was still feeling light headed, and lifted my arm. I slapped him clean across the face. It made a loud sound and i got worried that people might wake up, but that was only on my mind for a moment. I ran upstairs to my dormitory and got into bed as quick as i can. All i wanted was for this night to be over.

I got undresses, realizing that my shirt was not on my body. I threw a sweatshirt on and started downstairs to see if it was down there. It could very well be at the astronomy tower but i might as well check. I walked very slowly, checking to make sure Zabini wasn't downstairs anymore. And he wasn't. But Malfoy still was.

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