Chapter 7

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As i was taking my seat, Draco was watching me. I sat down quickly and looked to the front of the room. Professor Slughorn seemed to be reading something in a book, maybe while he was waiting for me. I tried to get here as fast as i could to get detention over with but i was all the way on the other side of the building.

"Ah, you're both here. Lovely." said the professor. he glanced between the two of us and then put a bookmark in his book.

"You two will be cleaning the cauldrons from today's class. And i don't want to hear a word of complaint." He said. I got up and walked straight over to the sinks and started cleaning the first cauldron in the pile. Malfoy made his way over to the sinks much slower than i had. I turned briefly to see what Professor Slughorn was doing and he was sitting, reading his book, like i'd expected. I kept washing the cauldron but i could feel Malfoy's glances at me.

"Why would you fight him?" I asked quietly. He didn't respond right away and he stared intently at his hands as he washed one of the cauldrons.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit. Tell me why." I said.

"Cause he was a dick." Draco replied curtly. I didn't really know what to say. I mean, he's not wrong, but i also would expect him to be so mad about it that he would beat up his friend. I went back to cleaning the dirty dish in front of me, determined to ignore him if he wasn't going to give me decent answers. We scrubbed the cauldrons in silence for 10 minutes when Professor Slughorn left the room. He said he was going to speak to the headmaster and that he'd be back. So it was just me and Draco. Alone. In detention. It made me think of a movie i watched with my mom once and that made me laugh. As soon as i laughed, Malfoy looked at me, puzzled. But all i could think about was what my mom kept saying during that movie. I don't remember it exactly but i remember her making a funny face and using paper plates as elephant ears.

"What the hell Bri?" Draco asked, looking at me like i just hit him. I looked at him with a huge smile on my face and realized that i probably looked more stupid than i ever have. As always, i hated the thought of him seeing me as anything other the cold bitch he thought i was. And that's how i wanted to be seen. When you're cold and show people that you can handle yourself, they stop seeing you as something that can push around. And i couldn't afford to be vulnerable in a school like Hogwarts, especially in Slytherin. But i just shook my head, smile still faint on my lips, and rinsed the cauldron off under the water.

Draco was still looking at me but again, i tried to ignore him. His gaze, however, was piercing my concentration.

"What do you want, Draco?" I said, looking up at him. I kept eye contact, refusing to be the first to break it. Yeah, i'm that petty.

"Smiling suits you." He said so quietly i thought i might have imagined it. I look at him stunned. I really didn't know what to make of his words. I looked down at the cauldron in my hand and set it down.

"Why did you hit Zabini? I asked. I turned around and put my back to the sink. He did the same and looked at me for a moment before answering.

"I couldn't help it. I saw him walk away completely unharmed and i just couldn't." Draco said. I thought about that for a minute before answering.

"I just don't know why you care. We're not friends." I replied.

"We could be." He replied with a small smirk. And in that moment, his smile made my heart melt. I felt my cheeks warm and turned around so he couldn't see my face. I picked up the sponge and got back to washing the cauldron. He did the same but we both kept glancing to see if the other was watching. He mostly kept his eyes on me but every time we made eye contact i would shift my gaze back to what my hands were doing. I felt hands turn me around and before i knew it, Draco's face was only inches from mine. I did my best to avoid eye contact with him but it was difficult considering the close quarters he created.

"Tell me you want nothing to do with me, Gabriella." He said. He used my full name. He'd barely ever done that before. But then i think that he probably didn't miss it when i used his first name earlier as well even though i didn't really mean to. I opened my mouth to speak but i couldn't find any words. Maybe i just couldn't think of any at the moment, or maybe i didn't want to tell him what he wanted to hear. I don't think i could tell him to stay away from me. The way he's staring at me, so close i can feel his breath on my cheek, i don't know. Im intrigued to say the least. But before i knew it, Professor Slughorn was opening the door and Draco was moving away from me with a smirk plastered onto his annoyingly perfect face.

I took a second to gather myself before turning back to my sink. I let what just happened sink in. Draco was so close to me that i easily could have...

But i didn't. Thank god i didn't. I don't ever want to kiss Draco Malfoy. Being with Draco Malfoy is like dooming yourself to a life of emotional turmoil and confusion. He doesn't know how to handle emotions in the slightest, and it shows. He was looking at me when i looked up at him to see what he was thinking. But damn him for being so good with facial expressions because i couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. As soon as we finished cleaning the cauldrons and Slughorn told us we could go, i grabbed my bag. I shoved my books in the bag and practically ran out of the door. I could see him gathering his books almost as quickly as i had. As i was leaving, he was calling my name but i ran off. I moved as quickly as i could, trying to get back to the Slytherin common room.

But i must have forgotten that Draco is a few inches taller than me, and has much longer legs. He caught up to me before i even left the hallway.

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