Chapter 5

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I got downstairs to see Malfoy standing by the fire. He was holding something on his hand but i could quite see what it was. He must have heard me come down the stairs cause he turned around. As soon as he saw me, he turned back to the fire. I could tell it was him but i couldn't really see his face.

I looked on the sofa for my shirt but it wasn't there. I could tell i wasn't in a proper mindset because it was just a shirt. I didn't even like it that much, i just didn't feel like going to bed after tonight. I decided that i would go back to the tower and see if my stuff was there, because i'd assumed it was. However i got back to the common room, my stuff wasn't transported with me.

I started for the portrait door when i was stopped.

"Where are you going?" Malfoy asked, still not turning to face me.

"I want to find my shirt. It wasn't on me and i want to get it." I said quickly, leaving the room and closing the door. I was only a few steps down when i heard the door open and close again. I turned to see Malfoy putting on his jacket and climbing down the stairs after me.

"What are you doing Malfoy?" I asked.

"I'm going with you, what does it look like i'm doing?" He asked, catching up with me because he's much taller than i am.

"I don't need a babysitter." I said, trying to speed up enough that he'll give up and go back. But fast walking for me is normal speed for him, so he's keeping pace with me like it's as easy as breathing.

"Considering i had to carry you from the astronomy tower to our common room suggests otherwise." He replied. He carried me? All the way here? That's why i was floating? I can't remember him being there or doing anything, before when i woke up. I finally turned to look at him, puzzled by when he would take the time to bring me back to our house common room when he hated me. But it was then that i really saw his face. And he was bleeding. He has a split lip and he had a small cut on his cheekbone. His nose looked red as well but i couldn't see blood.

"Oh my god! What happened to you Draco?!" I exclaimed, stopping dead in my tracks. He stopped and turned to face me.

"Nothing." He said. He kept climbing down the stairs.

"Draco, what happened? You didn't look like this earlier." I said, trying to get down the stairs fast enough for him not to be waiting at the bottom for me.

"I hit Zabini, he hit me back. Happy?" he asked, still walking far too fast for me. He HIT Zabini? What the fuck? Why would he do that? Knowing Malfoy, he should have given him a pat on the back.

"What? Why would you do that?!" I said, much too loudy for the time of night. Malfoy looked at me like i was crazy.

"Do you have memory loss?" He asked with a grim look on his face. We continued walking for a moment.

"I would've thought you'd congratulate him." I whispered under my breath. I wasn't even sure Malfoy heard me until he grabbed my arm.

"You can think what you want about me, Campbell, but i would never just let that happen to you." He growled. He had this look on his face that made me feel guilty for thinking he would be ok with what happened. As guilty i as i felt, i rolled my eyes. He let go of my arm and we continued walking.

"You really don't have to walk with me. I can handle myself." I said to him a few different times on the walk but he ignored me each time. As we got to the tower i went inside to get my stuff while Malfoy waited outside. I hated going in there but i blew out the candles and grabbed my bag and my shirt. I left the astronomy tower so fast that Malfoy had to jog for a minute to catch up to me because he didn't see me leave the building. We walked back in complete silence the entire way.

When we got back to the common room i immediately started up the stairs. I heard Malfoy mumble something but i didn't have the energy to wonder what it was. I got upstairs and Pansy was sitting in her bed. I wondered why she was up so late but i didn't care to ask. But i didn't need to. She made her way over to my bed as i was taking off my shoes. She was standing in front of me with her wand in her hand, pointing it at me.

"You stay the hell away from my boyfriend, Campbell. Or i will kill you." Pansy said in a cold, low tone. I laughed and she glared at me.

"I couldn't care less about Draco Malfoy." I stated, staring her in the eyes. She gave me one last death glare before going back to her bed. But for some reason, as i was falling asleep, he was all i could think of. Draco Malfoy was the only thing getting over the barrier of anger i felt toward Blaise Zabini. And i didn't know why. I didn't know why i was thinking about him. I didn't know why he bothered to help me tonight. I didn't know why he was dating someone as bitchy as Pansy. I didn't know any of it but most of all, i didn't know why Zabini tried what he did tonight.

I hated imagining that happening to girls everywhere. But i was ashamed that i let it almost happen to me. I mean i'm a wizard for god's sake! I should have at least had the sense to ask what the drink was, not that it would have mattered much. It wouldn't have mattered what the drink was if it was drugged. I'm not stupid. I don't know how this could have happened. And i don't know why it made Malfoy lash out the way he did. But anything for a fight, right? Isn't that what guys always say. They'll accept any reason to throw a punch. I fell into an uneasy sleep, still wondering about Malfoy and slightly less and less about Zabini and his actions.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now