18th Birthday

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I was sitting in the cafe with Simon, waiting on Clary. Simon said "hey Tess you want anything?" I said "oh yeah um an iced Pumpkin Spice latte and bagel, thank you." He got up to get in line and I sat there drawing the two men I keep dreaming about, I am sure I've seen them somewhere before. He set my coffee and food in front of me causing me to smile in thanks, Clary came in with a sad face. Simon said "give me their names and I will end them" we stared at him in shock and he said "well with a scathing email to the dean" she said "don't bother" and threw her acceptance letter on the table.

See I knew she got in, her talent is amazing, and she can't lie to me, I may be younger by an hour but I'm also the smarter twin. She sat down and said "she liked my portfolio but the two she liked the most was the one from our comic and the one I drew of you Tess" I said "wait you took that one with you?" she said "yeah I forgot it was in there" I saw a symbol in her drawings and said "Hey Clary remember that one dream I told you about?" She looked at me and said "yeah why?" I said "the man in it had that tattoo on his left forearm, what does it mean?" She said "I don't know it's just something that popped into my head."

I nodded and said "I'm gonna head home" She said "wait Tess, I'll come with you" I nodded and waited for her to grab her stuff and say bye to Simon before we walked home. Once inside the shop we saw Dot she said "the cards tell me you got in." Clary laughed and said "by the cards you actually mean Simon's twitter account" Dot said "ok guilty its hard to see the future in cards, but I do see a present in your future" She put two bags on the counter, I grabbed mine and looked inside I saw a cute Black lace crop top with ties on it. Clary had a long sleeve full length black lace shirt.

Clary said "how do you do this?" I smiled as Dot said "simple I see what I want and buy it for you both keeping in mind your more conservative and Tess is more like an old friend. But keep it on the DL your mom is my boss and I don't wanna get into trouble" we giggled and I said "thats how you know its cool, love you Dot" Dot said "love you Tess, Clary" we ran upstairs to our loft and mom said "congrats Clary and happy birthday Clary, Princess" Clary said "you follow Simon as well" Jocelyn looked guilty and said "he only has 92 followers, he needs all the retweets" We laughed and mom handed us a thin box, we opened the box and each pulled out a metal pen like thing. I said "what is this?" Clary said "maybe a paperweight?"

Jocelyn said "no, girls its a stele, a family heirloom, Tessa look closely at yours" I did as she asked and saw 'Tessalyn Arabella H. F.' I said "what's the H for?" She said "its your fathers last name, he engraved this for you when I told him I was pregnant, Clary yours is one that is passed down from my line. At the time I thought It was only one baby as I was barely pregnant and by the time we knew I just hadn't gotten to engraving Clary's." Clary said "I thought dads last name was Clark?"

She looked down so I said "mom?" she sighed and said "I didn't want to tell you, you two are twins but you are what is called Heteropaternal twins, basically it means Clary your father and I conceived you but then I slept with someone else and three days later conceived you Tessa." I said "so wait who is my father? Where is he?" She tried to put her hand on me but I backed away so she sighed and said "his name was James Herondale and he was named after his great grandfather, he died in war, when you were one." she reached into a box and handed me a picture the back said "Tessalyn and daddy"

I said "I'm gonna go get ready to leave, I cant do this" she said "wait Tess wear this please?" she handed me this ring attached to a chain.

I said "I'm gonna go get ready to leave, I cant do this" she said "wait Tess wear this please?" she handed me this ring attached to a chain

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She said "please, Tessa, this was your fathers and he would want you to have it."  I sighed and slipped it over my head before heading to my room to get dressed in this. 

I put a black sweater over it and met Clary outside, I had the Stele in my pocket, Luke came in and gave Clary spray paint and handed me a bag

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I put a black sweater over it and met Clary outside, I had the Stele in my pocket, Luke came in and gave Clary spray paint and handed me a bag. I opened it up and saw it was a sketch book and a journal with pens, pencils, and markers. I hugged him and said "thanks Luke" he said "no problem, happy birthday Princess" he noticed my necklace and held the ring in his hands and said "oh Herondale, as in James Herondale?" I said "thats what mom said, did you know him?" he smiled and said "we grew up with him and his brother Stephan. Jocelyn you never said it was a Herondale. Tessa keep this close it will give you status, your dad was well loved" 

I said "i bet, mom said he died in a war" Luke said "he did, did she explain this?" he nudged my pocket where the stele was sitting. Clary said "its apparently an heirloom that's why she told us about Tessa's dad, hers Is engraved" Jocelyn said "girls you are 18 we need to have the talk" I said "we had the talk 4 years ago" Clary said "yeah besides its not like we are going on some epic adventure" Simon walked through the front door and said "but you are, you girls only turn 18 once it will be Epic" he kissed Jocelyn on the cheek and I said "we should get going Maureen is probably waiting on us." 

Jocelyn said "girls its important, breakfast tomorrow, the three of us, promise me" Clary and I spoke in unison "I promise mom" then she jumped on Simon's back after handed him her paint and we walked out. 

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