Chapter 4 School - And Soccer

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So to make this story work there has to be an extra day in between the day they arrive and Delilahs day so this chapter is the day in between

Wrens POV
Tomorrow is Delilah's naming day. I was helping plan it. We know we want a bunch of food and all of her favorite things. Because well it is her day. Murphy and Emori are not gonna be here because there leaving at lunch to go to the ship. One of the newer people from Each is in 4 years older than me. So I hang out with her a lot. Her names is Mari and She's Clark's daughter. She is literally the best. Right know we're in my room in the palace deciding what I should wear tomorrow. Normally I would ask Delilah but she's hanging out with everyone before her naming day and I don't want to mess her up.

"I really like the purple-ish pink-ish one" says Madi. Pointing to the one in my right hand. I like that one too.

"So I guess that one it is" I say and put it on my dresser for tomorrow. " and I think I'm going t wear this one today"

The dress Madi picks out for Wren to wear to Delilah's naming day

The dress Madi picks out for Wren to wear to Delilah's naming day

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The dress for today

FYI I am not a big fan of Ombre dresses but I noticed that the kids under 18 in the show wear ombre a lot so I decided to add that to my book

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FYI I am not a big fan of Ombre dresses but I noticed that the kids under 18 in the show wear ombre a lot so I decided to add that to my book. Also like I said before you can imagine them however you want but this is how I imagine then looking.

I go to the bathroom and change. I then go back out to Madi.

"Hey someone told me that there's gonna be a soccer game today, and I am gonna go play in it. Do you want to play with us" I ask her. A smile comes in her face before she answers me.

"I'd like that" she says

" Then come on" I say and I grab her hand and run out of my bedroom door. Dragging her along with me as we go.

"How are you going to play in that" she asks me pointing towards the dress as I drag her.

"Girl, I have worn a dress about everyday since I was named a prime about 4 years ago. You get used to it. But it still gets annoying some times." I say to her answering her question. We get to the soccer field and see kids gathering there. When they see me they bow.

"Rise" I say I'm a funny voice and everyone laughs including me and Madi. " So what are the teams"

"We absent decided yet. Do you want to do it" says one of the older kids.

"Sure why not. Ron, Pietro, Paisley, Gabby, Enzo, and Grace you are team Yellow. Me, Madi, Saige, Eric, Luca and Anderson are team Red. Dose anyone have a question about what team they are on" I ask. No body asks so we huddle in are teams.

"Ok team Red this is are new player Madi. She's going to be joining us" I say and they node their heads in understatement. "Ok then let's win" I says and we break. All ready to win this game. Team Hello starts with the ball.

We play for about an hour. Having the time of are lives till And I gets called by his mother so he has to leave. So we quickly tally up the scores and we see that Team Red won. Me and my team cheer. Then we hear a voice yell to all of us.

"Children it's time for school" says Mrs. Henderson. I totally forgot we had school today. I look over at Madi.

"You can join us for class of you want" I say she looks a little hesitant. "How about you go ask Clark. But make sure to tell her that I'll be best to you the inter time in case you need anything"

"Ok" she says and she happily runs off to her mother to ask her if she can come to school with us. I wait a couple minutes in till she comes back. she comes back with a big smile on her face.

"She said he's but you have to stay with me the inter time" she says. I hug her.

"Yay let's go" I say and we run to school. We sit down next to each other at a table. School was very fun today because it was on medical stuff which I'm m d's bad at but Madi was really good at it so she helped me.

"How did you do that" I ask her. We're doing sticking and Madis is the only one who has here perfect.

"Mrs. Madi may I show yours to the class because yours is the best" says Mrs.Henderson

"Sure" Madi says and she hands her cloth to Mrs. Henderson. Mrs.Henderson then shows everyone in the class it. Theres a bunch of it's and ah's. By the time school is dismissed We all are laughing because of the funny jokes Pietro keeps making.

"Alright class there is no homework tonight because you need to be getting ready for Delilah 's naming day tomorrow. okay?" She says. We all reply back then we all leave. Me and Mari walk out together.

"I should go before Clark starts woring but you should know that today was one of the most fun days I have every had because of you so thank yoh" she says. She then runs off to Delilah 's Family s tavern, and I go to the place to start getting ready for tomorrow. I walk in and see Simone and Delilah talking about what Delilah wants for tomorrow. I take a seat next to them and join the conversation

"So you want pink,orange, and yellow steamers" I ask to make sure I'm correct .

"Correct" she says. She then goes home and me and Simone give the workers the correct stuff to use and they go out it up for tomorrow . I then go to my bedroom and change into my pjs then go to bed.

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