2 - Chapter 19 - Love you + Sorry

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Happy New Years🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

I hope that 2021 is way better than this year has been. In honor of the new Year I am staying up and writing this. So I hope you like it and sorry it didn't come out dinner. I have had no xtra time at all

Ok on to the story

Ps: There are more than 2 pulls like there are in the show. In this book there's enough for everybody. Just deal with it. It helps the story and the story line make sense.

Also everyone is in the same room. The room where Wren disappeared. So they don't have to go save anyone because of the bomb. Stuff like that. Also the bomb didn't happen because it would just cause more problems that I can't use. If you don't like it I guess read a different book. Sorry. But I think you might like this book. So please stay.

3rd thing how the heck do you spell Levitt. I wrote it like that for this chapter but I'd like to have the rest right. So someone please tell me.

4th I probably should explain why Wren calls Clarke her Aunt and not Octavia. It's because in season 5 they met Wren for the first time and that's when Octavia was still Bloodreina. So she wanted to see Wren and have a good relationship with her. But everyone was making her stay away from her because of the night blood and because Octavia was bad

Fifth thing sorry that there is so many thing. But I had a lot of explaining to do. So I had to right it all down here. But there's probably more questions. They will be explained now or is they are season 5 things you'll just have to wait for the prequel to come out.

now on to the story for reals this time.

Wrens Pov

I was standing in front of Gaia and Indra. I had the knife that would take me to Bardo to my stomach.

"Wren put the knife down." Gaia says. I don't. Everyone runs in. My parents and all.

"Don't take another step" I say. My dad looks at me. Sad that he let this happen to his daughter.

"I am sorry. I did not know what she wanted until it was too late." Indra says.

"Octavia said Cadogan would just keep sending more people until he gets me. No one will ever be safe." I say

"Wren please don't do this" my mom says. Pleading with me. She doesn't want me to go.

"I told you. No one else is dying to save me." I say. Tears start to come down my face.

"Wren.... please" Aunt Raven says. She knows how broken it will make her and my parents, and everyone else.

"I love you mom and dad" I say and I stab myself with the dagger.

"No" my dad yells. They all run up to me. I disappear into a ball of green light. Tears streaming down my face.

"No, no, no" My mom repeats . Tears coming down her face. My aunt Raven walks up to her. She hugs her. Tears also coming down her face. My dad throws something on the wall to the ground.

"Dang it" he yells.

"We can still get to Wren" Aunt Clarke says. She pulls out the pill bottle. There's enough for everyone. Emori runs over with the rest she takes a pill and goes to put it in her mouth.

"Emori, we have to think this through" Gaia says as she grabs my mothers hand with the pill.

"We're gonna need an inside man. I'll get Levitt. We can get Wren together" Octavia says. Everyone takes the pill.

"Cadogan disappeared right away. Why isn't this working?" My Aunt Clarke asks.

"Maybe somebody has to be waiting in Bardo. To pull you through" Hope says. More tears start to come down their faces. They don't cry and show emotions often. But when it comes to their girl. They do.

Cliff hanger!!!

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