2 - Chapter 22 - Mind drive + Almost death

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Emoris pov

"Shut up" I hear Clarke yell in the other room to Sheidheda. He won't stop singing some random song. We're all worried about Wren.

"We did all of this just to end up here, all of us locked up in cells" I say to Raven. I got out in a cell with her.

"Hey, we'll get Wren back." She says. I hear her stand up and walk over to me. "Think about it. Someone brought us here. That means we have help on the inside. It's just.. a matter of time" she says and she sits down next to me.

"Thank you" I say and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"For what" she asks me.

"Helping raise Wren and being there for her when me and John couldn't be." I say. She hugs me.

"Well I loved doing it" she says back as we get out of the hug. We both have a tear coming down are cheek. The door then opens. We stand up. I see John, Bellamy, Hope, Jordan, Clarke, Octavia, Gaia, Indra, Echo, Niylah and some random person that Octavia seems to know. I run up and hug John. He hugs me back.

"Come one let's go get the others then we can go get Wren" Bellamy says. We run to the next cell and unlock it. Miller and Jackson are inside. They get up seeing us and walk over to us.

"So what's the plan" Miller asks. We think of a plan all agree on it then go are separate ways. Me and John are with Miller, Levitt, Jackson and Raven. Clarke and Octavia where going to get Shidheda to have him create a distraction. The rest were all trying to stop a war or looking for Wren.

We ran through the halls. Levitt new what room she was in so we all followed him. He stopped at a door: I took a deep breath. I can do this I thought to myself. Levitt looked at us asking if we're ready. I nod my head yes. He opens the door. We all walk in with are guns out. No ones here. I see Wren. She completely still. Me and John run up to her.

"Wren, wren, wren" I say as I take off the ropes holding her in. She doesn't respond or move. "Somethings wrong" I say as I hold her face in my hands.

"She's breathing. Why isn't she responding" John says angrily. We both have tears down are face now. I grab her in a hug with John. Both cradling her in are arms.

"Say something please" I say but she doesn't. She's completely still. I hug her again. Pulling her as close to me as possible. "My baby's, my baby, my baby" I just keep muttering over and over again. John holds her hand. Also holding her in his arms. Raven walks over to where Miller and Jackson are with Levitt.

"There's still neural activity. But her brain stem shows evidence of a massive stroke." Levitt says.

"Well Neural activity is good, right?" Raven asks Jackson. worried about her niece.

"She's conscious but she can't move" Jackson says to me. Raven starts to cry. I can't lose her too she thinks to herself. Jackson grabs her and hugs her. If she felt like this she couldn't imagine how Emori and Murphy felt. Raven gets out of the hug and calms herself down. Wiping her tears off. She then walks up to them. They both don't look up.

"She can hear you. She knows your here" Raven says to them. I stop hugging her and move her so that she spooning straight at me. Its terrible to see her like this.

"We love you so much. Don't be scared" I says and I movenher over onto her side. John then grabs his knife out. Miller and Jackson run up and grab him.

"What are you doing?" Jackson yells.

"Putting mine and her mind drives into Emoris head so we can see my girl one last time" Murphy yells back at him. Tears streaming down his face.

" No that will kill you both too" Jackson spays. "The mind can't hold two Better yet three."

"Fine l. I'll do it myself then." He says getting out of Miller grasp. He walks back over to me and our daughter. He goes and puts his hand by her neck. His hand shaking.

" I got this" Jackson says and he grabs the knife from Murphy's hand. He then does the procedure. Putting both Murphy and Wrens mind drives into my head. I get to see my baby gurl. One. Last. Time.

Sorry it's been so long.

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