2 - Chapter 15 - Earth + Hope

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I don't know how to spell Diyoza. Is it that way or is it Dioyza like please tell me


Wrens Pov

We were all standing in front of the portal. Waiting for Aunt Clarke and maybe Uncle Bellamy to come through. Still don't know why I call him my uncle even after what he did. I was holding my mother and Aunt Ravens hand. My father was standing behind me.

Aunt Clarke and Bellamy came through the portal. The portal stooped right when they got out.

"Where are we?" Asked Aunt Clarke. I looked around and realized I have no clue.

"The second dawn bunker" says Gabriel

"Earth?" Clarke asks. We all look around. I never remembered going to Earth. Though I've been here once before. "How?" She asks.

"This place is perfect for you." Says Cadogan. I forgot he was here. I walk closer to my father. Scared of him. But holding hands with Aunt Raven and my mother.  "Nano-tracking program" he says. It must be what he's holding in his hand. He puts it in his mouth. "What do you say? May we meet again" he says. Aunt Clarke and Bellamy put there guns up to him. He then disappears into a ball of light.

"Welcome home mother" says someone. Everyone turns around and points their guns at the voice. Except for me. I was never given a gun. They probably didn't want me to have one for some random reason. I look over my dads shoulder and I see Gaia standing there. She smiles at me.

"Gaia?" Indra asks. Gaia walks down the ramp to where we are all standing. Gabriel looks confused but puts his gun down. Gaia walks over to her mother and gives her a hug. She then looks to me. We have become good friends after she was told to take care of me throughout the days.

"Seda" I say and walk over and hug her. Everyone secretly smiled at this. "How are you here?" I ask. She puts her hands on my cheeks.

"Good question" she says. "He turned off the stone. Before the bridge closed we went through. Landing here. He would not stop talking while we fought. He said when your caught in a closing bridge. It defaults to the planetary option of your DNA. Earth." She says. I'm stand back over by my mother and Aunt as my dad had walked over to the helmet of the man Gaia killed.

"Where's the head?" He asked

"Buried with the rest of him" she says back.

"Until today no one even knew you were missing. How long have you been alone here?" Indra asks her daughter

"A few days until the others arrived this morning. I thought it would be the ref of my life." Gaia says. Answering her mothers question.

"We're together now" says Indra.

"Echo and Octavia. Where are they" Uncle Bellamy says. I decided if the others all trust him still. I probably should too. But I don't feel like talking to him unless he says something to me first.

"There with the rest" Gaia says and she starts to walk up the ramp. "Come with me" she say. We all follow her. I hold hands with my aunt Raven as we walk to the top of the bunker. My parents walk behind us. Watching my every step. We get to the top. Gaia motions for me to go out first. I walk out and look around. I smile big.

"It's so green and beautiful" I say happily. Everyone else walks out and smiles at me seeing Earth for my first time after my memory loss.

"It's nice. Isn't it?" says my mother

"It's not nice. It's fantastic!" I say and spin in a circle. My arms out. They all laugh at this.

"Come on you can take a look around latter. We have some people to see" says my father. Bellamy grabs my arm to lead me. I flinch away. Everyone noticed this. My dad walks up to me and leads me to my mother. Giving Bellamy a sorry look. They all knew that Bellamy was just faking. But I didn't.

"There over here" says Gaia. She then walks a bit till we see a hut.

"Earth is back" says my father. As I walk next to him. I hold his hand as I always do with whoever is next to me. I do it because I get scared of people who talk to me like I know them. But really I don't remember them. We wake them up and we hug each other.

"Wren" says my aunt Echo. She looks way different but I know it's still her.

"Aunt Echo" I say and I run up and hug her. She hugs me back. I'm one of the only people that she shows affection too. Everyone knows that so no one thinks it's weird when she hugs me. A girl with the same haircut as Echo looks at me weirdly. I don't say anything cause I don't know who she is and I've been a shy person after losing my memories. Though they say I used to be really outgoing. But I just can't see my self doing that. I then hug Octavia and Niylah. The girl that I don't know comes up to me.

"Hi I'm Hope Diyoza" she says. She puts her hand out for me to shake it. I think for a second but then I put my hand out and shake it back.

"I'm Wren Murphy" I say back. She smiles at me. My parents watch as I talk to someone without someone there next to me to comfort me. There proud of their daughter that she would do something like that.

"I already know" she says back. We talk for a bit. We talk about how she lived with her mother and her aunt Octavia or Auntie O as she calls her for years. So she knows all about me and all about all of us. It made it easier for me to talk to her because if Octavia trusts her. I trust her.

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