2 - Chapter 13 - Antidote + Sketchbook

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Wrens Pov

"Everybody go upstairs. We have antitoxin for everyone." Says my father.

"You took down the sheild?" Aunt Raven asks my mother as they hug.

"Yeah sorry about that" my mother says back.

"No it worked" she says back to her. "I'll get the power back on. Helpfully without killing anyone this time." She says. She then walks away to go try and get the power back on. I stand next to Aunt Clarke. I missies her. Cadogan and the other Shepherds walk in. I hold Aunt Clarke's hand. Cadogan puts his hand out. As if Aunt Clarke's suppose to give him something. She looks at him for a moment before taking the box with the flame out of her jacket pocket. She hands it to him. He takes the flame out of the box. He inspects it for a moment. He then looks back to Aunt Clarke.

"For all man kind" he says out loud. We then all make are way upstairs. My father, and my mother start to hand out Antitoxin's. Aunt Clarke sits by me instead. I lay on her shoulder. My mom brings one of the antitoxins to me right away.

"Here use this" she says

"No. Give it to somebody else. I survived the red sun with antitoxins lots of times. It's one of the things that I remember doing." I say. She looks at me worried.

"Ok fine. But if you start to feel the affects of it. You tell your aunt. Okay?" She asks.

"Okay" I say back.

"Good" she says back. She then kisses my forehead before she walks away again. I look back over to aunt Clarke.

"I don't think you should have given him that." I say. She looks at me then looks over to Cadogan with the flame in his hand.

"Why?" She asks

" I don't know if you know this. But I remember things." I say.

"Your sketchbook?" She asks. "Wren don't tell anyone except your parents that. Okay?" She says. I nod my head yes. We sit for a second. I see Sheidheda standing in the doorway. I jump up and walk up and sit three steps higher.

"What is it? What's wrong?" She asks Panicked. Sheidheda walks closer. He's standing right in front of Aunt Clarke. I run into the reactor. He follows me. My parents see me running and follow after me. Clarke runs after me also. I run and Sheidheda runs after me. Whispering things. By now I'm in the reactor.

"Leave me alone" I yell. I fall on the ground and lay againgt the wall. I have tears coming down my face. He bends down in front of me and touches my face. Except I don't feel it. Making it worse.

"What's wrong?" Yells my father as he my, mom, and my two aunts crowd around me on the floor.

"You don't see him" I yell. Tears still coming down my face.

"She's having another panic attack" says my father. They look at him worried.

"See who?who is it?" Me mom says camly. Trying to calm me down. It doesn't work.

"Sheidheda. He's right behind you" I yell. Trying to get out of their hands so I can run. They all look at each mother for a moment as I try to run away.

"Red Sun Toxins" says my father. My mother and Aunt Raven sit one their side of me. I lay my head in my moms shoulder. Trying to not look at Sheidheda. I feel safe with them all around me. My father runs back with the antidote. He gives it to my mother. She puts it up against my mouth. I take a deep breath in. She takes the antidote away from my mouth.

"Shh, shh, shhhh" says my mother. I lean into her. My face still in her shoulder. "It's okay. It's okay. He's not really here" she says to me. She wraps her arms around me. Pulling me closer to her. We all lay there. Me, my mother, my father, aunt Raven, and Aunt Clarke.

Ok so sorry this chapter is super short. I didn't know what else to put in this chapter. I wanted to thank AlohaStitch0626 because she has been helping me with what I said in the part before this one. So thank you so much. And please answer me for the part above this. I won't be label you do some chapterS

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