2 - Chapter 12 - Raven and Clark + hugs

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3rd person PoV

Murphy and Raven were sitting next to each other behind a fire. Murphy, Cadogan, and one of the other shepherds were standing in the same spot they were moments ago.

"So just to recap. The Shepard over their is the same guy who built the bunker. That saved humanity from Praimfaya Twice, and now he wants the flame. Broken by you. So he can start a war with.... whoever built the stones. In order to turn all of us into. Beings of light." Says Murphy. Pausing before saying the last part.

"Yep" Raven says back. Looking over at him.

"Oh, okay" he says "is it weird that the craziest part of all of this is Bellamys robe?" He asks

"Nope" she says back. "Echo, Octavia and the rest of the are all hostages. He's pretending to be a sheep, And that robe looks so dumb on him." She says. They both look over to Bellamy.

"Yeah. Well, not to point out the obvious. But we're hostages too." He says

"Yeah, But we've done this before. Hopefully Bellamys a good actor." She says. She then looks at him. He does the same.

Wrens POV

We were all standing around the cameras. I was standing next to my mom. Holding her hand. The P.A. System started to go off.

"Red Sun toxins have been detected. Everyone go to the location for evacuation" says the person over the P.A. "This is not a test. Go now" the person finishes saying.

"It's okay. We're safe. The reactor's airtight. Toxin can't get in here." Says my mother. We then hear a bang. We all look to the sound. Picasso barks. The bangs continue. People are trying to break in.

"Won't be alright for long" says someone

"There calling our bluff. They know we won't detonate the reactor." Says Jeremiah. The person on the P.A. system continues to talk. I drown it out.

"Trey, Jeremiah get everyone into secondary, and seal the door" she says "go"

"Wait mom" I say.

"You too Wren" she says kissing my forehead like she always does. "We only have one gun" Jeremiah unlocks the door. He opens the door.

"Surprise!" Says Nikki and she steps out of the doorway. She must have gotten out of the ties. She punches Jeremiah in the face. She then picks him back up and turns him around. She puts a knife up to his throat.

"DAD" yells Enzo.

"It's been swell. But I think I'll be going now." She says. Enzo doesn't move from his spot. "Your cute. But I will kill your daddy. If you don't step aside." She adds on. Enzo doesn't move.

"He knows we can't let you open the door." Says Jeremiah. Mom takes out her gun and points it at Nikki.

"Nikki. It's true. Look." Says my mom. Nikki looks at the screen. There's then a big bang. Nikki looks up towards the sound. "If those men open that door. Red Sun Toxin will spill into this reactor" she also says. Nikki looks around. Not really knowing what to do. Me and Pietro walk up behind Enzo.

"Human shield's only work if your not willing to let the other person die." I say.

"The shield" my mom whispers out loud. "Here" she says giving her gun to Trey. She then runs over to the computer and starts typing stuff in.

"What the heck are you doing?" Nikki asks. My mother looks at her for a moment. She then goes back to typing in the computer "Stop. Or in 3 seconds this kid I'd fatherless" she yells. Enzo has tears coming down his face. "1.." she yells. My mom continues to type. The screen says 44% "2.." she yells. "The screen 100%. My mom hits a button. The lights go off making it pitch black. All of the lights in Sanctum go off. The shield comes  down.

"Turn on those dang lights it i cut this guys-" says Nikki but then I hear an impact and she stops talking. I hear her body fall and her knife fall. Someone turns on a flashlight. I see Nikki on the ground and Luca standing over her. With a wrench in his hand. Me and Pietro look over to him. He looks back at us. Trey walks back over to my mom. Giving her her gun back.

"You let the bugs in" he says

"Yeah. Two bugs with one stone" she says. She then looks back at the screen. There still going. "I just hope it's not 3." She says. They continue to try to break down the door. I walk over to my mother. I grab her hand. She gives it a squeeze. She then puts her hand with the gun up. Pointing it up a the door. The banging stops. The bugs must have gotten them. Or they stopped for some reason.

"Get them off" one of them yells. My mom put her gun down.

"It stopped" Jeremiah says. Pointing out the obvious. We hear them scream in pain. There's a moment of silence before someone starts knocking on the door.

"It didn't work" says someone. Mom puts her gun back up. There's then an explosion.

"Here they come" yells my mom. "Stay behind me go" she yells. We all start to run backwards a her included. My moms gun still up. There's a moment before we see a shadow

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Good guy, good guy, remember?" Says the person and they come into view. It's my father. He looks at me then my mother.

"Dad" I say and I run up and hug him. He smiles. Happy to see his little girl.

"Hey i missed you too" he says kissing me on my forehead like he and my mom always do. I get out of the hug so he can hug my mother. I see Aunt Clarke. She smiles when she sees me. I run up to her and give her a hug.

"Your back" i say. Hugging her tightly. " I didn't know  when you guys were ever coming back" i add on.

"We tried to come back as fast as we could" she says. I get out of the hug and see Aunt Raven smiling at me. I run up to her too.

"I missed you so much" I say. Hugging her tightly. She one of the only people that I really remember. But I have grown a good bond with the others that I don't remember so it makes up for that

"I missed you too" she says. For a moment all is well. Then Bellamy walks in. Mom walks up to him and hugs him.

"Don't.. Do that" says my father buts she has already hugged him. It looks like he whispered something to her but I can't tell. I'm just so happy that Were all back together. I'm still holding Ravens hand. Happy for once in a while. Everyone looks at me. Happy that I'm happy.

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