2 - Chapter 18 - Gabreil + Bardo thoughts

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Wrens POV

"Mom, Dad" I scream at the top of my lungs. I don't know what to do. I don't know what killed Gabriel. The lamp in front of me feel to the ground. There's definitely somebody there: I run over to the vent and start to crawl through it. I then get pulled out. I scream.

"Get off me. Help. Help" I scream. I'm then picked up by an imaginary force. "Get away from me" I yell. I'm then slammed into a table. The table goes flying. The invisible person stops being invisible. They take off there helmet. It's Sheidheda. He wants me dead.

"Hello Wren" he says and he takes out his knife. "It seems that you're the key to the transcendence of the human race. They sent me to bring you back. But. You see. I don't want to transcend. I want to reign. They gave me a choice" he says. I'm still slowly walking backwards. Trying to get away from him.
"Use these to bring you back peacefully." He says and he brings out a container of pills. "Or  this if you won't go willingly" he says and he pulls out a knife. " I prefer option 3. To gut you like a pig" he says and he pulls out his knife. He then goes to stab me but Gabriel tackles him from behind.

"Indra's in the rotunda. Get help!" Gabriel yells with his last breath before Sheidheda stabbed him. I run out of the room.

"Help" I yell as I run. I run through the hallways. Sheidheda folllwoing me creepily. It felt like the scene out of a horror movie. I ran while screaming. I made it to were Indra and Gaia where.

"He's here. He's here" I yell running at Gaia.

" Wren, what is it?" She asks.

"Help" I say. SheidHeda walks into view.

"You" says Indra.

"Me" Sheidheda says. Gaia moves me so I'm behind her. Sheidheda walks off the step and into the pit. I run to the side of the pit. Out of his way. He runs at me but Gaia takes out her sword and hits him. Gaia and Indra start to fight Sheidheda. 1 on 2. They fight for a bit. Indra goes to stab him.

"Your fight is over" she says. Sheidheda then stand himself with the knife that will take him back to Bardo.

"Not today" he says. He then disappears. We look around. Not knowing what do so next.

Clarke's Pov

Murphy kept hitting the window. Trying to break it open.

"Murphy it's not gonna work. We need a better plan" I say. Sadly enough. He keeps hitting it and it breaks.

"You were saying" he says and he puts his hand through it. So he can unlock the door.

"Nice" Raven says. Murphy opens the door and we all run out. We run over to where Hope says Wren last was. We run in and see Gabriel on the floor. Dying. A pool of blood around him.

"Gabriel" Octavia says. Hope runs up to him and puts his head in her hands.

"Hope , my friend." He says

"I'm right here. I'm with you" she says.

"Where is she?" Bellamy asks.

"Wren" he says and he breathes heavily. Trying to catch his breath. "Sheidheda" he says. Me and Emori look at each other. "I tried" he says.

"Mom dad" I hear a small voice say. Before I can turn around and look at them. They hug me. I look down and see Wren. I hug her back. Bringing her closer to me.

Wrens Pov

Gaia and Indra told me to come back here and see if they were here. I run in. I look and see Gabriel. Dying on the floor. I see my parents.

"Mom, dad" I say. Before they can turn around I hug my dad. It takes him a second but he hugs me back. He brings me closer to him.

"Are you hurt?" He asks as we get out of the hug. I shake my head no.

"He saved my life" I say and look towards Gabriel. The man I had just meet for the first time today. "She-Sheidheda got away" I say. Stumbling a bit on his name. "He- he st-stabbed himself a-and.....dis-appeared" I manage to say. My mom comes up and hugs me.

"Sh sh sh sh. Calm down. Calm down" she says. Trying to calm me down.

"I know how that works" Octavia says. We all look at her. Me still in my mothers embrace. "Cadogan will send more disciples" she says. I get out of my mothers hug.

"We have to get back to Sanctum. Now." Aunt Clarke says.

"The stone. Find the stone." Gabriel says with his last breath as.

"I couldn't fix the helmet." Aunt Raven says

"Sheidheda's. He left it." Gabriel says. Aunt Raven walks over and puts the helmet on. I slowly walk over to the pills that Sheidheda stayed would take me to Bardo. Octavia aid that more disciples will come after me. If I would just leave this wouldn't happen to them.

"It's damaged. It can't pinpoint the exact location." Aunt Raven says and she takes off the helmet. "The stones here" she says adding on. Watching me hold the pills in my hand. Worried.

"What did we miss" says Miller as he and Jackson run in. Jackson sees Gabriel and runs to his side.

"Tell me what happened?" Jackson asks Hope.

"I don't know" she says back. Jackson starts to try to save him.

"No no no" Gabriel says. Jackson stops and looks at him. "I'm ready" Gabriel adds on.

"What do you mean the stones here? Where?" My dad asks my aunt. Him my mom, my uncle Bellamy, and my aunt Clarke and Raven walk into a small circle.

"I don't know" Aunt Raven says

"We'll find it. We go back to Sanctum. We get our army." Aunt Clarke say.

"Guys" I say and the all look at me. "You can't go to war because of me." I say

"If they try to take you. I am" my father says. The others nod their heads agreeing.

"All of us are" My Aunt Raven adds on.

"No one else is getting killed trying to protect me." I say and I grab the pill bottle.

"Wren" my Uncle Bellamy say and he runs up to me. Talking the pills out of my hand. I try not to let go but he's way stronger than me.

"Maybe I should just-" I say but he interrupts me.

"Absolutely not" my mother says and she runs up next to him. Gabriel starts to struggle to breath. They all turn to him. I realize that if I stab myself with the dagger. I can get to Bardo that way. I run into the vent quietly.

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