Chapter 11- Simone + the people in my head

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Two of the primes has just been killed. We all were running into the dinning hall. I was helping usher people in with the gaurds.

"Wren Prime. You must go in. We will get all of the rest of them" says one of the main gaurds.

"I am not going in till we see no one else standing out there." I yell while helping someone who had tripped and fell.

"Wren" Russell yells and he grabs my arm dragging me into the dinning hall.

"What are you doing" I yell as he lets me go.

"Keeping you safe. If anything were to happen to you I'm 100% sure that Simone would be very mad at me" he says

"So you expect me to just stand here" I say and cross my arms over my chest.

"No but you can help the people in here" he says and he walks away to help people get in.

"Fine " I say to my self and I help people find the rest of there families. I then bear a bunch of screams so I run over to where the screams are coming from. I see Jordan on the floor stabbed. I then also see Madi who is my friend next to him. I put the pieces together and realize Madi is the one that stabbed Jordan. I look at her in shock.

"How could you " I I say and me and Priya VII then start to help the almost dead Jordan up.

"You saved me" Delilah says and he uses the rest of his strength to node his head yes. Two of the gaurds then run over and pick him up. They then very quickly run him over to one of the many rooms in the castle. Priya VII running after them. A doctor runs after them too. I then help people enroll a guard comes and gets me.

"Wren Prime. You are needed by Russell Prime." He says and I bode my head . He then Leeds me to Russell.

"What is it" I ask

"Simone and the rest are back" he says "we are going to meet them soon" he adds on to what he said. I know he's gonna lock them up. I mean yay they deserve it but I can't help but want to be on their side. The people in my head mostly Lexa all tell me to help them. I know it's very weird that I have people inky head by there all very smart so I listen to them. so I'll just give them a little bit of help.

"Yay but, can I go to the bathroom really quickly first" I ask

"Yes but go quickly and stay out of trouble" He says. I then run towards the bathroom grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil on the way there. Once I'm in the bathroom and I make sure the door is locked I write on it. ( this font means that it is what Wren is writting on the piece of paper )

Echo and Gaia are not locked up and are in Sanctum.

I look it over and then safely put it into my pocket. I make sure that it's closed and then I run back over to Russell.

"Okay let's go meet Simone know please" I say. He laughs a bit but then motions for the doors to open. The gaurds open them and me him and some guards walk out to the steps. Where we then wait for Simone to walk up the stairs.

Wrens dress in case you forgot what it looks like and as I always say remember you can imagine this however you want but this is how I imagine it looking.

Wrens dress in case you forgot what it looks like and as I always say remember you can imagine this however you want but this is how I imagine it looking

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Once I see Simone run up the stairs I run and give her a hug. She hugs me back tightly. I then pull out of the hug.

"Welcome back to Sanctum" I say. I then walk back so I am standing next to Russell.

"where's are new prime" Russell then asks Simone

"The fool killed him self. Wasting a fully good mind drive" Simone anwsers. You can tell she's annoyed.

"What happened here" she then asks him

"Can we make the blood or not" Russell says completely ignoring the question. Simone shakes her head no. Russell sighs.

"Put them with the others" Russell says and this is my time.

"What is this. Hey get off of me" says Raven. As they walk by I skip the piece of paper into her pants pocket. She looks at me confused. I wink and look back to everyone else. No I'm else noticed what I just did. Good. Simone then walks up to Raven and Abby.

"There's something I have been meaning to tell you." Simone says to Abby but Raven listens in too. "He doesn't want you to know this but you daughter is dead too."

"What" Raven gasps

"I said to take them with the others." Russell says and the guards drag the two aeay.

"What are you talking about" Abby yells as the gaurd has to drag her away. She wants answers you can tell.

"That was unkind Simone. But not exactly true. Clark's mind survived the procedure. Her friends found out and got her past the sheild. I have teams searching the woods and im holding her people as insurance." Russell says

"Insurance. My sister in law is gone. Our home is armed. Wren is now in danger. We should have never let them stay" yells Simone

"Your right this is my fault. But I am dealing with it. " Russell says as we start walking back to the palace with the guards behind us.

"What else aren't you telling me. Why is Sanctum in lock down" she says looking at Russell then me.

"Miranda is dead" I say. Simone looks at me in shock.

"Killed by the 16 year old. Clark's daughter. We have her in custody with most of the others but two of them are still at large and we believe that there is Sanctum. Which is why we're on lockdown" Russell says

"Lockdown is not enough if someone is hiding them. Russell these people know the truth about us. How long till it spreads to our people and they come after us. An example must be made" Simone says. Russell looks her straight in the eyes. You can tell that he's confused . "I think We burn the rest we find out who is helping the others, and we burn them with them"

"Clam down. Listen to yourself I know how you feel I feel it two. But if we do that we have nothing left to bargin for for my sister and we will have become just like them" Russell says trying to calm Simone down.

"Look around you Russell the dream of Sanctum is already dead. But because I trust you we will only kill one." Simone says and she walks away. Grabbing my hand and taking me with her. I put my head on her shoulder and she wraps her arm around my waist. She misses my forehead. We then walk inside.

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