2 - Chapter 7 - Sheidheda + More Crying

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Ok but I found this behind the scenes photo and I thought it was funny.

Also I am trying something new we're I have more points of view than just Wrens so please tell me if you like that or not.

Also this chapter is longer because I have not updated in what feels like forever. I have been very busy with school so sorry, and I also didn't want to make another chapter because all of this part all go together.

Now finally onto the story
Wrens Pov

I was standing in the meeting space next to my mother.

"It's pretty cool what you've done here." I say

"Now all we need is your father." She says back. A set of parents without there kid walk in and my mother walks to greet them. I follow her.

"Welcome. I'm glad you came." She says

"May I ask?" Says the woman "our boy."

"Not everyone is here yet. But I'm sure he will be." Says my mother "Jeremiah, please show Nelson's parents to there table." She says. The boy who I presume is Jeremiah walks up to us.

"If it's not to much trouble. I think I might feel better about this with Wren and Daniel Primes blessing." He says.

"Well you already have Wrens and Daniel will be here momentarily. You know how he is with time." Says my mother and she smiles at them. I smile too.

"Welcome" Jeremiah says and he leads them over to a table. We watch them go. I walk over to Luca and Pietro (okay so his names not Pietro but I don't think he was given a name. So I gave him one. It's the third boy. He's friends with Madi and Luca in the show)

A few moments later Nelson walks in. My mother walks up to him. They talk for a moment and than she leads him to a table with his parents at it. His mother walks up to him. They look at each other for a moment before the mother hugs him. It takes him a second but than he hugs here back. They both start to have tears come down their face. They hug for a moment. Nelson then gets out of the hug and walks over to his father. He goes to hug him but then his father says no. Everyone freezes.

"We did the right thing. You are an abomination." He says and he starts to catch more people's attention. "All of you are" he yells and he catches everyone's attention. He then grabs Nelson's neck. People stay to yell.

"Guards! Guards!" Yells my mother. Nelson then stabs him with a knife. He falls to the ground. Nelson throws the knife onto the ground. No one knows what to do for a second. Hi shots than go off and everyone screams. I look to the gun shots and see Nikki. She's hated us ever since her husband died.

"Isn't this a lovely party" says Nikki.

"What are doing" says my mother. She then punches her. I flinch. I know not to do anything or else I'll just make it worst. She grabs my mother from behind.

"Partners?" she says to Nelson.

"I'm with you" he says. He looks around for a moment. " And so are my people." He adds on.

"Good choice" she says and pushes my mother. ( omg when ever I watch this scen and Nikki pushes Emori out of the frame like super fast I always laugh and make some sort of joke about getting yeeted lol)
"All COG's get guns" says Nikki (COG = Children of Gabriel) they start to pass out guns.

"Nelson don't do this" says My mother. He puts a gun to her head. My heart skips a few beats.

"You did this. And now you get to die for it Kaylee Prime." He says

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