Chapter 7 - Naming day part 3 lol

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rens POV

We were done watching the videos so we all left and went back to the party.

Wrens dress encase you forgot what it looks like and remember you can imagine it however you want but this is how I imagine it looking.

Wrens dress encase you forgot what it looks like and remember you can imagine it however you want but this is how I imagine it looking

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When I got there I saw Echo and Bellamy slow dancing so I decided not to intrude. Clark then walks up to me.

"Hello Wren" she says and smiles a sweet smile at me.

"Hey Clark, can I help you with anything" I ask her.

"Yes can you come with me" she says I then follow her out of the room and down the hall towards a room.

"Your Wren correct" she asks and I shake my head yes. Confused on why she's asking me this. I then catch on.

"Your not Clark are you ?" I ask

" No it's not I'm your Aunt Josephine" she says and she smiles. ( lol if you forgot I'm this story Josephine is Russels sister not daughter and Russell and Simone Jarrett much adopted Wren)

"Your my Aunt Josie" I ask

"Yep" she says back and I throw my arms around her hugging her.

"I have herd so much about you"I say. Russell then walks into the room with Simone at his isde.

" well I see you two have already meet" he say and she hugs me from behind. Looking at them.

"We are going to be the best of friends" she says and I smile happy to meet her.

"Well we don't need suspicion rissing so go back out to the party" says Russell. We bide are heads yess and we walk back out to the party going on.

I then have fun the rest of the night. As I finish cleaning up I start to think about Aunt Josie a little more. If she's alive in Clark's body. What happened to Clark. I think about it a bit more but then I relize it.








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