2 - Chapter 11 - The sheep + Bellamy

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So hi I'm not gonna have Bellamy die. Just a little spoiler. He instead gonna do what Murphy and Emori did in the end chapters of the first book. Which is pretend. Some Bellamy is pretending to be a shepherd. But only certain people know that

I also realized that in the chapters all before this Clarke's name was spelled Clark. And I realized it by when I type in Clarke it autocorrect's it to Clark. So sorry if that happens this chapter. Also sorry for it being like that in past chapters.

Also I spelled Cadogan wrong lots of times through the chapter. Just know that I'm sorry and some day I will fix it. Hopefully. But the correct way to spell it is Cadogan.

Ok now onto the story

Wrens Pov

I was sitting next to Luca. Picasso was laying on are legs. I was petting her. It helped me calm down. I put my hand on Lucas hand. Telling him it was okay.

"That's Russell Primes and Wren Primes dog. Not yours" said Enzo to Luca. "He wouldn't want a COG petting his dog." Luca takes his hand off. I put it back on.

"I don't mind" I say. I look up and Enzo. He looks away. "Come on. You know you want to pet her." I say and he slowly moves closer to us. He starts to pet her.

"I bet she's hungry too" he says. I think about what he said for a moment. Realizing. How are we gonna get food?

"I'll be right back" I say. I stand up and walk over to wear my mother is. With Trey and Jeremiah (oh my god. I freakin found out his name) "Everyones hungry. How is Dr. Jackson gonna get our rations past that?" I ask the 3 adults.

"John Murphy will think of something. We're safe now because of him. I have faith" he says. Do I really believe on my father saving us. Yeah kinda. But alone. No. He needs help. Trey walks away.

"If are lives really do depend on dad. I think we're screwed" I say. She laughs.

"Give your father a little more hope Wren" she says. She grabs my head and kisses my forehead. "Remember I love you" she says. Hugging me. I put my head on her neck.

"I love you too" I say. I then pull out of the hug and walk back over to my 3 friends. They see me. I sit down back to wear I was sitting.

3rd person Pov

"Fire bunt castle surrounded by a city of garage dumpsters" says Cadogan. People start to close the curtains of their homes, and hide. "Everywhere human beings go is worse off for it. But thanks to us we will trandsand. Thanks to us we will reach the promise land." He also says. Adding onto what he said previously. There all annoyed by him. But Clarke verbally shows it.

"Oh for gods sake" Clarke says. Her and Wren both pass the guards. Wanting to see their niece after so long. Also make sure she's okay. Murphy walks up to Bellamy.

"Hey so what's are play here?" He asks him. Confused on why he's wearing all white.

"Act like I'm being annoying. I'm pretending to be a Shepherd. But only you, Raven, and Clarke know that I'm actually not. Don't tell anyone. Not even Wren. I'll tell Emori" he says. Murphy looks him dead in the eyes. He doesn't even ask why. He knows it would be to dangerous if she knew. Murphy looks at Bellamys outfit. He chuckles to himself. Bellamy looks at him weird.

"You look good. Not as good as me"he says. He then walks up to Raven and Clarke who are in the front of the group.

"Welcome to the party" says Raven as he walks up to them.

"Yeah. Not gonna lie. Feeling a little out of the loop." He says

"Mutual. How has Wren been doing?" asks Raven. Her and Clarke both deeply cared for their niece.

"If I'm being honest with you guys"he says and they look at him worried. "Not so well. She keeps remembering random things but 95% of them have to do with Sheildheda. So once she realized that Sheidheda was back let's say it was hard to get her to sleep that night. She also feels like the death of a bunch of these people were her fault because she was there when it happened and didn't try to stop it." He says

"Thats not good" says Raven

"Is she okay now?" Asks Clark.

"Yeah she's better except now her and Emori are trapped in the reactor with a bunch of others. And Nikki which I'm worried about." He says back.

"What the heck has been going on here?" Asks Raven. But before Murphy can answer Cadagan speaks up.

"Hold" he says. The three of them turn around and look at them.

"Look I'm in a hurry you have my friends. I would like them back. Then to see my niece. If you want to see your daughter. The flame is this way" says Clark.

"New plan" says Cadogan "You go. Well stay here"

"Sir you heard her. As long as her friends are out there. She won't risk their lives." Says Bellamy.

"That's why those two are staying with us" he says. Raven and Murphy both look at him. They both wanna go get their daughter/niece. Put her in their arms and tell her that it's all gonna be okay. "Hurry along Clarke. I don't want to be on this Infernal Moon. A moment longer than I have to." He says. She looks at them all for a moment before walking away.

"Well what do you say we wait in the Tavern instead?" Murphy says. He then turns around and starts to walk that way. Three guards than appear out of thin air.

"Whoa, Whoa, whoa. What the heck?" He yells.

"You get used to it" Raven yells. He looks at her.

"Yeah?" He asks. She nods her head yes.

"Come" Cadogan says to Bellamy and the other Man. They start to walk. Bellamy stays behind. Chuckling a bit because of Murphy. "I like this spot. High ground" he says. Once the others leave Raven starts to talk.

"So Sheidheads alive, and you have my niece in a Nuclear Reactor. You did good" she says and she pats him on the back.

" All of are friends are missing, and Bellamy is a sheep. So did you" he says and he pats her on the back.

I want to thank BriannaSchroeder2017 so much because she added all of my The 100 books to her reading list. And please if you have any things you what to happen in any of the books please tell me. That goes for anyone also I beed all the help I can get.

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