Chapter 14 - I'm A What...?

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I started to train in Kronos's facility where he had recruited quite a few people. They knew enough to treat me as their queen and I was getting a power surge from their submission to my will. In the last month, Kronos realized my potential, I could kill anyone I wanted easily (although I hadn't killed anyone yet), I also had some sort of powers. Kronos didn't tell me how I had these powers, but a beautiful black light with golden and silver sparks emitted from me everytime I used my powers. I could use them to do just about anything, from climbing walls to blowing up an entire building.

There was no word from Steve and each passing day my love turned bitter and my hatred for him grew. The other's had named me "Femme Fatale" due to my extraordinary beauty and charming tongue. Why "Fatale"? Because I was a dangerous killing machine of course, just one of my looks could cause you to take your own life and I loved having that power. One day I was sitting on Kronos's lap while he sat on his throne. "My dear, I think it's time for me to explain your powers."

I nodded earnestly as he pulled me tighter against his body, "Long ago, the first god to ever exist in creation and the most powerful was Chaos, now Chaos got bored so he created Gaia, the earth and Ouranus, the sky. Gaia and Ouranus fell in love and married one another, but due to Ouranus's foul behaviour Gaia asked me, her son, to kill Ouranus. I chopped him into a million pieces and some of his essence flowed back into Chaos. Now, by this time, Chaos had also created other gods, one being Eros, the first primordial god of love, lust and passion. Eros and Chaos, using the essence of Ouranus formed a child that was hidden from the world, that child was given the title of the most powerful divine being to ever exist. That child was kept hidden until Zeus found her and gave her to a mortal mother so that that child could never discover her true potential. What Zeus didn't know was that that child had been sleeping for millena, since before Zeus was born and that child's power can not remain kept from her. She will rise, she will be the most powerful and she will have the power to either destroy this world or save it."

My eyes widened at the story, "Wow. But what does this have to do with my powers?" Kronos took a deep breath, "My beautiful queen," He kissed my hand, "You are that child." My whole body froze, "what?" I whispered, unsure I heard Kronos properly, "I know it's a lot to take in, but you are that child." At that moment, I knew I was supposed to be mad or frightened, but all I felt was unstoppable power surging through my veins. I flexed my hand, staring at it, and I grinned up at Kronos, "Oh yah, I can dig this." Kronos grinned, "Very well, prepare for your training my dear, for we are turning back time to when the Avengers were first formed so that we can destroy them and then destroy Olympus without interference." I nodded.

Time Skip to 2 years later.

Kronos and I stood, overlooking the cliff as we held hands together. We had gone over the plan several times together, I lent him my power, he turned back time using his own powers to just before the time when the Avengers were first supposed to form. I closed my eyes, feeling my power encase us in a protective bubble as we levitated off the ground into the air, I slowly lent my powers to Kronos, careful not to give him too much or he would blow up, he started the process and I could see time turning back. Back to when I was clueless, back to when Steve and I were dating, further back when I first went into highschool as a freshman and when Steve and the Avengers were supposed to form, even further back and I saw the various Avengers in their own lives at the time. Tony clinking his champagne glass with Pepper's, Natasha kicking two russian man's asses, Bruce stitching up a child's wound in, was that India? The final image I saw was Steve with tears streaming down his face, punching at a punching bag in some gym, I thought I'll get you back for leaving me and then I blacked out.

When I came to, Kronos stood over me grinning, "Brilliant, it worked brilliantly, you didn't change anyone's age in this world but you somehow brought back time." I groaned, "So I'm still 20, not 12 right?" Kronos laughed delicately, "No my dear, you are still 20." I breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay good, because I don't think I could've survived high school again." Kronos nodded, "You still remember everything?" I nodded, "Yeah." Deep in my head I was thinking about how I had extended my bubble to my friends and family so that they would still remember me and unconsciously I had extended it to Steve so that I could remind him of the crippling anxiety and pain he left me in.

"I am exhausted." Kronos nodded, "Well that's a given. Such a large surge of power demands rest." he took my hand and smiled, gently kissing me. "Atlas." The general Titan that served Kronos and was brought back to life by me materialized by my side. He bowed formally, "Lord Kronos, Lady Brooks." Kronos sneered at my last name, he wanted a more traditional Greek name, I wanted to keep my name. "Atlas, please arrange for your queen's rest and get her somewhere safe." Atlas bowed to Kronos and picked me up, bridal style materializing into my chambers.

Once we entered and Atlas locked the door behind us, I could feel his formality slip away. Over the two years since I had freed Atlas from his prison holding up the sky, he and I had a good relationship, a friendly one. We talked to each other, I explained to him that I had given Ouranos just enough form and power to hold up the sky on his own so that Atlas could be free.

So naturally given my current predicament, I chose to talk about it with Atlas. "Hey." "Hmm." He replied, looking out my huge window which was as big as a wall. "Can you keep this conversation from Kronos." Atlas smiled softly, "You know, I think I can." His voice held a European accent unlike Kromos who sounded American. With Atlas's rugged handsome face and gentle eyes and smile, I sometimes wished he was the one who found me in Hannah's room that night.

"Atlas, how is Kronos with kids?" Atlas heaved a long sigh, "Well, after he killed his father he was issued a prophecy that entailed his future death by his own child. Naturally, when Rhea had Kronos's first child he ate her, as well as the four that followed. But Rhea was smart, she hid the sixth child on an island and that child, Zeus, eventually overthrew Kronos." I bit my lip, remembering the myth from World Religions. "Woah. Well how did he treat Rhea?" Atlas shrugged, "You want me to be honest." I gave him a duh look. "He would've killed her if not for her lions that she kept with her, and of course Gaea's reaction."

"You know, sometimes I wish you had found me in Hannah's room that night." Atlas nodded, "I do too. I can't help but fall for the beautiful women Kronos chooses to keep as his treasure. Rhea and I had a really solid relationship, but again I couldn't be anything but more than a friend to her because of Kronos. And now..." he looked at me, his eyes portraying inexplicable pain.

I bit my lip, "Atlas," I said softly, he looked up, "I wish we were more than friends but with Kronos-" he held up his hand, "Megan, abort the child." I laughed nervously, "Whaaaaaat?" Atlas took my hand, scooting forward, "Please." I nodded my head, mainly because I had never seen Atlas so terrified. Atlas leaned forward, "I don't know why you're doing Kronos's bidding, perhaps it's for revenge, but I can sense you have a good heart. Try to get away from Kronos. I can't say more since I'm his general after all." His lips gently brushed mine and I smiled against his lips.

"ATLAS." Kronos smashed open the door, since it was so sudden Atlas moved away from me but our hands remained intact. Kronos looked at our hands entwined and sighed, pinching the bride of his nose. Atlas stood up and bowed, "My Lord." Kronos sneered at him, "So now I'm your Lord? You know what, forget it. I need you to go check on the preparations for tomorrow when we seize the Avengers. Finally, I'll destroy Mount Olympus without those idiots meddling in between." Atlas bowed and left, shooting me one last look of desperation. Kronos had mentioned to me that Mount Olympus was now hovering on top of the Empire State Building, which I must say impressed me, because of the mist (a magical substance) mortal eyes could not perceive it.

"My dear, we need to talk." I felt panic rise in my throat before I forced it down knowing he could not have found out about my current situation, "About what?" Kronos smiled gently and took my hand, "You need to change your name to something more Greek." I sighed, "Kronos, we've been over this. I am not changing my name just to impress your family and friends." Kronos scowled, "Rhea would've-" I shook my head, "Oh here we go again with Rhea, Rhea this, Rhea that. You know, your current girlfriend does not want to hear about your ex wife!"

Kronos smiled up creully, "My apologies." I shrugged, not convinced with his sorry excuse for an apology, "You do realize I can wipe out the people closest to you." he mentioned casually, picking at his nail. I looked up in anger, "You wouldn't dare." He smiled, "Wouldn't I? You are of no use to me now, you've played your part, we're only working together for the destruction of the Avengers." I sighed, "What do you want from me?" "Nothing, we're done, we'll part ways after we're done with the Avengers." "Fine by me." I sneered. Kronos turned to leave my room, he glanced back, "We are more like roommates who occasionally have sex." And then he left me, wallowing in despair in my room.

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