Chapter 35 - Soulmates

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Steve's POV

I sat in my hotel room, upset greatly as Thor talked and explained Megan's plan to us. As soon as I made my way back to Nat, I had noticed black lines tattooed onto her body, all leading out of the place where seemingly she had been scratched by a demon. I realized it was actually a lightning strike and only one person could have striked any of us with lightning without killing us. So I banged on Thor's room and he broke down, confessing everything.

"She said that would be the only way to save millions of lives, to save all of us." Thor finished. Nat gave him a cold look as she brushed her tears and walked out of the room, purposely hitting him hard on the shoulder with her own. "You let her kill herself basically." Tony growled and Thor looked down, "I had no choice." "The way I see it, you had a damn choice, you chose not to tell us though and because of you she's DEAD." Tony yelled, his anger was explosive and I knew a fight was about to go down if I didn't intervene, although judging from Thor's expression it would be one-sided.

"Stark, I need you to leave and cooldown." Tony was about to remark when I commanded with a forceful voice, "NOW." He walked out of the room but not before muttering, "She's dead and you could've saved her." to Thor. Clint bit his lip and looked towards me door, "I should... I should check on Nat." He rushed out, but even he gave Thor his meanest glare. Now only Thor, Bruce and I sat quietly in my room, Bruce silently walked out and Thor spoke up after a few minutes. "I'm sorry Steven, I knew you loved her." "You know nothing, she was my entire world, the one person who I could truly connect to, the one person who understood me and now she's gone."

We were quiet and then I hissed, "You know, I had a dream that very night and in that dream I saw that you had helped her kill herself there as well, I should've seen the signs. Get out Thor, please." I noticed tears falling down his eyes as he got up and shuffled to my door, he looked back and looked into my eyes, no doubt seeing the pain there, "I'm sorry." I didn't respond and he left, closing the door. Alone in my thoughts, I let the pain out, crying my heart out, "Megan, I didn't even get to tell you I love you." I whispered and a sharp pain jolted my head before I blacked out.


Megan's POV

My whole body hurt, it felt as if I was in an inferno. Imagine getting hit by a bus then getting run over by several cars then having your flesh melted off you and you can imagine just a little bit of the pain I was feeling in that moment. I couldn't move, but I could feel a cold yet soft material underneath me. I looked up, into a blue pair of eyes that hovered on top of me, "Zeus, give Lady Eros her space." A female voice chided and apparently the man who was Zeus moved back, looking at me in concern. "Hera. she doesn't look any better." A beautiful, serene woman with brown plaited hair and blue eyes appeared next to Zeus. She wore a golden laurette on her braided hair and simple white robes with golden jewelry encircling her arms and waist. She was quite pale compared to Zeus who was tanned, with a black and white trimmed beard and curly white and black hair. He wore a pinstriped suit that was as black as the sky outside.

"Well, considering you've tried to treat her burning essence with only Ambrosia and Nectar, no, I would assume she wouldn't be getting any better." Her perfect european accent rang out and Zeus frowned, "Well, that is the food of the Gods." Hera rolled her eyes and frowned at him, "It's your fault she's here." "My fault? How is it my fault?" "If you would've allowed us to help her destroy father, she wouldn't have had to burn her essence in doing so." "I was protecting my family." "SHE IS FAMILY."

Zeus flinched at Hera's tone and he smiled sheepishly at her, "Of course dear, I just meant she isn't accustomed to our ways." "She can kill you when she's better, so be careful as to what you say in front of her." "That's why I ask, do we really need to heal her?" Hera's eyes blazed with anger as she took a step closer to Zeus, "She sacrificed her immortality to save millions of people, something a coward such as you could never accomplish. She will be healed, do I make myself clear?" Zeus grudgingly nodded, "Very well, I shall call upon Asclepius and Apollo."

Zeus zoomed away and Hera smiled sympathetically at me, stepping closer, "I'm sorry, my dear. He's intimidated by you as you're fit to be a better leader than him, I know you don't want his throne, he on the other hand, is not aware of that fact." Suddenly an intense pain coursed through my body and I gasped, "Megan, I didn't even get to tell you I love you." His words rang out clearly in my head and tears streamed down my face as I writhed in pain. Hera's eyes widened, "Your soulmate, he's triggering you. But that means... he really is your soulmate." Hera said, her tone held amazement in it, "How is that possible, you're a Goddess and he's a mere mortal."

I let out an agonizing scream as the pain only increased and at once Hera rushed at my side, her cool hands brushing over my face, she got a bottle of Nectar that was sitting nearby and doused my whole body. Immediately I felt a little better in that I was back in the inferno and not the pain that would kill me, my eyes lulled shut as Hera sang out a lullaby.

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