Chapter 5 - Run, Run, Run

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Edited ✅😃

Steve's POV

Her words rang over and over in my head, making my thoughts spin, and my vision blur. I had built my whole life on the conformity of rules, sure I broke them once when I stood against the government, but that was pretty much it. My whole life was on the basis of being obedient and respecting boundaries.

I could tell though that my respect for boundaries was pushing at Megan's buttons, I don't know what got into me when I asked her to be mine. I mean, we only knew each other for a little over 3 days, she was a decade younger than me and I would just end up hurting her with my lifestyle.

Every time I thought of breaking up with her, I was reminded of how much I love seeing her everyday. She was like a drug for me, a drug that without its daily use would be detrimental to my body. I needed her, close to me, holding her, seeing her, it was weird but I felt a deep connection with her, deeper than I had ever had with Peggy or Sharon.

Today I walked outside, my eyes squinting from the direct sunlight as I saw both gym classes scattered across the field. My eyes scanned around until they laid on her, my nostrils flared slightly as I clenched my fists when I noticed every guy's eyes on her, staring at her perfect figure and silky skin. I knew she was prone to give in to her insecurities, but why she had any in the first place was a mystery to me. What any guy or girl wouldn't do to have her in their arms forever, keeping her tucked away in their safety as a beautiful work of art, and an even more beautiful human being.

I stared at her, focusing on each individual feature. I loved the bronze shine of her skin, shimmering in the sunlight, the smooth, velvety texture of it. I loved her black hair, that seemingly was jet black in artificial light but shined hues of maroon and gold in the sunlight. I loved her multi colored eyes that with each shift of light seemed to transition from gold to brown to green to grey to blue and back to gold. I loved her long and voluminous eyelashes that batted when she seemed lost in thought, I loved her red, full lips. How I wish those red lips were on me.

It was hard keeping my distance from her, especially when with every touch or flirt or the way she said "Captain", I wanted to jump on her right then and there. My hands were stained with nail marks because of how hard I had to clench my fists in order to respect her boundaries and body.

It was a daunting task for sure, since she refused to show less skin. Already my eyes found their way to her body, following her full breasts down to her tiny waist, it seemed so fragile as if it would snap. However the little skin that showed revealed toned abs on her abdomen and for some reason that made me feel as if I was on fire. Her hips were nice and broad, not too much but enough to give her an hourglass figure. She was wearing those stupid, tiny, black shorts again stamped with either the Adidas or Nike logo. Her long, smooth legs on full display as she stood there, laughing with her friends.

I walked near the middle of the green field, her eyes finding mine and a small smile appearing on her face as she saw me walk. Our eyes were interlocked with one another, she jokingly slowly licked her top lip looking me up and down. She had no idea how tantalizing that was for me, how I relished the way she was turned on by my very demeanor and body.

I coughed, looking away, "Alright class," I used my commanding Captain voice as I had already figured out that that was another turn on for her. "Today I'm going to train your muscles as we shall participate in the Sick Kids foundation charity race. So secure your ponytails and man buns," I paused letting the class chuckle at the joke, "because we are going to run. We have 80 minutes so if you're fast, I suggest you do 30 kms there and back, if you're slow the absolute least amount I'm allowing is 10 kms there and back. You can do that brisk-walking the entire time, Mr. Sab will be at the back and I'll be at the front. Line up according to your stamina and speed. Any questions?" It seemed as if everyone understood so I nodded, walking over to the front line.

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