They don't know how it happened. They woke up one morning to find themselves in this new and dangerous world. It was confusing to say the least, but thankfully they made friends who agreed to help them.
Now Roman, Remus, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and J...
Janus plotted along behind the three white unicorns, all of them heading back to the cave to collect the others where they'll then head out to Brother and Sif's herd. As they walked Janus noticed how different the two siblings were based on how they walked alone. For one Brother walks more relaxed, his hooves just skimming above the snow as he seemed to be enjoying himself and staying at a simple pace. Meanwhile Sif walked very proudly and with purpose, her walking almost as if she were marching, her neck arched high so she was looking down on everyone. She was definitely someone who commanded respect and wouldn't take insubordination lightly. It was funny how different the siblings were compared to each other.
They climbed up the mountain side and reached the cave, everyone, even Virgil and Nightingale, inside.
"Greetings friends! I'm here to say that we must move from this cave. My sister has requested your presents at The Herd of Drifting Ice. If you all would follow us we should reach the herd in only a few minutes," proclaimed Brother, Janus taking into account how Brother used a more extensive vocabulary now that his sister was here.
"All right. Come on you lot, let's pack it up," Nightingale said, raising to his hooves.
"A Lunar unicorn? I haven't seen your kind since the fall of the Lunar Empire," mused Sif, Nightingale noticeable stiffening, his ears flattening against his head and his emerald green eyes hardening in a way that it was frightening.
"Yeah. There's a reason for that, Boreal," spat Nightingale, his ears pinning to his head and his eyes narrowing.
Sif seemed taken aback, as did everyone. They had never seen such hostility from their guide before, it was frightening. The only one who wasn't afraid was Fynn, who calmly walked over to Nightingale, rubbing his cheek on the back stallion's chest and nickering very softly. Nightingale seemed to soften at the colt's touch, the hardness in his eyes disappearing and his ears peering up.
"Well. We should get going," said Shadow from beside Brother.
"Good idea. Come everyone," agreed Sif, turning her back on the cave entrance and leading them out.
Everyone was quick to follow, walking mostly in pairs as Logan found Virgil, the two more than likely discussing how training went. Sometimes Janus wanted to slam his head into a wall because of how hopelessly in love those two were, yet the remain oblivious to the other's affection. But then again Janus would be a hypocrite if he said that out loud. He was a lier with a silver tongue, not a hypocrite.
Remus was practically glued to Patton, the fatherly side -unicorn- smiling brightly and giggling at all the things Janus' friend spewed out. How he was glad the videos they filmed when they were side were merely acting on everyone's part. If it were not, well then all his encounters with Virgil would be extremely awkward and unpleasant. Janus didn't want that, he see's Virgil has his little brother, maybe even his son, (though he's afraid to say it out loud incase Patton hears and tries to actually fight him for the title). None of them hated each other and they all got along rather swimmingly. Sure, there were arguments and disagreements, but that's what every family is like.
Janus snorted softly as they trudged through the snow, hating how the tundra made him feel cold. Well- no, cold wasn't the right work. He wasn't shivering or had chattering teeth like Patton, it just felt like his blood was freezing inside of him, making walking stiff and uncomfortable. Sometimes he would swear he heard cracking when he moved his legs. He wondered if Fynn felt this way too, the colt was apparently the same subspecies of unicorn as him.
Might as well ask.
He trotted forward to where Nightingale and Fynn were walking along.
"Pardon me Nightingale, but do you mind if I ask Fynn a quick question?" Janus asked as politely as he could. He wanted to leave a positive impression of himself on Nightingale, that way he would never have to be on the wrong side of those stone cold eyes.
"I don't see why not. Rejoin me Fynn once you're done," said Nightingale before cantering ahead, taking the lead next to Sif. With them both side-by-side Janus noticed how similar those two walked. They both marched with their legs up, tail held high and neck arched proudly. They both had that air of respect and power around them.
"So whatcha need?" Fynn asked, his baby blue eyes glowing in the dull tundra light.
"I was wondering if the cold made our subspecies feel strange?" said Janus.
"Oh yeah. Definitely! Every time I used to come here I feel like my blood is freezing over, but I learned a spell that keeps the cold away from your body, like a blanket of warm air. The reason it happens to us though is that we are connected to water, it's our whole thing. What happens to water when it gets too cold?" Fynn asked after agreeing.
"It freezes over. And when it gets too hot it boils then evaporates," answered Janus.
"Exactly! That's why most Aqua unicorns don't live in areas like the tundra or desert. There's no water for them! But don't you worry. After this we're going to make quick stop in the Light Kingdom then we're going to meet two special somebodies. One of them will certainly help you learn more magic!" exclaimed Fynn, Janus feeling a smile twitch into his muzzle at the colt's energy and enthusiasm. It kind of reminded him of Remus when he was younger, though Fynn wasn't as deranged and even a bit more mature at times, especially for his age.
"Here's the herd!" called Sif, everyone looking up.
Fun fact: all the sides are getting a traditional unicorn name from their subspecies. I have all of them chosen, including reasons as to why they were choose for them. You'll be learning Logan's traditional name in a few more chapters, along with Virgil's.
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