Kuroo x Reader

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Volleyball season was always the one thing you loved most about dating Kuroo, most because you got to show off how much you loved him and you knew how much it made other girls mad to see him with another girl which truly brought you joy more than anything else did during the year.

Since his first game would be next week you decide to go ahead and go shopping for some new clothes to wear simply because you needed new outfits to wear to his games. Usually however you always ended up wearing his practice jersey so you rarely ever wear a decent looking shirt unless they are taking pictures after (you cannot tell me kuroo would not want to take pictures after each game and post in on social media to let everyone know they won.)

You were currently at school, scrolling through the internet and trying to figure out what you wanted to wear to his first game but you just could not figure it out.

This was his last year, you wanted it to be as special as you could make it since this would be the last year that you two would be in the same city since he planned to move further away and you still had one years left before you could join him so you wanted to make this year as best as you could so he would remember you for the year yall two would be apart

~ Time Skip~

Today was the day of the game, you were beyond excited about the fact that you get to cheer your handsome boyfriend on and be there for him whether he wins or loses. You were so excited to even see him score a point, heck to even see him out on the court brought a smile to your face.

This game they were playing Karasuno, which you knew would be a interesting game especially because you had heard how good they were at spiking which made you nervous

Once the game started, your ears started to fill with the sounds of people cheering and both sides cheering for their time, you smile to yourself "Now, this is home" you watched as Nekoma got the first serve, you were so caught up with the team that you memorized their plays so as soon as they brought up Kenma you knew exactly what was going to happen.

You watched as Kenma looked back at Kuroo before setting, watching as they tried a speical attack almost the exact same as Hinata and Kageyamas except this was with the middle blockers and Kenma (DO NOT JUDGE I DO NOT KNOW THAT MUCH ABOUT VOLLEYBALL DON'T COME FOR ME).

Kuroo went for a fake attack along with the rest o the middle blockers as you watched the outside hitter aka Shohei come up behind them all and spike the ball down

You screamed and cheered smiling as they got the first point of the game, you looked over ad saw Karasuno with what appeared to be shocked expressions on their faces as you chuckled "they could not even tell their own attack. how sad"

As the game went on, both sides continued to score points. Right now they were on the last set of the game and Nekoma had 1and Karasuno had 2 . However with this game, all Nekoma needed to do was score this set and then they would go into overtime until they had. winner.

It was the last couple seconds of the game and you watched as Nishinoya brought the ball back up in the air and kept your eyes on it as it passed Kuroo and went to Yaku. As the ball went down, Yaku moved out of the way, thinking it was going to go out of bounds but it ended up hitting inside by a inch.

You groaned as you had the ref give Karasuno the point for the set. "Goddamn it" you screamed as everyone started walking out and you watched Kuroo walk off the court and over to his coach. You could tell he definitely was not happy, so you got up out of your seat and walked over to him.

Almost like a switch, he went from glum and sad to having the biggest smile on his face then you have ever seen

"You just looked like you were ready to kill Yaku and now you look like you just saw a angel" you chuckled as he hugged you tightly " I did see a angel, you" you pouted then smiled "awh baby" he smiled "I am just happy you came, it made this night so much better. However i wish you would have made it clear you were coming so I could have pushed myself a little harder to look good for you" he chuckled

"You know I always come to your games, plus why would I miss my babys last first game" you smiled and kissed him softly "I love you, till death" he kissed you back as you blushed " I love you too walmart sonic"

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