Bad Days: Prof! Duncan Shepard

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Duncan became concerned after not seeing you in class today, it had been almost three days since he has heard or seen from you and it didn't help that your best friend was out of town for the week so he had no way of knowing if you were mad at him for being out of the past week for some teacher thing or if you were sick or hurting in some way.

After class, he made his way over to your apartment careful of making sure that no one had followed him or anything. Once he arrived at your apartment, he lightly knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. After a few minutes, he hears the sound of feet approaching the door before it opens up and reveals you looking like absolute hell. You eyes were bloodshot, hair was thrown up in a messy bun all while you were wearing his shirt.

"Thank god, you're okay. I was worried." Duncan said gathering you in his arms as he closed the door behind him.

Being in his arms was the first human contact you had in days since the fight between you and your mom and this time it took a toll on you because of some of the things she and her boyfriend said to you. You wrapped your arms tighter around him seeking comfort in his arms, missing him the last few days.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" He asked noticing how tightly you were hugging him.

"Not even a little bit but I'm sorry for worrying you." You said quietly.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked pulling away from you which caused you to whine a little.

"I want a few more minutes in your arms, please. If not I understand." You said quietly which worried him even more because you weren't usually like this.

"A day after you left, I got into a fight with my mom and her boyfriend about everything that I've been keeping bottled up. And he basically told to go kill myself and that no one would miss me and that I'm a horrible daughter and I've made my mom miserable these past twenty two years of her life. But then she said that I didn't want her to be happy and that I never gave him a chance to begin with which is futher from the truth...I just want her to be happy with someone who actually cares about her." You said through shakey tears which was breaking Duncan's heart.

"Oh sweetheart, why didn't you call me after it happend? I would've came home right away, I hate that you thought that you had to suffer this alone." He said pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"I wanted to so many times but then I started to wonder if I honestly made everyone in my life feel how he said, so I decided not to." You said quietly.

"You should know by now that I don't think that way about you or even to point that I wish you were dead. I know you may not see it but you are an amazing and one of the kindest people I have ever met, you put everyone before yourself and I speak for myself and Kayla when I say that you mean the absoulte world to us." He said making break down more. 

"I don't deserve you Dunkin." You said looking up at him while he wiped away your tears. 

"You do and I plan on proving it to you for the rest of our lives, but first let's get you in the shower and then we can watch a movie or something." He says lifting you into his arms making you laugh at his goofiness. 

"I love you Dunkin." You said as he set you down on the counter.

"Not as much as I love you sweetheart." He said pressing a kiss against your lips. 

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