Angel: Michael Langdon

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Lola knew that there was something different about Micheal and that maybe he wasn't entirely all that evil as everyone made him out to be but she needed to be at the murder house without him knowing so she could see what really happens when she's not around and maybe get some answers. 

I slowly made way outside and out of sight to where no one would see me transform into my other form which was a giant snake and uncommon for an angel to be able to do this. Once I was in my snake form, I slowly made my over to the murder house where I was met with a rotten smell coming from the garden. I made my way over to the garden where I saw that Constance has clearly been doing a lot of gardening since Iast night.  As I moved throughout the garden the rotten smell got stronger until I came face to face seeing a pile of dead rats which made almost made me sick. 

"Maybe he's just displaying signs of a serial killer instead of being the antichrist." I thought as I dug through each of the planted flowers trying to figure out if that what all these plants were hiding. 

I was so focused on my investigating that I didn't even hear micahel leave the house until I felt a firey hand placed around my thoart nearly killing me. I started coughing and instantly transformed myself back to my human form which caused Michael to instantly drop me and look at me confused. 

"What the hell?" He asked looking at me slightly confused and scared. 

"Me what the hell? How about you, you almost killed me!" I said after regained my breathing.

"I didn't know it was you! I was worried that this thing was coming to kill grandma but you've got some explaining to do." He says clearly upset by the matter. 

"Michael please there are things that you won't understand." I said hoping that he would just drop the situation, I wasn't ready to explain the whole angel to him. 

"Who the hell are you?" He asked again backing away from me as I tried to take a step closer to him.

"Lola, you know this Mikey." I said truly scared that I ruined this relationship by hiding my true identity.

"I know that, I mean what are you?" He asked looking up at me curiously.

"I'm Angel of the Lord." I said opening my wings to show him who I really was.

I watched as he slowly approached me, obviously still confused about everything that was happening right now. He carefully reached a hand out and brushed them against my wings, and carefully pulled a feather between his fingers.

"They're so beautiful." He says finally looking at me.

"Thank you, one of my gifts is beng able to transform into a snake as you've just seen." I said. 

"So why are here if you're an angel?" He asked.

"I was sent here because of you, everyone seems to have this notion that you are the Anti-christ." I said feeling worried about his reaction. 

"And do you believe that?" He asked still playing with the feather in his hands. 

"I don't know what to believe but honestly if you were, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to start the world over. This planet has been hurting for far too long." I said quietly as I feel him wrap his arms around me. 

"Then that's what we will do. Together. We will remake this world it was meant to be." He said placing a kiss on my lips as I began to think about what this would mean for me and my fate. 

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