Chapter 1

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Jade's POV

Ever since we graduated high school Tori and I have grown closer's as friends. After I got back together with Beck we tried to make it work but I tried to refrain from being my bitchy self with Beck and with Tori. Tori and I started hanging out not just because Beck couldn't hang out but because she turned out to be the best friend I had.

Halfway through our senior year Beck and I decided we just couldn't make it work anymore. It was completely mutual and we stayed friends. We just weren't in love anymore. I thought it would hurt but it really didn't. I still had him as a friend and Tori as a friend. Through the rest of the year and the summer before college I found myself growing closer to Tori and realizing how attractive I found her.

We were both going to the same local college the next year while everyone else was leaving. Beck was heading back up to Canada for college, Cat was going to New York, Andre was as well and Robbie was going to Massachusetts.

A few weeks into summer Tori and I were hanging out at my house since my parents weren't ever home anymore. I decided I was finally going to tell Tori of my feelings that had been building since Beck and I broke up.

"Tori. I need to talk to you about something." I say interrupting whatever she is reading on her phone.

"What?" Tori stops what she is doing to look up at me. She is wearing her glasses, which make her so fucking sexy I just want to kiss her all over. Maybe I can after I finally tell her my feelings.

"I am in love with you." I manage to stutter out. Tori just gets this deer in headlights look. Oh man, I knew she didn't feel this way.

"Wh-what? I don't believe you Jade, how could you trick me like this? I thought we were friends?" Tori have tears form in her eyes.

"Tori I am not lying. Tori I mean it, I love you." I feel my heart clench painfully at the look on Tori's face. She doesn't believe me. It is one of heartbreak and sadness.

"You think just because how I feel about you that you can just mess with me? Who told you? God Jade please just leave me alone I can't take another heart break." Tori says picking up her stuff and storming out of my house. I am too shocked at how that went to follow her out. So she feels the same way but doesn't believe me?

It has been a week since I told Tori about my feelings. I tried calling her and texting her but haven't heard anything from her back I was a little worried when no one else had really talked to her either. I finally got sick of being ignored and went to her house to talk to her.

"I know Tori probably hates me but I am just worried about her." I say as soon as Trina opens the door.

I knew as soon as I saw the tears form in Trina's eyes that something was wrong. I had never in my life seen Trina cry.

"It's all my fault. She is in a coma and it's all my fault." Trina gets out before bursting into tears falling into me. I just wrap my arms around her back in shock.

"Wh-what?" I feel my heart start racing. Oh god my Tori.

"We were in a car accident."

"Oh god." I say as tears start falling from my eyes

"It's all my fault. If she dies it's all my fault." Trina says into my shoulder. I just keep my arms around Trina uncharacteristically.

"Trina finally calms down enough to explain to me what happened. It wasn't Trina's fault. She pulled through a light as it turned green and when she got into the intersection her car was hit, right into Tori. She died on the way to the hospital and twice on the operating table. They didn't think she would make it through the night but they managed to get her brain to stop swelling. The doctors were not sure of any permanent brain damaged the accident may have caused until she wakes up if she does.

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