Chapter 2

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Jade's POV

Tori's progress was slow. About a week after she woke up from her coma her speech started to get a little better. She could form words better but sadly no memories had come back.

Tori remembered the things we learned as a kid like what a bed is, what a hospital is, her name, any things like that, however people she didn't recognize. Andre had flown back the first weekend after she woke up but sadly she didn't recognize him, Cat and Robbie were planning to come the next weekend. Maybe by then she will have gained some of her memory back.

They were going to start her physical therapy to help her walking again. It wasn't that she was paralyzed thankfully but because she as in a coma for two months with no walking her legs were going to be weak and she was going to have to build up strength before she could walk normal again.

All of her injuries she had form the car accident, the gash she had on her head, broken nose, her few cracked ribs all had healed, she was still in a leg cast from her leg being broken but they were going to switch it to a walking cast hopefully by next week and have her start trying to walk again.

Tori despite having not been paralyzed we were warned because of the break in her leg that she may have a limp the rest of her life. Tori seemed in high spirits at the fact that she would be able to walk again so wasn't too worried about the limp.

We were allowed to start taking her for walks around the hospital and outside a little bit each day. Tori was happy to get out of the bed after a week of being awake and only seeing out through the window.

"I-it's. It is s-s-so nice o-out-out-outside." Tori stuttered out. She was getting better as the days continued. She had already started with a speech therapist to help her form her words better.

"Yeah it is, I am glad they finally let you out of the bed for a little bit." I said as I pushed Tori along in the garden outside of the hospital.

I push Tori over to a bench and sit next to her on the bench just feeling the warm fall air around us.

"Are you nervous about starting to walk again soon?" I ask randomly.

"Y-yeah. I a-am a-afraid I w-wont be able t-to d-do it." Tori says with a sad face.

"Yes you will you are the strongest person I know. You fought through a coma to come back to us so I know you will be able to fight through anything." I say squeezing Tori's hand.

"Th-thank y-you Jade. I w-wish I c-could re-remember o-our friend, friendship." Tori stuttered out. I just smile still sad she couldn't remember me but just too happy she was alive.

"Tori don't worry about it, everyone is just so happy you are alive. We can make new memories." I say smiling and squeezing her hand again.

I continued to visit Tori at the hospital everyday after class. I would go in and tell her about my day again only this time she would tell me about her day as well.

The following week Tori was put in a walking cast and was going to start her walking the next day. Luckily I had a short day with only two classes in the morning so I could get to the hospital in time for when they wanted to have Tori attempt to start walking.

I pushed Tori down the hallway to the elevator with the nurse down the floor that they had the physical therapy room. Mr. and Mrs. Vega and Trina were upset they wouldn't be with her the first day they wanted to have her start walking but were happy I could be there with her.

The physical Therapist came over and explained she wanted to have Tori try to walk with the metal bars.

I helped Tori out of the wheelchair and immediately felt her legs buckle under her.

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