Chapter 5

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Tori's POV

I sit staring at my computer trying to figure out how to write this paper for my online class. I am having the worst writers block in history trying to write this paper. I stare at the screen hoping that maybe an idea will pop into my head for this story.

"Hey Tori." I turn to see Jade standing in the doorway.

"Oh hey Jade I didn't know you were coming today."

"I decided to surprise you." Jade said with a smile. Let's go take a walk and go to the pond."

"Okay." I pick up my hand crutches and follow Jade. She helps me down the stairs.

"Thanks Jade." I say. We walk to the pond and I get on my crutches to walk around some more before we head back to the house.

Jade turns on the TV while I go into the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Hey Tori. I wanted to talk to you about something today."

"What is it Jade?"

"I know the past few months have been tough on you, but I just wanted to tell you, I'm in love you Tori." Jade says nervously.

"Oh Jade. I love you too. That's the only thing I am sure of. I can't remember anything but I can remember my feelings for you." I lean forward giving Jade a kiss and it feels so amazing. Until my alarm goes off.

Just a dream. It was just a dream because Jade would never have those feelings for me. If she did and so did I we would have been together before the accident.

I get up from bed grabbing my crutches and walk towards the bathroom. I can feel my legs getting stronger as I can walk further with the help of the crutches. It's too bad my memories aren't coming back. I wonder if Jade is going to visit today. Ever since I snapped at her she doesn't visit every day like she did at the hospital and I know it's probably my fault. I can't ask her to spend all her time here either I know she had a life before my accident.

I walk back to my bed lying back down turning on something on TV. After watching TV for a little bit I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey Tori, I brought you some coffee and a bagel with cream cheese, I hope you are hungry."

"Thanks Trina." I say as she hands me the coffee and food.

"Do you want to go to the mall today?" Trina asks. "Or do you have plans with Jade?"

"Um no I'm not up for that Trina, I'm sorry I just don't think I can walk that much and I don't want to go around in the wheel chair." I say sadly.

"Oh alright, well if you change your mind."

"I'll let you know if I do. Thanks for the coffee and bagel." I say turning to the TV.

I watch TV drinking my coffee for the next hour feeling depressed. I want to leave the house but I am too much of a baby to. I don't want people to mock me because I am in a wheel chair. I know I shouldn't even think like that since I will eventually be able to walk again. A knock interrupts my thoughts.

"Come in." I say.

"Hey Tori." Jade says opening my door and walking in.

"Hey Jade." I give her a smile noticing she has a mug of coffee in her hand and a second one I assume for me. "Here Trina told me you were probably done with your first mug." Jade says handing me a mug.

"Thanks." I smile taking the mug and taking a sip.

"So Trina says she is heading to the mall, why don't you want to go?"

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