Chapter 8

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Tori's POV

I roll myself forward to my class. I reach the door but the handle is just high enough I can't reach it.

"Aw let me get that for you Vega." Jade walks up in a condescending voice. There are people behind her that I don't recognize that snicker.

"Pathetic little Vega, can't do anything right, not even learn how to walk." Jade says shoving me forward into the class. I am pushed and suddenly am on stage with another Jade.

"Do you know what treats fleas on a dog Vega?" Jade snarls out. "Coffee!" Jade says before pouring her entire cup of coffee over my head. Every one in the audience laughed hysterically at me.

"Jade I thought you liked me?" I said tearfully.

"Oh that almost kiss, yeah that was totally to just humiliate you. Paralyzed and a lesbian!" Jade says evilly.

"Is this true Tori? What a disappointment you have turned out to be. Can't walk, can't even play piano anymore, and now a lesbian? Disgusting, you never should have woken up from that coma." My mom says with a disgusted look.

"Oh Vega, even your parents don't love you, maybe you never should have woken from that coma, maybe you should have died in that car accident.

I turn to watch my parents leave with Trina whispering about what a disgusting daughter and disappointment they had.

"Please?" I start crying.

"No one will ever love you." Jade whispers before shoving me off the stage.

I wake up in a sweat. I had tears streaming down my face. Just a dream it was only a nightmare. I sit in my bed crying quietly for a few more minutes.

This has happened several times this week, several nightmares and memories since the almost kiss. Nightmares about how my parents would react if I told them I was gay. I can't even talk to Jade, I feel like a jerk but I just can't talk to her right now. She was so mean to me. How were we ever friends?

Was she just helping me out of guilt? But what about the almost kiss? Was that a trick to humiliate me further? I feel like I should ask the gang but I still just feel like I don't know them and I don't want to talk to Trina about it. I see another text pop up on my phone, it's from Jade, another apology for the almost kiss. What about the other stuff? I don't even really know her she has been like this the whole time. She is an actress after all.

It's been a week since the almost kiss happened. My parents and Trina have been asking where Jade has been and I just lied and said she has been busy with schoolwork.

I get up from bed and use the bathroom before I head downstairs fro coffee and breakfast. I use on crutch and hold onto the railing holding my other crutch along the railing to get down the stairs.

Walking is getting easier for me. Hopefully by next month I can be down to one crutch.

"Oh good morning Tori. Who helped you down the stairs?" My dad says from the kitchen.

"I actually did it by myself." I say smile slightly trying to not think of my dream last night.

"Wow that's amazing honey!" My dad says as he comes over ad gives me a kiss on the head. He is actually proud but would he be if I told him my feelings for Jade.

I get my coffee the way I like it while I toast my bagel.

"Here, I'll bring this into the living room for you." My dad grabs the mug for me before coming back. When the bagel finishes I put butter and cream cheese on it then my dad brings the plate into the living room for me.

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