Chapter 17

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Tori's POV

Jade has been moody and withdrawn the past couple of days and also disappearing a lot. Her horror movie is up for an Oscar. This is her 3rd movie she has done since we started college but this is the first time she has been nominated. I know she is nervous but I feel scared she is being so closed off with me.

Since college Jade and I continued to date and grow closer. I even gained more memories back over the years. After the trip I took with Jade when she was in the 2nd movie and we got to basically live together for the summer I knew I never wanted to be with another person again.

"I think I'm going to get an apartment. I love living with my mom and sister, but I kind of want my own space you know. I have enough money saved up from the movies I have done and from working at the coffee place." Jade says to me one day we are cuddling on her bed watching a movie. It's the summer before our 3rd year at college. 3 years since my accident that changed my life drastically.

Since that day Jade's father unexpectedly was at her house and found out about us we haven't seen him. Jade's mom made it a point to spend more time with Jade and also wanted me to spend time with them as well. I know Jade has reached out to talk to her father a few times but he said he was still too embarrassed to speak with her.

I know Jade claimed to not care that he didn't want to talk to her but I knew better. Plus as much as she fought it she would break down in tears over it. I hated seeing her cry and I hated her father even more for doing that to her.

"My mom was talking about getting a smaller place and possibly moving in with her boyfriend. I figured with Carrie at school now my mom could get a smaller place with her boyfriend and I could get my own place and just visit. Give them some more privacy and time alone together."

"That's sweet Jade." I smile leaning forward to give her a kiss. "When are you going to start looking?"

"I was thinking about tomorrow, would you want to go with me?" Jade looks at me running her thumb along the back of my hand.

"Yeah I'd love to go with you Jade." Jade smiles kissing me again before turning back to the movie.

Jade and I wake up early the next morning grabbing coffee before we decide to spend the day looking at apartments. Jade find pretty nice ones that are one bedroom apartments on our hunt, all decently priced and not too far from school.

"I really like this one out of all the ones we have looked at." Jade says. We are at a coffee shop near where we were looking looking through the websites of the apartments we checked out. "What do you think?"

"It was a really nice one and a good price on it for what you get, and you can even have pets!" I say excitedly.

"Oh Vega of course you'd want one because it could have pets." Jade smirks and I just stick my tongue out at her causing her to chuckle. "So you liked this one?" Jade asks raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah I'd have to say this was the nicest one but they were all pretty nice but it's up to you Jade you are the one living there." I take a sip of my vanilla latte.

"What if I wasn't the only one?" Jade asks looking directly in my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I moved in and say well you moved in with me?" Jade says nonchalantly but the way she is twirling her cup I can tell she is really nervous.

"You want me to move in with you?" I ask shocked not being able to keep the smile off my face.

"Well that was just a hypothetical question." Jade says with a smirk and I give her a pout. "Would you move in with me Tori?" Jade asks looking serious this time.

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