Chapter 9

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Tori's POV

I get my supplies all together. Today I have my first day of classes, I am actually pretty excited to start school. I have been walking around with just one crutch the past week but I am going to class for the first few days on both crutches just so I get used to walking around on my own.

"You ready to go?" Trina asks from the doorway.

"Yeah I am." I say smiling. I walk down the stairs following Trina down the stairs.

"Are you excited for you first day of classes?" My mom asks me as I enter the kitchen.

"Yes I am." I say smiling grabbing my coffee putting it in a travel mug.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay hanging around the campus while Trina has her other class today? I will come pick you up if you need me to." My mom asks me as I mix everything in my coffee.

"Yeah mom I will be fine, maybe I can meet some new people this way, plus it is nice to be out of this house.

"Well call me if you change your mind." My mom gives me a kiss on the cheek and Trina as well before we walk out to Trina's car.

"I'm sorry you have to wait around on campus while I have class." Trina says as we drive to school.

"It's okay really. I am just happy to get back to a somewhat normal life." I say looking out the window.

"Do you know if Jade is going to be in school or not?" Trina randomly asks me.

"Uh I don't know. I haven't really talked to her in a few days." I say.

Since Jade left a month ago we texted sometimes but even through the text it was awkward. She didn't know if she would be finished with her scenes by the time school started or not. It's been a few days since I talked to her so I never found out for sure if she would be back or not. Despite all the nightmares I have had and the memories I still miss Jade. She was there for me since I woke up for the coma and I know it can't be for some game or just guilt.

"Oh, I thought you guys were talking?"

"She has been really been busy with all the filming stuff so she doesn't have much time to talk." I lie.

"Well that's too bad, I hope she gets back for school, I miss her being around all the time." Trina says and I just shake my head. I miss her too but I don't want to admit it and I am still worried about seeing her again.

We keep the rest of the conversation on the way to school away from Jade thankfully. We pull up to the building, which is where my class is. I make sure I have my folder with the classroom number.

"Okay you have all you stuff you need?" I nod at Trina.

"I'll see you after class, I'll meet you in the cafeteria." I say walking towards the elevator. My class is on the 3rd floor. I walk around for a few minutes before I finally find the room I need. As I go to open the door a cute guy comes and open it for me.

"Thanks." I say smiling before walking into the classroom

"Your welcome." He says smiling. I go and find an open desk. The cute guy that opened the door for me sat near me.

"I'm Ben." He says.

"Tori." I say giving him another smile.

The professor came in a few minutes after and started talking the syllabus. The class was rather boring just the professor talking about what we would be learning. I gathered my books and headed down to the bottom floor.

I walk out of the building over to the building next to it where the cafeteria is. I decide to grab some food while I wait. I try to figure out how to grab the tray with my crutches. Guess I should have just brought one.

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